

Tribal Huggles has become a catcall thrown around by wannabe 1337s. That is a shame. To those who know this game, it is a factual statement about weakness. Even a friendly warning that should be headed.

To make peace with or tolerate amongst you Barb n00blers is to waste the farms that could feed your strong. N00bles time is wasted in sim city, their experience in battle none and should be eliminated at haste.

Tribes high in inactives should be declared on, not merged and internalized. It strengthens your own in the exercise against the active and boosts morale when the soft inactives are greedily devoured.

Even with the TCR war, if that's what you call it, Valour has been untested until now. The tribe has been built up through merges and mass recruitments (that's what I call it). There has been no selective thinning of leadership or players through pressures of a war. What the tribe really is is a gathering of couch potatoes.

I very much appreciate this philosophy. War is purification. It culls the weak so that the strong can grow. It's a shame there are still a few even in Calm. that do not understand this.

It is also Old School attitude to give credit to a worthy opponent, there is no greater affection to be earned by me than an enemy that makes me sweat, think, analyze and push beyond 24 hours without sleep. Without them all the guidance and guides are meaningless, no skill is ever actually gained. Without coming threw that kind of battle no mastery is ever proven.

There is no victory in mergers, internals or barb n00bling, only weakness. This is why so many young worlds are n00b worlds and their "victors" given no respect. They may have been closed but there were no winners.

I could understand DA despising the rush for secrets, what good is such an empty victory without a real battle to prove his tribe in. To a true warlord; it was SPAM who was the slave to SmexC, nothing more than a farmhand culling so many weak to the benefit of such a small core. In a true regard SPAM deserved the recruits it gained, it was their effort that made them worthy to continue to battle.

It is by this why I beat the war drums in NADs for war with Byzant. I am ashamed to admit that I heard mewling kittens fearful of more conflict and not from within NADs! Thankfully they were very few in number.

Byzant destroyed Grind!. They went threw the flames and came out victorious. They had that purity which most of NADs lacked, that experience of battle. I admired them then and even now I still do, as I have seen them crush one of my own tribesmates into set sit and quit mode.

Yet I have seen the rest of my tribe rise up and destroy legions. They have been washed in quad digit incomings, recapped, sniped and stacked against. We have prevailed.

The TWstats are true and honest as well. I have wholeheartedly agreed with the decision to not kick the inactive. As I would not be denied my victory I would not deny it to my enemy. With any major offensives crushed now it the time to rebuild and feast on our spoils. Of our teams there they have grown in size and in number. I have no qualms in taking a worthy opponant into our ranks.

Some tribemates have grown so much more than points alone could ever show.

Personally I never expected a war between Valour and Calm to shake SPAMs path. DA set the course and all is moving along as planned, we all knew it. For as much as an alliance of convenience got Calm. and Valour into the 100mill tribe category, SPAM has gotten there by war and claiming the spoils of it.

I even doubt he'll jump into any major offensives in the meantime while the battle rages. There will be a point delicately between the moment before the victor claims total dominance and yet after the underdog has any chance of a comeback.

That moment could be as brief as a few hours but could perhaps linger as long as two weeks (a nuke cycle).

That will be the cruxpoint, time to strike if Dylan takes this road.

SPAM is a mystery, Valour seems to have taken the road to perdition but can the rest Keep Calm and Carry On so many fronts?

I do know how the world will end. The winner will be the tribe that battles it front, cleans its core, pushes its back to a wall and can keep their members and true allies tight to fight as one fluid machine.

Only time will tell who that will be.


Just curious... NAD's are basher for calm.
A rank 4 tribe hugging and bashing for rank 1..Am I correct?

Yet I have seen the rest of my tribe rise up and destroy legions. They have been washed in quad digit incomings, recapped, sniped and stacked against. We have prevailed.

The above looks epic to read but the reality I know -
A number of calm. players supporting and pushing relentlessly for NAD's.
Thousands of attacks from calm in support for NAD's.

Yes, they were successful in breaking spirit of many players, pulled them to bash/merge their account for them etc. But when the tribe you war, is half your size; with 5-10 times bigger tribe supporting...Not many choices are there for the enemy. While I am not doubting the skills of NAD's; a strong imbalance sometimes masks the reality. Could that be called the excellent skills of clam. players in creating a powerful basher tribe? maybe.


Just curious... NAD's are basher for calm.
A rank 4 tribe hugging and bashing for rank 1..Am I correct?

The above looks epic to read but the reality I know -
A number of calm. players supporting and pushing relentlessly for NAD's.
Thousands of attacks from calm in support for NAD's.

Yes, they were successful in breaking spirit of many players, pulled them to bash/merge their account for them etc. But when the tribe you war, is half your size; with 5-10 times bigger tribe supporting...Not many choices are there for the enemy. While I am not doubting the skills of NAD's; a strong imbalance sometimes masks the reality. Could that be called the excellent skills of clam. players in creating a powerful basher tribe? maybe.

I understand your point. I know how that is how it seemed. However the points of the NADs members involved in the war was only about 1 mill more than Byzant.

As for Calms involvement, well lets just say that there is more than one reason I made this rant/post. Frankly Calm did not know NADs was planning its own war and we kinda kept it a secret.

Easier to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission.

They joined in days later and it was Byzant that declared on NADs, though only because spy intel told you that were were launching our declaration the next day.

Spies are part of the game, not hating on ya. In fact it was a wise move to try and grab the momentum but we already had too pieces in place for you to maximize on it.

In truth NADs is kinda Calm.'s Basher/Academy/Rebelious Teenager/BFFs/Slave Revolt/Little Brother/Annoyance/Partner in Crime/Thorn in Side/Spiritual Guidance tribe. We love them but sometimes love gets complicated.


The above looks epic to read but the reality I know -
A number of calm. players supporting and pushing relentlessly for NAD's.
Thousands of attacks from calm in support for NAD's.

Yes, they were successful in breaking spirit of many players, pulled them to bash/merge their account for them etc. But when the tribe you war, is half your size; with 5-10 times bigger tribe supporting...Not many choices are there for the enemy. While I am not doubting the skills of NAD's; a strong imbalance sometimes masks the reality. Could that be called the excellent skills of clam. players in creating a powerful basher tribe? maybe.

I can tell you the following: Calm has done nothing to create or set up NADs, and afaik, the only defence that any NADs players may get is from within NADs or 1-2 local Calm DVs that haven't been relocated to the frontline vs. Valour.


I can tell you the following: Calm has done nothing to create or set up NADs, and afaik, the only defence that any NADs players may get is from within NADs or 1-2 local Calm DVs that haven't been relocated to the frontline vs. Valour.

Calm. has done nothing to create or set up NADs? Right. :lol:


Side 1: Tribes: Calm.
Side 2: Tribes: Byzant
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 64
Side 2: 0
Difference: 64



I'm not sure what this topic is about? Could you abbreviate?


I can tell you the following: Calm has done nothing to create or set up NADs, and afaik, the only defence that any NADs players may get is from within NADs or 1-2 local Calm DVs that haven't been relocated to the frontline vs. Valour.

The member of NADs all have personal friends in Calm long before the tribe was built. In that regard most of Calm. helped form NADs. It was not formed as an academy and it was formed as a basher tribe. It has taken on a life of its own, a lot of that has to do with Duke but also there are many active members who are contributing in their own ways. It could have been a train wreck frankenstien's monster but it is actually working.

Calm. has done nothing to create or set up NADs? Right. :lol:


Side 1: Tribes: Calm.
Side 2: Tribes: Byzant
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 64
Side 2: 0
Difference: 64


As I recall it went something like this:

Thana - hey look at the map, we could declare on Byzant. That would be Awesome!
NADs - (cheers)
KPDCK - No we are a basher tribe
NADs - (awes)
Thana - Right! We bash tribes.
NADs - (cheers)
KPDCK - Ri ... wait no NO we are a basher tribe, we soften up targets for Calm. members.
Thana - Right! Like Byzant, they're a close target.
KPDCK - No look we morale break, thats it.
Thana - Right! If they start loosing to us, when Calm. joins in their morale will be crushed!
KPDCK - No, wait ... (RL intervenes)

KPDCK - (Gets back) What is that claims list doing...
Duncan - Awe, I heard NADs is a chip off the 'ol block. -patpets-
Thak - (grabs a tissue) They grow up so fast.
(Ruckas gets started in the SE)

Concerned Calm. Member - What are those kids DOING out there?
KPDCK - Nads went to war, (explains).
CCM - I thought you were a basher tribe?
Thana - Right! we bash tribes!
CCM - That's not wh...
KPDCK - *sigh*


I love this game. <3

I'm not sure what this topic is about? Could you abbreviate?

BlarghThanaRant! + BlarghN00bsFlame! + Style
And a total word count that gets you into the good schools. :icon_cool:


Seems like I touched your nerve to respond in such a poor way trolololololol


My stats? Please do show..

Everyone knows im.a noob, ive never proclaimed to be anything good hehe


Ohhhhh the vills I gave away cos I chose to coplay yaya adiano. Yes those are great stats :-D


Ohhhhh the vills I gave away cos I chose to coplay yaya adiano. Yes those are great stats :-D

well your w25 stats are built up from internals and barbs, your first conquer there was a 63(!) points barb.
w61..got nobled, so where are your stats good?


Using w61 really? I don't play. And w25 was my first world. I never claimed to be any good though trolololololol and anywhooo there is more to the story than that. Please recall when I said I was any good. Im not. Get over yourself. Im a crappy player. I don't even know how to launch nukes jeez...


well your w25 stats are built up from internals and barbs, your first conquer there was a 63(!) points barb.
w61..got nobled, so where are your stats good?

So your saying a player is not good unless they have done well on a previous world? Your logic is undoubtedly flawed.


So your saying a player is not good unless they have done well on a previous world? Your logic is undoubtedly flawed.

GreFunky is absolutely correct. Everyone starts off a n00b and not everyone is pro at each stage of the game or at every setting. Does a speed round player have the patience for a slow world or does a slow world player have the activity for a speed world? I tried a church world on a friends account for about 6 hours, I was done with that. You will never even catch me trying a no haul world.

well your w25 stats are built up from internals and barbs, your first conquer there was a 63(!) points barb.
w61..got nobled, so where are your stats good?

There are fundamentals to the game, much of which the first part of the OP is all about, but even if you know them can you apply them? Points are no measure of skill, OD is better by a small margin. A lot depends on the skill of your opponents, most of which the second part of the OP was about.

If you wanted to take a hardline definition of "skilled" player would they have to be in the top 100 across many worlds and every setting? That would be kinda dumb since even in tournament large prize pro gaming competitions most players specialize in only a few characters or races.

If you want to drag baggage up from some other world, first give a comparison of settings, then someone might care about your rant.


Shame. I know players who are good at all sections of the game and do well in all settings. There are some players who are just great at tribal wars in general.