They still exist as players, and as such will be treated as runners.
INSO will continue to mop them up in our usual fashion.
until someone starts beating you up again.
They still exist as players, and as such will be treated as runners.
INSO will continue to mop them up in our usual fashion.
until someone starts beating you up again.
name someone who beat us up? ~PWC~? sure, they took villages in the beginning... then what happened? They may have won a battle, but INSO clearly won the war.
yes but i remember the griping that went down when PWC had the lead...i remember the whining about xelas hitler video...
No griping, people were upset at losing lots of outpost villages, at players deleting, it's only natural. But just as we all said from the start, INSO will win the war. Shad stated it here on the forums from the beginning.
Whining about Xelas video? I remember a few comments, but certainly not whining.
You must be mistaking situations with whats going on in your W54 account (did you delete there yet?)
Not a single tribe left in World 13, or even ALL the tribes left in world 13 can touch us... INSO can officially be declared winners of W13!
so inso can be delcared the winners? you must be kidding? have you been modleing yourself after charlie sheen? "winning!" ....inso can't be declared ther winners except by the folliowing actions.
1. owns at 70-75% of players vills in w13.( you have a little over 50% now and even my 300 left wont change that)
2. have end stage declared by the TW team ( i think even they see the need for an asterisk, thus why w13 was NOT included in that other posting)
3. everyone else just gives up (because until then your still in a fight)
now when you get your arrogant head removed by the proctologist you will find out that i am in fact correct on the rules here. unless you think you can broker a deal with TW to give it to you early, which i am sure inso would happliy do just to claiming that they are the winners.....inso may may win the world...but i think we see it as example of how to not to play the game.
quoting out of pure amazement. Sometimes you should take a step back and think "Should I post this?" because most of your posts do not add anything to the current conversation other than drama that you enjoy.
YAAAAY MORE barbs! <- note the sarcasm.
i enjoy it? lets see...who told the world what i account i did....who started a thread about me? shad did....which one of them did i start? which one did i have the first say in...face it noely inso enjoys the drama as it keeps the light away from there *cough* other activites. you can't walk in here and say i enjoy it...when you and your tribemates are the ones starting the threads and posts!