When did I hate on anyone? Just posted that I wish things were like they used to be. And what insults are you talking about? lol Maybe you should research about 2 post ago and see that I never insulted anyone. Only said that I wished things were like they were in the earlier worlds when you paid for 200 PP and got a month of prem and that was the biggest advantage you could buy. Even then, if you were a good player you definitely didn't need prem for early world. I'm not going to thank anyone for spending a ton of PP (bought or farmed) at the beginning of a world. It's Innogames that should be thanking everyone. They put a bunch of 'features' in the game that require PP and now they've got a lot of people that pay money to use those to keep up or get ahead. Most new players that come to this game get on their first world and see the top guys taking over the world and realize they have no chance what so ever and get right back off and never return. This causes less players to join the next world.. Which is the reason the worlds barely spread past the inner K's anymore.
But like I said, just my opinion.
One could also argue that PP makes it easier for newer players to keep up with more skilled players. The declining player base has been happening for a while, with or without PP. Idk if Inno would even keep TW around if it these features were cut out.
Regardless of PP spending, player skill/activity is still what makes the biggest difference in the long run. Sure, it sucks if you get placed next to someone who is 3k points before beginner protection is even up, but at that point it's better to just relocate.
PP does make a big difference, but it's here to stay, and you can still easily be a top player without dumping loads of it