Air you forgot AOS
and glen the only active member you are TRYING to do something is
djonestamu which is holding great against 4 of your members, and don't tell me that's Prime problem that we have inactives in our tribe because you was the one to bring the inactive thing up
I can't remember having less than 1k incomings with at least 10 trains for the past week and you guys could only noble one village which I nobled back

so please stop talking about who is bad, you guys are worse than bad
Perejunas is obviously inactive.... since he's fighting back against me.
Ashutan is obviously inactive... since he fought back (and failed miserably) against me.
Sandy leblanc is clearly inactive too, I mean it's not like they haven't been attacking back.
Yammi-Cassie, yeah he's a real inactive.... just sent me about 40 nukes.
So... where are we targeting a bunch of inactives...?
The most recent noblings:
PRIME (161|739) K71 9,102 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Zen6 [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 21:57:39
PRIME (160|739) K71 9,366 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Zen6 [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 21:55:42
PRIME BSM 9 (218|700) K72 9,223 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 18:23:01
60 laka 6a (2|658) K60 9,116 [Prime] lakamag [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 15:00:40
Obrien9 (409|727) K74 9,904 djonestamu [Prime] maxxjd [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 10:08:44
7 PRIME KILLER 4 (413|727) K74 9,504 djonestamu [Prime] maxxjd [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 07:10:49
7 PRIME KILLER 5 (412|741) K74 9,880 djonestamu [Prime] maxxjd [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 04:40:22
PRIME BSM 8 (208|707) K72 10,496 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 04:38:58
71 Sklavokampos (159|742) K71 9,347 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Zen6 [BSM] 07th Feb 2010 - 00:22:31
PRIME BSM 7 (214|706) K72 9,535 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 22:22:15
PRIME - 0993 (346|727) K73 9,554 Eksiljyden [Prime] royc5595 [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 20:22:28
PRIME BSM 5 (208|708) K72 9,193 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 18:56:39
PRIME BSM 6 (207|708) K72 9,464 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 18:23:36
7 PRIME KILLER 3 (409|741) K74 9,602 djonestamu [Prime] maxxjd [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 15:54:13
Damm the Torpedoes04 (493|752) K74 9,910 djonestamu [Prime] damm4evr [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 05:14:46
e-Putz and Nutz (509|759) K75 9,880 djonestamu [Prime] damm4evr [BSM] 06th Feb 2010 - 04:27:24
EAST EMMET- O8 (294|742) K72 8,806 Ashutan [Prime] royc5595 [BSM] 05th Feb 2010 - 18:46:31
Fortress Aberdeen (67|671) K60 9,643 [Prime] Marsant31 [BSM] 05th Feb 2010 - 15:27:14
PRIME BSM 4 (213|703) K72 9,916 Yami-Cassie [Prime] Bigdavekillyouall [BSM] 05th Feb 2010 - 13:47:11
O FUBAR Eh? (69|672) K60 10,208 [Prime] asderf200 [BSM] 05th Feb 2010 - 13:27:47
There is not a single inactive in that bunch. So congrats lvl, you can hold off against two players.