You've got whichever joker(s) who are on the pearcyman account, amongst others, who send single nobles 100+ hours out to one of my core vills. Let me repeat...*one* noble, as in, not enough to take a nukes in front, no support followed, nothing. One noble to a single core vill...
As much as my wtf face and my baffled state wanted me to question the purpose of those (as there have been more than one)...I had to chalk it up to general noobism, probably a random noob recruited onto the account...that or someone doesn't pay attention when they click the all troops button on the rally point.
Well thats not very nice. Nobles are no longer precious to me, Im well past a need to store packets whenever I see red on the production page. So what if I waste one here or there. If it dies attacking it won't even cost a total of 40,000 of resources, mmm not long. If they even serve as tiny distraction stopping your tagging and going WTF they have done something. They still percess some attacking damage albeit miniscule that could be better used with 100 axes. And I've heard of you pre nobling villages for other people before, why not for me?
I know most people in Plight hate you Gammy, but I am one who has the utmost respect for. Whether they C2 or Plight agree or not. Everyone will now remember that world 16 was won by The Gammy 1. Your defection gave C2 the lead over all its enemies combined. Causing a lot of players to essentially give up. I don't doubt that c2 will of been victorious eventually. But you have been the catalyst that sealed the deal. You tipped the scales. So congratulations on your personal achievement. And to C2 management, congratulations for minimially increasing the time to your victory, while passing on your victory to someone else.
Well thats not very nice. Nobles are no longer precious to me, Im well past a need to store packets whenever I see red on the production page. So what if I waste one here or there. If it dies attacking it won't even cost a total of 40,000 of resources, mmm not long. If they even serve as tiny distraction stopping your tagging and going what the hell they have done something. They still percess some attacking damage albeit miniscule that could be better used with 100 axes. And I've heard of you pre nobling villages for other people before, why not for me?
I know most people in Plight hate you Gammy, but I am one who has the utmost respect for. Whether they C2 or Plight agree or not. Everyone will now remember that world 16 was won by The Gammy 1. Your defection gave C2 the lead over all its enemies combined. Causing a lot of players to essentially give up. I don't doubt that c2 will of been victorious eventually. But you have been the catalyst that sealed the deal. You tipped the scales. So congratulations on your personal achievement. And to C2 management, congratulations for minimially increasing the time to your victory, while passing on your victory to someone else.
Wow, those grapes are pretty sour...