Don't sit here and act like you did more than anyone against HERD. The amount of troops and nobles that you lost trying to take their villages completely trumps what you actually got, but you also didn't do anything you said.
And I know we're going to hear the regular old excuse of why you lost your villages on the Knock! front, but it all boils down to you. And also, your account is far from having a big frontline. I hate to break it to you, but you're terrible. You don't even fake and you're excuse is that 'you send reals, not fakes' but it's just because you're too much of a noob to do it.
And as for you talking about Mule.. All you did was steal his clears. You weren't the one doing the real work. You just took the villages that others cleared. And you cried about not having tribal support or being low on support, but we saw your stacks. Crying for support when you stack villages with 70k/70k? Really? I think it's you that needs to rethink your playing style and not thinking that others are greedy.
1: never said I did more against HERD then anybody, but I was definitely in the top few who was taking their villages and not losing them to HERD
2: only time I lost any amount of nobles on the HERD front was when an op I was involved in supposedly had players who failed to launch since they were never told to or couldn't be bothered too.
3:Mule cleared a couple of villages and informed me of them since I was close, so I nobled them so they would be removed from HERDs ownership, furthermore me and mule did op a cluster of JohnnyNobles which we both took several villages from him of which I even launched nukes, furthermore I even cleared villages so tribemates near them could noble them, its what tribes do, or did you forget that?
4: asking for support, only time I asked for support was towards the beginning of the Knock War when I joined Jager and was surrounded on all sides by Knock, during the war on HERD I never asked for tribal support and even sent all Tribal support in my villages back to the tribe, since I got tired of all those crying for support to protect them from the noob tribe Herd.