Honestly Jager wouldn't be here if it wasn't for PFF and players like The Kilted Saint, The Mule, Bull.dozer, Built for Sin, Big Drew, Dudeja, Sir Dgby. Its been a pleasure playing this world, but I could never player it to my full potential with shitty players who keep letting me down, I held up against Knock, I took their villages.
But loosing PFF is the biggest kick in the guts. I was going to say to those PFF players going they could join me in a new premade somewhere else like we were planning to after winning 59. But with the way Innogames have treated its players especially some which have been here since the beginning.
I don't know how much longer I will be around in this world, the beautiful cats meant a lot to me after 59, and without them, its hard. Will see how next few days pan out but I don't see a good end for the southern allies without PFF. And I certainly won't participate in mass barb nobling with their deletion.
I know you Knock guys see me as one of the decent Jager players, and I thank you for it. Some of you are brilliant players and I have seen it. Bolg, you're a boss, and I love it. I wish I could be as aggressive as you.
So, I bet you're wanting to know who I am.
Pownedu, I am Daniel the account owner. And I am sure my co-player Kostas would have similar words to say.
Will miss the Penguins, Cats, Adsy.