Salamander update@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Sorry it took this long fellas, just been mad busy with work but lets begin! Also missed the points of ANTX on the map, they sit at 636.725.
- IT would of been breaking news had i done this 2 days ago but i got caught up with work, but as everyone should know by now, F! has declared on TDA. I quickly dashed over to have a look at the cap stats so far and it looks F's beginning op landed them a disappointing 4 villages. Now someone might be quick to defend them and say, hey not too many people took part but as far as im concerned, the whole point of waiting this long to declare on someone should revolve around prepping your front lines and prepping the co-ordinations of your nukes and trains with your other members successfully to hit the enemy hard upon declaration aka GOOD OPS! What are TDA to do now? Well considering their healthy back line, i think they should be OK for a while as they can still grow while fighting on 2 fronts due to their rim control. Nevertheless - to underestimate F! and their capabilities would be wrong, they're savvy and would be a test for anyone. I have friends on both tribes and wish both of them luck in this conflict, may the best tribe win!
-Colour pretty much declaring on 3 tribes all at once left the w82 community in awe and as it stands, they are completely curb-stomping KIAN, while easily fending off WAR! and LLama - when you consider things like morale, their small cluster and the fact that KIAN are a more defensive tribe than offensive - Colour are making quick work of them. They now share a small border with the Jager juggernaut...future fireworks maybe?
-Major losses for ~RIM~ - clearly Jager took my request for an immediate clean up of K56 - good job Cellus250!
-Growth for CGI momentarily stalled for a couple days as the first round of cuts were made to the tribe(s)
obviously we endeavor one day to be more than just an average family tribe. Our combined member-list has dropped from over 90 to 81 but we're stronger than ever and ready to tear this world a new one - lmfao look at that bias creeping in, sorry fellas but i can't help it.
- For those that haven't noticed as of yet, we have a new tribe in the top 4 - ~FFF~...i literally have no information on these guys besides the fact that Jixta was scared shitless of them and no one has bothered to pick a bone with them yet, they seem to have pretty much stanky leggd' all across 2 K's without much resistance which is clearly a testament to their strength. I know the core group of their tribe came from a previous world so they aint no noobs but here on w82 we like to put our top tribes on a pedestal to express themselves as they all seem to vary in personality so it'd be sik if some of their members posted on the externals more.
BTW i'd like to take full credit for Colour's declaration on Llama, i predicted it would happen weeks ago this is more proof that i'm more than just a shit talker. I spit truth.
Significant gainers:
Se7en Family
Significant losses:
*Sorry it took this long fellas, just been mad busy with work but lets begin! Also missed the points of ANTX on the map, they sit at 636.725.
- IT would of been breaking news had i done this 2 days ago but i got caught up with work, but as everyone should know by now, F! has declared on TDA. I quickly dashed over to have a look at the cap stats so far and it looks F's beginning op landed them a disappointing 4 villages. Now someone might be quick to defend them and say, hey not too many people took part but as far as im concerned, the whole point of waiting this long to declare on someone should revolve around prepping your front lines and prepping the co-ordinations of your nukes and trains with your other members successfully to hit the enemy hard upon declaration aka GOOD OPS! What are TDA to do now? Well considering their healthy back line, i think they should be OK for a while as they can still grow while fighting on 2 fronts due to their rim control. Nevertheless - to underestimate F! and their capabilities would be wrong, they're savvy and would be a test for anyone. I have friends on both tribes and wish both of them luck in this conflict, may the best tribe win!
-Colour pretty much declaring on 3 tribes all at once left the w82 community in awe and as it stands, they are completely curb-stomping KIAN, while easily fending off WAR! and LLama - when you consider things like morale, their small cluster and the fact that KIAN are a more defensive tribe than offensive - Colour are making quick work of them. They now share a small border with the Jager juggernaut...future fireworks maybe?
-Major losses for ~RIM~ - clearly Jager took my request for an immediate clean up of K56 - good job Cellus250!
-Growth for CGI momentarily stalled for a couple days as the first round of cuts were made to the tribe(s)
obviously we endeavor one day to be more than just an average family tribe. Our combined member-list has dropped from over 90 to 81 but we're stronger than ever and ready to tear this world a new one - lmfao look at that bias creeping in, sorry fellas but i can't help it.
- For those that haven't noticed as of yet, we have a new tribe in the top 4 - ~FFF~...i literally have no information on these guys besides the fact that Jixta was scared shitless of them and no one has bothered to pick a bone with them yet, they seem to have pretty much stanky leggd' all across 2 K's without much resistance which is clearly a testament to their strength. I know the core group of their tribe came from a previous world so they aint no noobs but here on w82 we like to put our top tribes on a pedestal to express themselves as they all seem to vary in personality so it'd be sik if some of their members posted on the externals more.
BTW i'd like to take full credit for Colour's declaration on Llama, i predicted it would happen weeks ago this is more proof that i'm more than just a shit talker. I spit truth.
Significant gainers:
Se7en Family
Significant losses: