Since I am safely within a few hours of nobling my already provided village on the rim to expand with the 2500 coins that I have minted throughout the world, I would like to venture back to the topic of the tribe RAGE
Before anyone criticizes me about RAGE and why I was in it, it was never my decision. I was kicked off of the account temporarily until I had calmed down and accepted the fact that if I spoke against RAGE, I would be internalled. Given that fact, I had befriended Dreaded. and other members and acted as a loyal member who never spoke against the tribe whilst I was in it.
I will be discussing a few topics dealing with RAGE's corruption and I will be enlightening you with my personal experiences and conversations. I will not be giving chat-logs of my friends as I had in the other post because I do not want to implicate any friends of mine.
1: RAGE - PR
This all started when RAGE chose to go to "war" against PTG with PR. Although Dreaded. made it clear on the forum that he planned to aid PR in the taking out of PTG, his intentions were that of the opposite.
The plan was for PR to slowly die off in the war against PR so that RAGE could recruit the best of its members and grow as a tribe. This was actually a brilliant strategy because it allowed for a superpower "PR" to be removed from the world without RAGE having to do anything about it besides hinder the growth of PTG.
What has really surprised me about this matter was that PR didn't really call out RAGE for this plot of theirs. I can only assume that Thing, leader of PR, was either just too dumb to realize Dreaded.'s plan or he knew PR was going to die out and stopped caring.
2: The internalling of RAGE's members
Ever since RAGE had become rank 1 and needed to slowly whittle it's members out so that it could merge with the academy, it had been stripping members of priveleges and calling out in the forums for those players to be mass internalled.
Here is the list of those players (Up to the date until I was force-internalled):
clairejm1981 - Claire was forced to leave after calling out Dreaded. for not participating in the Op's that he himself created. In some aspects she was wrong for calling Dreaded. out for petty issues but she should not have been immediately force internalled because she still cooperated with the tribe.
thebev1952 - Close personal friend of Clairejm1981. When calling for her to be internalled, Dreaded. said that she was inactive while this was clearly a fable made up by him to remove her for from the tribe.
Pyon-Yan - He was kicked because he didn't send a cat nuke at his assigned target in the HONOUR OP. It was clear that there were language boundaries and that Pyon-Yan could barely speak english. I had talked to both Dreaded. and Pyon-yan about this and Pyon-yan didn't even know about his Catapult target and he was willing to participate in any future OP's if necessary. I relayed that info to Dreaded. but he didn't care.
ESTAS - Surprised? This player was marked to be internal because when Dreaded. assigned him a target in the HONOUR op he refused because he was busy nobling elsewhere.
My convo with ESTAS -
My convo with Dreaded. -
[6/21/2016 6:54:46 PM] Steve: you shouldn't have done that to estas so soon
[6/21/2016 6:55:07 PM] Steve: i know you want to show you're strict, but it's too much for RAGE to handle
[6/21/2016 6:55:15 PM] Steve: we cant focus on player after player
[6/21/2016 6:55:27 PM] Steve: gotta do 1 at a time
[6/21/2016 7:04:17 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: Sec im getting like 6 nukes incoming from the bev who is mad
[6/21/2016 7:04:19 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: so gotta backtime them all
[6/21/2016 7:04:21 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: dumb b***h
[6/21/2016 7:04:26 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: sent all her real first
[6/21/2016 7:04:30 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: then remembered to send fakes
[6/21/2016 7:05:29 PM] Steve: o.0
[6/21/2016 7:05:41 PM] Steve: was that all ESTAS said to you though
[6/21/2016 7:06:47 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: He also has ignored many mails of mine
[6/21/2016 7:06:51 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: and that is the only response ive ever gotten
[6/21/2016 7:06:57 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: never sends fakes, ignores all mails etc
I had made a forum post about how ESTAS should stay because of his strategic location in accordance to STD and Dreaded. deleted it but then allowed ESTAS to stay in the tribe.
Ghio1 - I was the most recent case in this scandal. I don't have enough proof to make a definite assumption as to why this took place but it is almost definitely to extend diplo with Mutiny. As soon as I lost my forum privileges, I was receiving attacks from all of Mutiny. Mutiny had pre-emptively coordinated the launch on me in exchange for something that Dreaded. needed, which was much more valuable than his 350,000 point player who tried his best to keep the tribe active and to coordinate in OP's
I made a forum post trying to get Dreaded. to be more easy-going on members who didn't communicate so that users in RAGE didn't have to live in constant fear of being kicked. The post described a 3 Strike system for everyone to see so it would be clear who would be close to the chop-block and who was a happy and safe tribe member. The post ended up receiving 12 "Thanks"'s from members until Dreaded. deleted it and made no further comment on the suggestion.
3- The prepared fight with STD.
Dreaded. had always planned to fight STD and by having PR keep PTG occupied and by establishing long-term diplomatic relations with Mutiny, Dreaded. had developed the perfect time to war STD. By also using rim tribes around STD to try and slowly hinder their growth, Dreaded. had tried to coordinate with me and others to begin to noble villages on STD's front line.
Since Dreaded. was extremely paranoid, he kicked my friend Adrunis (Who i pleaded with him to re-invite because Adrunis's location was key to fighting STD and winning a war if we were to have one) and doubted that STD. would pick up this user to battle against RAGE.
To prepare for the STD war, Dreaded. planned OP's on HONOUR members to secure RAGE's core and to effectively strengthen its coordinating skills.
Here are some conquer stats against HONOUR at the beginning of the fight:
These were actually supposed to be coordinated and have a specific landing time on both June 19th and June 21st.... I think it is evident here that the members of RAGE have no idea what the hell they are doing and only beat HONOUR because it was a bad tribe who's leader quit the game. (My personal friend was also baron in HONOUR so I made sure that the forums were a mess there enabling RAGE to get easy conquers without any snipe attempts)
I am in China right now enjoying my study abroad trip so this is all the time I have for now to speak about RAGE. However I have an excellent memory and will be able to answer any questions you have about RAGE from the time I was there (June 5 - July 2) so just feel free to message me ingame (Ghio1) or on skype (sustephen123)
Before anyone criticizes me about RAGE and why I was in it, it was never my decision. I was kicked off of the account temporarily until I had calmed down and accepted the fact that if I spoke against RAGE, I would be internalled. Given that fact, I had befriended Dreaded. and other members and acted as a loyal member who never spoke against the tribe whilst I was in it.
I will be discussing a few topics dealing with RAGE's corruption and I will be enlightening you with my personal experiences and conversations. I will not be giving chat-logs of my friends as I had in the other post because I do not want to implicate any friends of mine.
1: RAGE - PR
This all started when RAGE chose to go to "war" against PTG with PR. Although Dreaded. made it clear on the forum that he planned to aid PR in the taking out of PTG, his intentions were that of the opposite.
The plan was for PR to slowly die off in the war against PR so that RAGE could recruit the best of its members and grow as a tribe. This was actually a brilliant strategy because it allowed for a superpower "PR" to be removed from the world without RAGE having to do anything about it besides hinder the growth of PTG.
What has really surprised me about this matter was that PR didn't really call out RAGE for this plot of theirs. I can only assume that Thing, leader of PR, was either just too dumb to realize Dreaded.'s plan or he knew PR was going to die out and stopped caring.
2: The internalling of RAGE's members
Ever since RAGE had become rank 1 and needed to slowly whittle it's members out so that it could merge with the academy, it had been stripping members of priveleges and calling out in the forums for those players to be mass internalled.
Here is the list of those players (Up to the date until I was force-internalled):
clairejm1981 - Claire was forced to leave after calling out Dreaded. for not participating in the Op's that he himself created. In some aspects she was wrong for calling Dreaded. out for petty issues but she should not have been immediately force internalled because she still cooperated with the tribe.
thebev1952 - Close personal friend of Clairejm1981. When calling for her to be internalled, Dreaded. said that she was inactive while this was clearly a fable made up by him to remove her for from the tribe.
Pyon-Yan - He was kicked because he didn't send a cat nuke at his assigned target in the HONOUR OP. It was clear that there were language boundaries and that Pyon-Yan could barely speak english. I had talked to both Dreaded. and Pyon-yan about this and Pyon-yan didn't even know about his Catapult target and he was willing to participate in any future OP's if necessary. I relayed that info to Dreaded. but he didn't care.
ESTAS - Surprised? This player was marked to be internal because when Dreaded. assigned him a target in the HONOUR op he refused because he was busy nobling elsewhere.
My convo with ESTAS -
My convo with Dreaded. -
[6/21/2016 6:54:46 PM] Steve: you shouldn't have done that to estas so soon
[6/21/2016 6:55:07 PM] Steve: i know you want to show you're strict, but it's too much for RAGE to handle
[6/21/2016 6:55:15 PM] Steve: we cant focus on player after player
[6/21/2016 6:55:27 PM] Steve: gotta do 1 at a time
[6/21/2016 7:04:17 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: Sec im getting like 6 nukes incoming from the bev who is mad
[6/21/2016 7:04:19 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: so gotta backtime them all
[6/21/2016 7:04:21 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: dumb b***h
[6/21/2016 7:04:26 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: sent all her real first
[6/21/2016 7:04:30 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: then remembered to send fakes
[6/21/2016 7:05:29 PM] Steve: o.0
[6/21/2016 7:05:41 PM] Steve: was that all ESTAS said to you though
[6/21/2016 7:06:47 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: He also has ignored many mails of mine
[6/21/2016 7:06:51 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: and that is the only response ive ever gotten
[6/21/2016 7:06:57 PM] Boris [Dreaded. TW w87]: never sends fakes, ignores all mails etc
I had made a forum post about how ESTAS should stay because of his strategic location in accordance to STD and Dreaded. deleted it but then allowed ESTAS to stay in the tribe.
Ghio1 - I was the most recent case in this scandal. I don't have enough proof to make a definite assumption as to why this took place but it is almost definitely to extend diplo with Mutiny. As soon as I lost my forum privileges, I was receiving attacks from all of Mutiny. Mutiny had pre-emptively coordinated the launch on me in exchange for something that Dreaded. needed, which was much more valuable than his 350,000 point player who tried his best to keep the tribe active and to coordinate in OP's
I made a forum post trying to get Dreaded. to be more easy-going on members who didn't communicate so that users in RAGE didn't have to live in constant fear of being kicked. The post described a 3 Strike system for everyone to see so it would be clear who would be close to the chop-block and who was a happy and safe tribe member. The post ended up receiving 12 "Thanks"'s from members until Dreaded. deleted it and made no further comment on the suggestion.
3- The prepared fight with STD.
Dreaded. had always planned to fight STD and by having PR keep PTG occupied and by establishing long-term diplomatic relations with Mutiny, Dreaded. had developed the perfect time to war STD. By also using rim tribes around STD to try and slowly hinder their growth, Dreaded. had tried to coordinate with me and others to begin to noble villages on STD's front line.
Since Dreaded. was extremely paranoid, he kicked my friend Adrunis (Who i pleaded with him to re-invite because Adrunis's location was key to fighting STD and winning a war if we were to have one) and doubted that STD. would pick up this user to battle against RAGE.
To prepare for the STD war, Dreaded. planned OP's on HONOUR members to secure RAGE's core and to effectively strengthen its coordinating skills.
Here are some conquer stats against HONOUR at the beginning of the fight:
These were actually supposed to be coordinated and have a specific landing time on both June 19th and June 21st.... I think it is evident here that the members of RAGE have no idea what the hell they are doing and only beat HONOUR because it was a bad tribe who's leader quit the game. (My personal friend was also baron in HONOUR so I made sure that the forums were a mess there enabling RAGE to get easy conquers without any snipe attempts)
I am in China right now enjoying my study abroad trip so this is all the time I have for now to speak about RAGE. However I have an excellent memory and will be able to answer any questions you have about RAGE from the time I was there (June 5 - July 2) so just feel free to message me ingame (Ghio1) or on skype (sustephen123)
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