the way you guys argue i was thinking we were running for president or something with all this mud-slinging
Ende, the intent of my post was not to argue that 'everyone doesn't deserve the tag anymore'. Quite the opposite; I believe that many do deserve the Plight tag, which is why I'm protesting against the damage that is being done to it. The people in Plight who are active, skilled and agree with the philosophy of euthanasia understand this,
and several have publicly stated their agreement with my post (no, it's not just my own tribemates; read up). It's no surprise that you do not understand; if you did, your tribe would be celebrating your victory over LSHRV right now.
As to why I didn't mail haza directly, there are about 438 reasons for that.
I want things to change, and by posting my concerns publicly I allow many to read, respond and think about the issue at once rather than betting everything on one person.
To argue that I did any of this for 'political gain' is preposterous.
Since we're already at war with nearly the entire world and doing pretty well, the most effective thing for me to do from a political perspective would be to shut up and watch the war conquers come in. As several tribemates have reminded me, the smart thing to do right now is to stop rocking the boat...I simply chose to do what I personally felt was the right thing to do.
As for LSHRV, id never be stupid enough to try to boast that we somehow beat them, but we have managed to outlast them...
Im sure all u wanted to do was create something fun for everyone to chat about... but lets face it, there is a very bitter taste left between the two tribes now we are at end-game. Im not going to go into why this is because everyone knows the main reasons and we dont want to take te thread offtrack.
And whats the point of discussing the war gains? No point at all, u guys have won this world a long time ago and r just going through the motions of mopping up. With such enormous players all on your side of the map you dont need skill to win right now, its the sheer statistical tidalwave which can wash away all in front of it. So war stats have become meaningless now... no one this side cares about war stats anymore, so whenever theyre posted up only C² take any notice...
When I say Plight is too good for their recent recruits, you claim it's an insult to Plight. When I argue that people with 50K ODA don't deserve to be in Plight, you disagree.
When someone posts war stats it's awful and wrong, yet when you post individual stats it's perfectly fine. I'm not allowed to have or post an analysis of one of the two major tribes left in this world, since clearly that's not what the forums are for.
This is why nobody takes you seriously. Well, this and comments like "Dust outlasted LSHRV" after you lost the war and merged into them. Nice attempt to rewrite history, but we all know what happened and whose cowardice made it all possible.
I also want to make it clear that my intent here is not to 'bash' or 'attack', but simply to point out an issue that bothers me and should bother you. I know some are fond of dismissing everything I say as propaganda, but if you read the full post with an open mind I think you'll find that I am both accurate and fair in my assessment.
You might be bitter, but everyone I have spoken to in Plight (and before it in LSHRV) wasn't bitter outside of the PnP (and most not there). Just because you are bitter at being left out of the big-leagues doesn't mean others are.
Plight was stabbed in the back? News to me. I'm pretty sure Plight was the one supporting LSHRV without c2's knowledge (or tried to, at first), then jumped into the war of their own accord despite the NAP. But hey, if Plight was stabbed in the back because you said so, it must be true, right?
we have always stood by our allies
the conditions surrounding the NAP with C² were fulfilled and so it was no longer needed... we gave you 3 weeks warning that it would be dropped as well, you wouldn't have done the same,
any tribe that cares abouts it's allies would send support to help them out. BANG!? sent me support before they joined the PNX war, i sent ORC a load to stack them during the ORC/BANG! war to the point where i was getting threatening mails from kerbogha a couple times a week. we have never stabbed an ally in the back though. we were allied with *MK*, BANG? and LSHRV but not C², who else were we meant to attack? i know you all wanted us to attack BANG? when you went for LSHRV because i've seen the mails where michielk told SG that C² wouldn't step in to help BANG? if we did. However like we said then... we will not jump an ally in the back.
then jumped into the war of their own accord despite the NAP
we gave you 3 weeks warning that it would be dropped as well, you wouldn't have done the same
How about you prove it by providing those mails?because i've seen the mails where michielk told SG that C² wouldn't step in to help BANG? if we did. However like we said then... we will not jump an ally in the back.
Im sure all u wanted to do was create something fun for everyone to chat about... but lets face it, there is a very bitter taste left between the two tribes now we are at end-game. Im not going to go into why this is because everyone knows the main reasons and we dont want to take te thread offtrack.
What i said is that no one on this side of the map cares about the war stats because the world is over anyway... its only C² who r posting and replying to the stats on these forums. Exactly the same as this thread...
U can post the stats as much as u like...
The only coward is the 'man' who changed sides and became a traitor... the 'man' who brown-nosed his way into the winning tribe cos he would rather turn on his team than stand and fight.
If by standing by your friends and comrades in this game makes u a coward then im guilty as charged.
Ho0w exactly have i rewrite history?
Suncraft is still here and LS, HRV, LSHRV and SF are not... how exactly is that rewriting history? Its the truth... and im certainly not boasting about it, just saying it how is it. If u dont like that then thats your problem... ur the political propaganda expert, and that means ur probably more guilty of rewriting facts and history than any of us here...
jdt, please don't quote Ende...we're trying hard to not see his drivel :icon_wink:
I don't have a choice! Ende is the only one doing the talking!
"People want answers and in the absence of genuine answers, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand. "
"People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference."
Kudoos to anyone who can name the movie I plagerized and edited that quote from .........
we have always stood by our allies
the conditions surrounding the NAP with C² were fulfilled and so it was no longer needed... we gave you 3 weeks warning that it would be dropped as well, you wouldn't have done the same,
any tribe that cares abouts it's allies would send support to help them out. BANG!? sent me support before they joined the PNX war, i sent ORC a load to stack them during the ORC/BANG! war to the point where i was getting threatening mails from kerbogha a couple times a week. we have never stabbed an ally in the back though. we were allied with *MK*, BANG? and LSHRV but not C², who else were we meant to attack? i know you all wanted us to attack BANG? when you went for LSHRV because i've seen the mails where michielk told SG that C² wouldn't step in to help BANG? if we did. However like we said then... we will not jump an ally in the back.
That is actually not true.
When Plight and C² signed their NAP, it was clear to both sides that there most likely would be a C²-Plight war in the future. One of the terms of the NAP was that whichever side wanted to declare war would give fair warning and time to prepare. Given the fact that we were already at war with LSHRV when Plight wanted to declare, a three week period was agreed upon. All players on both sides stuck to this agreement.
I know various opinions exist about Plight's actions during the NAP (specifically the 'organised support' and the subsequent denials), but I can assure you that Plight and C² ended their NAP in a way that was fair, honest and honorable.
I don't have a choice! Ende is the only one doing the talking!
"People want answers and in the absence of genuine answers, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand. "
"People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference."
Kudoos to anyone who can name the movie I plagerized and edited that quote from .........