~PWC~/ [E] VS INSO STATS (only) Thread


name someone who beat us up? ~PWC~? sure, they took villages in the beginning... then what happened? They may have won a battle, but INSO clearly won the war.


name someone who beat us up? ~PWC~? sure, they took villages in the beginning... then what happened? They may have won a battle, but INSO clearly won the war.

yes but i remember the griping that went down when PWC had the lead...i remember the whining about xelas hitler video...


considering it gave people viruses yah there where a few complaints the actual video i found it entertaining just some screwing around is all good in my book.


yes but i remember the griping that went down when PWC had the lead...i remember the whining about xelas hitler video...

No griping, people were upset at losing lots of outpost villages, at players deleting, it's only natural. But just as we all said from the start, INSO will win the war. Shad stated it here on the forums from the beginning.

Whining about Xelas video? I remember a few comments, but certainly not whining.

You must be mistaking situations with whats going on in your W54 account (did you delete there yet?)

How about a stat update?

Side 1:
Tribes: INSO
Side 2:
Tribes: N.E.B, ~PWC~, FFS, eatbar, P:R, GENSIS, ORION
Players: Blackbird90

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 12,023
Side 2: 1,101
Difference: 10,922


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 113,497,832
Side 2: 10,527,848
Difference: 102,969,984


those villages are MIGHTY yummy!

Let's do INSO vs the rest of the world!

Side 1:
Tribes: INSO
Side 2:
Tribes: N.E.B, ~PWC~, FFS, eatbar, P:R, GENSIS, ORION, Bey0nd, VODKA, FW, AF, ~B.C.~, UDOG, DAD!, OdinBd, KotS, SoD-BS, Fluff, ~LOS~, TIBET, GROWL2
Players: Blackbird90

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers:

Side 1: 20,885
Side 2: 17,657
Difference: 3,228


Side 1:
Tribes: INSO
Side 2:
Tribes: N.E.B, ~PWC~, FFS, eatbar, P:R, GENSIS, ORION, Bey0nd, VODKA, FW, AF, ~B.C.~, UDOG, DAD!, OdinBd, KotS, SoD-BS, Fluff, ~LOS~, TIBET, GROWL2
Players: Blackbird90

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 7,592
Side 2: 4,869
Difference: 2,723


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4,966
Side 2: 442
Difference: 4,524


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 71,957,453
Side 2: 47,097,834
Difference: 24,859,619


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 46,987,103
Side 2: 4,244,011
Difference: 42,743,092


Side 1:
Tribes: INSO
Side 2:
Tribes: N.E.B, ~PWC~, FFS, eatbar, P:R, GENSIS, ORION, Bey0nd, VODKA, FW, AF, ~B.C.~, UDOG, DAD!, OdinBd, KotS, SoD-BS, Fluff, ~LOS~, TIBET, GROWL2
Players: Blackbird90

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,858
Side 2: 919
Difference: 939


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,285
Side 2: 28
Difference: 1,257


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 17,565,968
Side 2: 8,941,109
Difference: 8,624,859


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 12,101,575
Side 2: 266,972
Difference: 11,834,603


Not a single tribe left in World 13, or even ALL the tribes left in world 13 can touch us... INSO can officially be declared winners of W13!
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Shadryk 01

Notice the growth:

3 months:

INSO: 20,885
RotW: 17,657
%: 118%

1 month:

INSO: 7,592
RotW: 4,869
%: 160%

1 week:

INSO: 1,858
RotW: 919
%: 202%

Our rate of growth has nearly doubled the Rest of the World just within the past 3 months. This is INSO still fighting with gusto even after the all major tribes have been vanquished.


No griping, people were upset at losing lots of outpost villages, at players deleting, it's only natural. But just as we all said from the start, INSO will win the war. Shad stated it here on the forums from the beginning.

Whining about Xelas video? I remember a few comments, but certainly not whining.

You must be mistaking situations with whats going on in your W54 account (did you delete there yet?)

Not a single tribe left in World 13, or even ALL the tribes left in world 13 can touch us... INSO can officially be declared winners of W13!

so inso can be delcared the winners? you must be kidding? have you been modleing yourself after charlie sheen? "winning!" ....inso can't be declared ther winners except by the folliowing actions.
1. owns at 70-75% of players vills in w13.( you have a little over 50% now and even my 300 left wont change that)
2. have end stage declared by the TW team ( i think even they see the need for an asterisk, thus why w13 was NOT included in that other posting)
3. everyone else just gives up (because until then your still in a fight)

now when you get your arrogant head removed by the proctologist you will find out that i am in fact correct on the rules here. unless you think you can broker a deal with TW to give it to you early, which i am sure inso would happliy do just to claiming that they are the winners.....inso may may win the world...but i think we see it as example of how to not to play the game.


so inso can be delcared the winners? you must be kidding? have you been modleing yourself after charlie sheen? "winning!" ....inso can't be declared ther winners except by the folliowing actions.
1. owns at 70-75% of players vills in w13.( you have a little over 50% now and even my 300 left wont change that)
2. have end stage declared by the TW team ( i think even they see the need for an asterisk, thus why w13 was NOT included in that other posting)
3. everyone else just gives up (because until then your still in a fight)

now when you get your arrogant head removed by the proctologist you will find out that i am in fact correct on the rules here. unless you think you can broker a deal with TW to give it to you early, which i am sure inso would happliy do just to claiming that they are the winners.....inso may may win the world...but i think we see it as example of how to not to play the game.

quoting out of pure amazement. Sometimes you should take a step back and think "Should I post this?" because most of your posts do not add anything to the current conversation other than drama that you enjoy.


quoting out of pure amazement. Sometimes you should take a step back and think "Should I post this?" because most of your posts do not add anything to the current conversation other than drama that you enjoy.

i enjoy it? lets see...who told the world what i account i play...you did....who started a thread about me? shad did....which one of them did i start? which one did i have the first say in...face it noely inso enjoys the drama as it keeps the light away from there *cough* other activites. you can't walk in here and say i enjoy it...when you and your tribemates are the ones starting the threads and posts!


shrek if you really don't enjoy drama why do you respond to it when you can easily end it with a simple ignoring of the post. And this is tribal wars not hugs and last i checked all is fair in war.


I do love the INSO Vs rest of world data

And BB90/MSN, it's been interesting reading all this stuff, but pages and pages worth in almost every active thread and it's getting long in the tooth.

You had an opportunity to kick ass in your own way with INSO, but you blew it. Nobody else made you not play as the game was meant to be.

and remember that if you are going to be in a tribe, then you should really be "in the tribe" and not on the border, or whats the point.

PAs in other worlds should not expect same PA relationship here or anywhere else.

I used to be a duke of a long forgotten tribe and it was fun while it lasted and we actually joined with TRX before it became INSO. I thought I knew loads back then, but overall I was impressed with the teamwork they had, as the workload I had was massive organizing the tribe formerly known as ND which became Trinity. Later TRX(now INSO) went their own way as they saw that massive family tribes were just too massive to organise. Back then there was no tribe forum or noble list sharing and I and some friends had built a forum that all the family could use. Even TRX had access while they were in the family.

Later TRX left and in time attacked us, as they had to, as we were blocking them in and they would have been landlocked. They did the right thing.

I did spend some time organising defence, but so many dead weight players made it very difficult.

Players did not work as a team and the once Mighty Trinity fell apart, because a lot of its members did not bind and work as a real team.

People were afraid of Trinity because of its points, but overall I failed to fine tune the rubish out and paid the price.

I had an opportunity to join them and as I had worked with them for a while and liked their gameplay, I decided to take them up on the offer. Many active players were recruited from Trinity(active and organised playerrs) and the remainder was left and in time dinintergrated like many of the more recent tribes have now.

The reason of this post is that a combination of both good active players as well as a strategy and a system is needed. Trinity and many other tribes failed in this and have vanished. I tried the family route and it was a disaster!

So do not be in such a rush to rubbish a system that does help active and clever players to get better as well as fine tune them into fantastic players!!!!!!

If INSO players do not use and play the system in INSO, then thats their own fault and not the fault of the leaders.

I and many other players who used to be the enemy of INSO in the past are playing the game as it should, but have increased the enjoyment of the game tenfold by playing as a team with a system and objective.

I do not know anyone except MSN who did not work as a team player in INSO. (maybe others that I do not know about or forgotten as I am not perfect :p )

I would like to thank Shad and all leaders Past and present for making such a massive war machine with a system that allows 1 tribe to take on the world as it seems.

INSO is unique I believe in that its objectives are being fulfilled of world domination. Is there another world out there with a group who really play as a team and all for 1 and 1 for all?

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i enjoy it? lets see...who told the world what i account i play...you did....who started a thread about me? shad did....which one of them did i start? which one did i have the first say in...face it noely inso enjoys the drama as it keeps the light away from there *cough* other activites. you can't walk in here and say i enjoy it...when you and your tribemates are the ones starting the threads and posts!

Have you ever thought about politics? :icon_cool:

Shadryk 01

I thank Howley for offering this bit of history. Some readers may gloss over it, but he actually describes one of the most important events in INSO history:

K24 Elite (our name back when we were confined to that one K) was a good tribe, but only the top half was really combat effective. We wanted 60 strong players. Not 30 strong players & 30 space-fillers. The Trinity Family was a 7-tribe monstrosity that filled about 5 Ks. They looked scary when you pulled up a map. Blaskor (an early member of our council) demanded we form our own mega-family and quit the tribe when our leaders refused.

Trinity formed an elite branch, which they called TR|X. Most of the best players were sent there. After awhile, they got bored with all the deadbeats around them, but were concerned about going it alone. So, a few players were culled & we merged. They became INSO 2. This gave us about 30 strong players. So, we had about 60 strong players & about 100 total. This gave us the luxury of dismissing poor performers while not depleting our ranks. Players were brought from INSO 2 to INSO as space permitted. They included players who helped form the backbone of INSO:

Blackbird90 - the original player was a nice guy, respected, very active and a skilled warrior.
denipop - the most accomplished warrior in INSO (my humble opinion)
God HellDog
jon lion heart

Howley was given the thankless task of leading the ~200 remaining players. Trinity culled some of their members and were re-branded into the tribe "New Dawn." Soon, we fought them in a lopsided war. After a few months, we recruited a package of fine players. While INSO 2 records are gone, the player who eventually joined INSO included:


If I'm off on any details, I'll kindly ask for Howley's forgiveness.

I am grateful for the time we spent (and continue to spend) together in battle. Every day is an honor.
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Shadryk 01

Can anybody tell which tribe looks different than all the others? The tribe name is in small print just below the graph.

Hint: GENSIS & P:R grew 2-3 weeks ago by recruiting players





