

When is destiny renaming to gents. They did exactly what gents did merge to win.


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My goodness, how good of you to crawl back out from under your rock, Ben. And what a delight; you crawled out from under your rock to stand like a tall and proud violent monkey as if he has any room to talk about playing fair. While you are ash to me, you have apparently done quite a bit in this world (and I don't mean playing), so you have a bit of a target. I'm so pleased to know that you'll stick it out until a little bit longer.

I never get a chance to talk to someone who thinks it's either funny or acceptable to compare bombing a Syrian hospital with an online pixel game (great job, Ben. Thoughtful and topical) so I'll make the most of our time together.

Shall we?

You guys sit on a mighty high horse.
We like horses.

You have consistently put destiny down
We have both heard and seen how Destiny trash talked when Regime was stabbed in the back. You're being a hypocrite.

stolen members (I suppose this isn't as dirty as other things)
No one was stolen. Players walked away from your tribe or were kicked out or force-internalled. As has been made very clear by the fact that the villages you hit had no preparation to defend or to attack when the players walked, this was not planned: it was rather spontaneous. The players who walked away did so expecting to be rimmed shortly.

Of course, if you want to convince the Regime crew to join Destiny you are welcome to. In fact, I encourage it. You can scoff and say that you would never take in a Regime player, but I think given Destiny's recruitment history over the last few months, that it is a lie. All it takes to get into Destiny is a pulse.

spied with several members (clearly, since you know I haven't been playing)
You mistake friendly conversation with spying. Would you consider your temper tantrums to be top secret information?

I have heard about your attempts to purge spies, and I thoroughly encourage Destiny to continue doing so. You haven't been causing any rifts in your searches, have you? Paranoia is such a terrible thing, and I've found that the more you alienate people, the more people talk. A bit of a paradox, isn't it?

You create your own spies. Your players talk, and your players talk freely. Perhaps you should tell them they aren't allowed to speak to anyone outside of the tribe.

However, let's add to your running theme of hypocrisy. Destiny has repeatedly tried to plant spies in Regime. So, two running themes, "It is bad if we decide Regime has done it and if we were unsuccessful in doing it ourselves."

convinced players in destiny to give their accounts to you for easy eating or alternatively offering them an account in your tribe instead (legal, but definitely not the most "honorable" or "fair" way to win"
Very misleading. And again hypocritical considering Destiny's well documented past of "innocently accepting advantages" in the form of kicking players off of an account and using it against its own tribe. Only you lied about doing so.

In the end, in my eyes, Regime at one point may have been mostly honorable, the shortcomings in our NAP that we deemed "dishonorable" as mostly a nice soundbite - are nothing in comparison to the play that Regime has begun doing.
You poor thing. I think you actually believe this somewhere deep down in that little botty heart of yours.

Not only do you not see us trying to spy on you, now, nor even before you
Yes. I have seen it. Destiny tried to plant spies. They failed in doing so. I'm pretty confident that a few members of Destiny crow about how they have spies in the tribe right now (false, but charming to hear them say it). I am going to politely assume that your inactivity is why you don't know about this.

Jen, and Kod or whatever that mod's name is that everyone seems to think is dirty (not claiming here, I am intentionally pointing out what other people have commented)
Kod, and whatever other names you give the assumed mod, is not playing. You are intentionally pointing out what other people have commented on that has already been refuted by mods that are friends with your own tribe. You just refuse to believe anything that doesn't fit your pretty little paradigm, and slandering players without any evidence is easier than acquiring evidence.

The mod turnaround rate tends to be pretty high. That is not because they are all BFFs who cover for each other: it is because they hold each other to a pretty high standard. When you make accusations, mods - plural - will look into the matter. If you think a mod is dirty, then what you are implying is that the mod team is dirty.

The methods and actions of this new RegOnion (Regime Ronin, good enough) are by far the most dishonorable I have ever seen in my 8 or 9 or whatever it is years I've played this game.
What a clever little portmanteau from Infestiny (am I doing this right? Is that derpy enough to fit?).

I used to think NAM was bad, until I saw Jen and others going around trying to get people to give away their accounts - Legal, sure, Social Engineering though? Most certainly.
You haven't seen anything and I don't think you know what "social engineering" means. You have mostly abandoned your tribe, other than token efforts to play. You spend all of your time on another world. I expect you to come back, run your extremely legal scripts, make a bit of an effort, then do exactly what you did here: explain all of the reasons why Regime shouldn't have won the world.

By definition, Regime has socially engineered at least three accounts to gain ground.
Incorrect, as has been explained repeatedly.

Legal, but if not gray area (kod the mod would know best how to stay in that gray)
Legal. All of the mod involvement Destiny had would have explained that to them.

definitely something the majority of decent tribal wars players would look down upon with disgust.
Then why did you, personally, engage in similar behavior at the start of the war?

If you can't win without these tactics, then you definitely should not be sitting on a high horse talking down to a side that is doing nothing of the morally gray area things you are doing.
I agree, Destiny. You were unable to win using tactics that were deceitful and immoral and had not been used by the tribe you used them on. And you never should have sat atop your high horse and mocked the tribe for its collapse as a direct result of your actions.

As for threatening to attack my account finally :D - Were you too scared to do it when I was here or... Just trying to use more of your well worded (admittedly, you definitely have a flare of for the dramatic and do it well enough, bending truths, great propaganda overall - props), to scare others into submission (because you don't feel that the other methods you're already using beyond classic warfare aren't enough and just want to go for the overkill?
You simply haven't mattered. We wanted to wreck the rank one before sending you back to your side of the map. And if I'm to be honest, it's really just to help a few smaller accounts grow. You're not my prize - but you're the prize of a few players. That should make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Any way, go ahead and attack my account, you want to attack me? Then that's what you'll get.
Very good. Then hit me. Or have you mostly converted your account to defense? Wouldn't that be embarrassing. You haven't done that, have you? You won't need to rely on others to nuke for you, will you?

It's leadership like you that make this game terrible and not fun to play.
You're upset, I get it. Fortunately you have solid leadership on your side that you can talk to about this. You know; Coco - maybe Emilsen. Being able to discuss things with your leaders is extremely therapeutic.

It has nothing to do with whether it's that you turned a tide of war, it's the way you do it and the way you come on here and talk shit almost precisely 2 weeks after you had your good stats, as if afraid to post it until you were sure you had enough.
"Your efforts don't matter. It's the fact that you're proud of them. I mean, sure, Destiny came on and trash talked after wrecking a tribe whose leadership was gone from personal tragedy, then continued to mock it. But Destiny can do that; Regime can't."

Old regime, you know, the ones that aren't including the handful of ronin, but including the ones that disappeared at the start of the war and decided to come back when it started to get better, you guys have the right to be mad about some of the comments made earlier on by us.
You would be surprised at how many of the old crew remains with Regime.

But these new guys, they have no right. Heck, they don't even have the true story, nor do they care to hear both sides or neutral parties.
They heard the story from the players you did this to. They heard both sides on the forum. They heard it from players who are currently in Destiny and those that left. What Destiny did has been well documented.

A game is no longer a game when all the fun gets drained out by people that only want to win and cause others to suffer, beyond the game level.
Maybe you can take your own advice in future worlds. But I suspect that you will simply consider anything your side does to be acceptable "given the circumstances" and will point fingers in rage at anyone who uses a trick that gets an advantage over you.

Of all of the players talking about how people should play a fair game, the fact that you are on here publicly attempting to do so is more disgusting than the things you have done and continue to do.

On topic: Before January, Destiny will crack.


Yeah that thing she does where she defends her tribe is a real pain in the ass.

All for defending your tribe, she's just annoying. I'd explain more but would probably get banned for doing so :)


Very misleading. And again hypocritical considering Destiny's well documented past of "innocently accepting advantages" in the form of kicking players off of an account and using it against its own tribe. Only you lied about doing so.

What on earth are you talking about lady? This is by far a step up from your usual nonsense
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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What on earth are you talking about lady? This is by far a step up from your usual nonsense

That seems a fairly accurate explanation of Destiny's direct knowledge and involvement in the Jovis scheme - and initial denial of any awareness - until they were informed that the account sit had been sent to me as duke of Regime by the main owner and that some leadership members of Destiny had in fact been on the sit (including a coplayer of your MIA leader).

It's funny how dirt never completely washes away :)


That seems a fairly accurate explanation of Destiny's direct knowledge and involvement in the Jovis scheme - and initial denial of any awareness - until they were informed that the account sit had been sent to me as duke of Regime by the main owner and that some leadership members of Destiny had in fact been on the sit (including a coplayer of your MIA leader).

It's funny how dirt never completely washes away :)

And there's me thinking you knew how to read...

When did we kick the Jovis players off the account? They passed Sin the sit because they were annoyed with Regime, and then they passed it to us

I've already said I picked up the sit, want a fricken cookie? You're good at this flaming malarkey Googly well played (cwl)

Also, like you can talk about dirt, please...


Master Commander 2016
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You confirmed Destiny picked up the sit, after we saw the evidence. From what I can remember Destiny denied all involvement when it was obvious Jovis was being sat, and confirmed by Jovis/Josh not to trust Destiny.

It wasn't defended well when it was sat. And Destiny did fail to take full advantage of the situation, but having a relationship between tribes that were as close as Regime and Dest were it should of been a courtesy for Destiny to turn to Regime and advise them of the sit. I know under Googly, Hybrid or Foc if Sin turned to us with a Destiny sit, we would of informed Sara Emelie or whoever this was the case. Destiny and Regime's relationship go back to Regime helping to form Destiny (I even offered to temporarily join Destiny to help steady the ship and set up OPs to get the members working together).

Pretty sure this was all during the potential Alliance Talks? I could be wrong however.


You confirmed Destiny picked up the sit, after we saw the evidence. From what I can remember Destiny denied all involvement when it was obvious Jovis was being sat, and confirmed by Jovis/Josh not to trust Destiny.

It wasn't defended well when it was sat. And Destiny did fail to take full advantage of the situation, but having a relationship between tribes that were as close as Regime and Dest were it should of been a courtesy for Destiny to turn to Regime and advise them of the sit. I know under Googly, Hybrid or Foc if Sin turned to us with a Destiny sit, we would of informed Sara Emelie or whoever this was the case. Destiny and Regime's relationship go back to Regime helping to form Destiny (I even offered to temporarily join Destiny to help steady the ship and set up OPs to get the members working together).

Pretty sure this was all during the potential Alliance Talks? I could be wrong however.

Yeah and I have stated that we should've come forward to Regime and also why we felt shouldn't/couldn't

I'm not sure when it happened either, but it was after our relationship had already started to deteriorate.

Either way, my point was that we never kicked the Jovis players off the account, or hijack it as we were accused. Jovis passed the sit...

If we had the ability to hijack accounts, and were as dirty as you guys make out, surely we'd take advantage of that 'skill' more often.

Also, welcome back Bill. Nice to see you had time to win a world in your break from Regime, and now you're back once the tides have turned #Loyalty

Don't mind me I'm just being salty, because it's fun and I can <3


Master Commander 2016
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I never said you or Destiny hacked the account, I've always thought Jovis passed the sit to spite Regime.

And thanks for the welcome back. Attempting to lead on two worlds with two major wars takes its toll on you. Nice to see you do so well on both of those worlds.


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Either way, my point was that we never kicked the Jovis players off the account, or hijack it as we were accused. Jovis passed the sit...

Splendid. Conveniently for you, Regime hasn't hijacked anything. We never kicked any players off any of the accounts that left Destiny. Just like Destiny never kicked off the Jovis players. Jovis kicked off the current players and did as he pleased with the account - which was to get it to Destiny. The accounts in question kicked off the current players and did as they pleased with their account - which was to walk away from Destiny or to simply hit delete.

The only thing you seem to think was wrong about the whole ordeal was to have not been honest with Regime about what you had done. And it just so happens that Regime was completely upfront and honest about everything that took place with the accounts that you're so salty about.

Amusingly, the implication here is that it was perfectly fine for Destiny to accept the sit and use it against another tribe. Which means, now that we've clarified things, Destiny should be perfectly fine with Regime having accepted sits that were given to us by former Destiny players.

Unless, of course, it was fine when Destiny did it but super 4srs mean when Regime did it. If so then we return to the golden rule: "It is only illegal if it doesn't benefit Destiny."


I never said you or Destiny hacked the account, I've always thought Jovis passed the sit to spite Regime.

And thanks for the welcome back. Attempting to lead on two worlds with two major wars takes its toll on you. Nice to see you do so well on both of those worlds.

Yeah but others have said it in the past.

Haha you got me. I don't have the stamina for TW anymore :p

Splendid. Conveniently for you, Regime hasn't hijacked anything. We never kicked any players off any of the accounts that left Destiny. Just like Destiny never kicked off the Jovis players. Jovis kicked off the current players and did as he pleased with the account - which was to get it to Destiny. The accounts in question kicked off the current players and did as they pleased with their account - which was to walk away from Destiny or to simply hit delete.

The only thing you seem to think was wrong about the whole ordeal was to have not been honest with Regime about what you had done. And it just so happens that Regime was completely upfront and honest about everything that took place with the accounts that you're so salty about.

Amusingly, the implication here is that it was perfectly fine for Destiny to accept the sit and use it against another tribe. Which means, now that we've clarified things, Destiny should be perfectly fine with Regime having accepted sits that were given to us by former Destiny players.

Unless, of course, it was fine when Destiny did it but super 4srs mean when Regime did it. If so then we return to the golden rule: "It is only illegal if it doesn't benefit Destiny."

I may be defending Dest and I may have played there previously but I do not speak for them. Stop quoting things I have said and use them alongside things Dest has said. That's just poor and kinda lazy. Too busy trying to be a smartypants I guess

Sinful Angel

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Seeing as you were duke of dest don't you kind of speak for them, of all their leadership you're the only one left that didn't run in shame as far as I know.

One Last Shot...

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Seeing as you were duke of dest don't you kind of speak for them, of all their leadership you're the only one left that didn't run in shame as far as I know.

Presumably the only reason for that is that Ultimatum X has no shame.

The Jovis stunt is something the vast majority of players would be truly ashamed of, whereas it was treated as a matter of pride by Dest. at the time - once the initial shock of being caught out had passed :)

Sinful Angel

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Seeing as Regime had players defect from Destiny in a similar way I don't think that's fair. Dukes of dest should be ashamed not because of Jovis stunt - that's bad playing but it's not atrocious. They are shameful because they left the moment they came under heavy fire. Ryan didn't run from a fight he quit when Dest was still fine.

If by him having no shame you mean he has pretty much nothing to be ashamed of I'd agree. Googly though.. he's a slimy player.


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I may be defending Dest and I may have played there previously but I do not speak for them.

I should hope not. You're a dreadful mouthpiece.

Stop quoting things I have said and use them alongside things Dest has said. That's just poor and kinda lazy. Too busy trying to be a smartypants I guess

I have been quoting you directly when I reply, so this isn't "using" your quotes alongside things Destiny has said. You know what is poor and lazy? Not even remembering the rubbish you spout and then pointing fingers to pass the blame.

What's more, whether you were a decent or active co-duke/council member/footstool, you were, once upon a time, an active player in Destiny, and many of the things you are being shamed over are things you were either somehow a part of or you approved of.

This isn't a case of big bad Regime picking on poor sweet little you. This is a case of you having no leg to stand on and pouting over it because life is so unfair.

Don't want to be called out on talking rubbish and are also incapable of stopping the habit of talking nonsense? Go back to the kiddy table and leave the forum to the grown ups. If you have thin skin, a poor memory, and/or a penchant for lying (with no talent of concealing it) then it's unfair to you to engage in these debates.

Sinful Angel

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Halp Connor owns me! Oh god he's kicking down the door now tell my pare- *muffled screaming*

You also planned to kick and OP me during the hours I sleep thinking I'd wake up to it. Congrats on your meticulous planning. You played alongside me for long enough surely you knew I work shifts...

Then we were all suprised when Josiah went god mode.


Josiah was always in God mode but school always comes first.