

These forums are dead enough as it is anyway. Let's not get too harsh on the off topic rulings please.


Well it started off as a thread about under vs inc, then for some reason it changed into a rawkor stats thread :S and then I just presumed it was about anything :)


These forums are dead enough as it is anyway. Let's not get too harsh on the off topic rulings please.
I appreciate that, but Halloween doesn't have anything to do with TW. I want to protect this thread for those who want to discuss the UNDER vs. Inc war, or even the Rawkor stats - the latter of which is at least related to TW.

Sorry if I stifled organic discussion =/


Sorry about that Syntex. But I would like to point out the TW Forum logo is currently in Halloween graphics.... so it kinda is TW related. ;)

Back on topic....


Will anyone really win? I mean it would take up to a year to fully clear either of these tribes, so let's just say that we're aiming for short term goals. So, weekly bragging rights per say? In which case....Go INC Go!


I'm banking on people in UNDER having hurt feelings/disputes/RL issues/drama and quitting. This is like survivor. Outwit Outplay Outlast lol. And in that case most of the folks in Inc are highly capable, Id even call them curb stomp ninjas. I guess Ill own up to a few in UNDERpants being so as well. Still..... WOOOOO Elle! GO INC GO!


No questions about it. Inc are more skilled then players in Under.

Funny thing is. P!NG was a well flamed tribe back in the day, and 4 players who are in Under played in P!NG one time or another and they are arguably the best players in Under. Of course with other players as well i am just saying


inc could be winning as of now but in the end under will win.. they have the numbers.... Under can have a lot of members rimmed but the INC doesnt have too much nobles to be able to rim UNDER fast.

INC is losing 1 by 1 but as of now its 2 they only have 11 players which will be 9 soon then will be 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :D BYE BYE 11 players lol

on the other hand

UNDER has lots of members which is 35.... non of the bigger players are getting huge continious damage as of now . they could love 1 members each but im pretty sure out of that 35... before the 35 will get rimmed the 11 will get rimmed first.

NUMBERS is more better than all experience without members my friend. Especially if those NUMBERS has above normal and experience players.


#109 Today, 10:14 Top
No questions about it. Inc are more skilled then players in Under.

Funny thing is. P!NG was a well flamed tribe back in the day, and 4 players who are in Under played in P!NG one time or another and they are arguably the best players in Under. Of course with other players as well i am just saying

Some players in under.... not all the players in under lemz


If numbers are everything and noob status means nothing I'd like to refer back to the atrocious RAWKOR vs Lambezz "war". LOL yeah..... Numbers means nothing when the people running it cant even run a remote control car... just saying.
"I dont get it! It keeps going in circles!" *throws controller on the ground and stomps away to play with legos*
Sadly you guys have absorbed most of the world so it will be a long long fight. I'm still putting my money on the Inc crew.


You make a valid point, but i know how to tag and defend. lol i am no ordinary noob :D. I was messaging your tribemates when they were sending attacks at me. lol

P.S why the hell did you come to forums now, should of been here when i wrote the thread on you guys

numbers is everything eh chao? history might say difrent

Yup very true

Z if your vote is on Inc, i guess you don't want to merge? lol
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I took it easy on you. :p And look how you repay me. Moving into MY church. Nice.

I got tired of listening to all the rah rah UNDERpants bs. There should be way more rah rah Inc.

Also, double ugh to that entire "war".

Merge? LMAO. Not ever. RAWKOR till the end
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Easy on me? Really? Bad choice, everyone in the world took it easy on me :p

I moved into your church a long time ago, you should of tried and removed me out of the area, you failed


I actually tried. I sunk 40 nukes into your first villas and got super irate when they didnt clear. And D, still so so mad at you for gifting him those villas in the first place :mad:. Bad D! BAD! lol muah! Still luv you tho so it's ok.

I've failed at a lot lamby but we arent giving up and no one in this world will be taking it easy on you lot again.


#109 Today, 10:14 Top
No questions about it. Inc are more skilled then players in Under.

Funny thing is. P!NG was a well flamed tribe back in the day, and 4 players who are in Under played in P!NG one time or another and they are arguably the best players in Under. Of course with other players as well i am just saying

Some players in under.... not all the players in under lemz

I would say that INC has more skilled players than MOST players in UNDER. There are a few whom i've come to respect greatly, you among them, Paul. It would have been something to have the two tribes with their better players in about equal numbers against each other instead of going for the numerical advantage. However, things are as they are...


What stats might you be referring to? Because I'm pretty sure that Inc is still up on conquers since the start of the war.