

We don't just be a noob tribe but we are strong 20K:)villagers::villagers::villagers::villagers::villagers: X :villagers::villagers::villagers::villagers:=20K) in just 2-3 days how good is that we are a fast growing tribe you can make faster by join till nobled.
I king can invite you I'm the founder of it duh! just kidding just join..:icon_cool::icon_cool::icon_cool::icon_cool:We can protect you in K28 and K87:swordsman::swordsman::swordsman::swordsman::swordsman::swordsman:

~RAG~ was founded by KingHenry8.

Feel free to join just ask one of us and we will invite you...

We use Middle Ages or US Army Ranks

You know who to join........thats right us...we let everyone have invitation jobs