I'm sorry man but you miss the whole point of what a cool down is entirely. It's so one side doesn't blindside the other... So both tribes can feel safe to move on with other plans. Not honoring these arrangements undermines the basis of the entire diplomacy. Honoring the arrangement is just good sport and gives the other side the respect of a fair fight. We are playing a game after all. Cheating the other side with something that underhanded is pretty sad.
Seeing as you didn't know I guess I had to spell it out to you. Now that the whole premise of this statement has exploded, please resubmit your next total BS excuse for the community to judge.
How would Beast feel safe moving on with other plans, knowing full well the coalition were pending a strike against Beast?
Honor; would be telling beast out right that Chaos and Order no longer want diplomacy, not secretly planning to attack them, moving troops and making under the radar tactics. If Beast had not have found out in good time of what the coalition was planning, i'm sure we would be reading that Chaos and Order didn't uphold the cool down period. However, it would seem that the tribes lack of organisation, lead to Beast taking the early advantage.
Not to mention, from what I have seen, Order certainly don't even seem to bother organizing troops. They allow nukes to die at home and villages to be catapulted into oblivion.
I'm not really a fan of posting on the externals since world 80, but when I do its usually for good reason. Many players are quick to highlight the down falls of Beast in this engagement, or in fact other tribes. But first put yourselves in the oppositions shoes, or in fact like so many others do, take an none bias approach. I understand Chaos/Orders frustration, but then again they brought it on themselves.