lol but i wasnt here when the war started between c2 and to start off and everyone said you were the only person to change sides in the war.
I dont know thats what i was told and now everyones villages are called 'Gammy you coward!'
Kind of deceptive, the term coward. Me always tinked that it meant someone that 'ran' from battle, not engulfed themselves smack in the middle of the enemy...
Theres really not much to be cowardice about...I have seen exactly one person in Plight, thus far, who even knows how to send a proper train. *One*
You've got whichever joker(s) who are on the pearcyman account, amongst others, who send single nobles 100+ hours out to one of my core vills. Let me repeat...*one* noble, as in, not enough to take a nukes in front, no support followed, nothing. One noble to a single core vill...
As much as my what the hell face and my baffled state wanted me to question the purpose of those (as there have been more than one)...I had to chalk it up to general noobism, probably a random noob recruited onto the account...that or someone doesn't pay attention when they click the all troops button on the rally point.