Rate the player above!

  • Thread starter king gustav II Adolf
  • Start date



I'll give it a try...

Points: 7/10 - seems good... you started a week before me... have to see where I am in a week.
ODA: 3/10 - Could be better, 50% of mine... but, then, maybe you are not surrounded by newbs who are beggin to be cleared when their leader threatens you...
Position: - 7/10 - In the core... time will tell. Depends both on your tribe, your skill, and your online time...
Profile: who Cares?
Rep: 5/10 - I do not know you and you may be epic, but you do not have an account name that can be researched.
Tribe: 8/10 - Good tribe, should you all expand outwards, you have at least one good player on your borders for later this world.


Name: Frostgat The only name this acct has rode under.

Seven Swords

Points: 8/10, Doing very well after late start..;)
ODA: 8/10, good to have ODA like that with this low points..:)
Position:7/10, Looks like you have easy chance of expansion their as nobody seems active near you..:p
Profile: Who Cares??
Reputation: 6/10, As i have played with him on other world..Seems to be a good player and a person as well
Tribe: 10 /10 your tribe is Awesome..:D

Farmed (only during the early stages of the world): 7/10, Doing quiet well with his farmings without co-player..;)

Next Should Be :~ *Stark*


Points: 10/10, rank 2, must be doing something right :)
ODA: 8/10, Nice ODA showing you have cleared your local area
Position:7/10, Lots of barbs nearby to farm but also a few tribemates nearby which could limit expansion
Profile: meh
Reputation: 5/10 haven't seen you post much but then again I don't follow the forums that often
Tribe: 10 /10 rank 1 tribe with 5 players in the top ten
Other: ...

Farmed (only during the early stages of the world): 7/10, Plundered over 1k times but would have expected 1 mill looted with the area you have

Name: varunvarma95


Points: 8/10
Position:7/10 Good targets but not a lot of barbs
Profile:0/10 nothing?
Reputation:Not sure?
Tribe: 0/10 None

Farmed (only during the early stages of the world): 7/10

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): nMe.


Points: 10/10 currently rank 7th!
ODA: 7/10 Cleared a few players but not waisting troops on every possible target
Position: 8/10 alot of small barbs around you but also a few players aswell
Profile: 9/10 Like your picture ;)
Rep: not sure, would like to know though if you could message me ;)
Tribe: 8/10 rank 14th with 28 members!

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): Henley16


points: 8/10
ODA: 5/10 some, but at least no wasted troops ;P
position: 5/10 pretty crowded, plenty of future farms maybe if you can pull further ahead and clear
profile: 7/10 kept simple, i like that
Rep: No idea
Tribe: 6/10 not bad at all

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): BranDON 999

mine will be terrible;) since im not in an official tribe :p and suckish area


points: 2/10 Not even top 1000. Late start isn't really an excuse after this long.
ODA: 8/10 good.
position: 4/10 looks awful for farming, shouldn't have a problem with noble targets though.
profile: 1/10 meh
Rep: who?
Tribe: 7/10 better than most, i'm sure.

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): Karmalot (not me, i'm not playing,. but rate this guy please.)


points: 8/10 top 50.
oda: 8/10 Not bad.
position: 7/10 not the most inactive area.
profile: 8/10 interesting coa.
rep: 5/10 I've heard your name somewhere.
tribe: 9/10 One of the most promising tribes in the world.

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): Mania.


points: 10/10 points mean everything
oda: 9/10 going good.
position: 7/10 nice area to grow, but short of a noble target
profile: 7/10 decent awards
rep: 7/10 seen on a few worlds
tribe: 10/10 teh best

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): iAm?


Points: 10/10 Very good growth
oda: 9/10 Fairly good oda
Position: 9/10 Full of noobs great farming
Profile: 8/10 Awards could be better (funny profile pic)
Rep: 5/10 i personally never seen him (im probably wrong)
Tribe 10/10 Good tribe

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): .Danny


Points: 6/10 wish you had a little more :O but you're probably a troopwhore ;)
ODA: 10/10 love it.
Position: 8/10 because you have many farms and you have many potential noble targets (however your growth needs to be superior to them by at least twice as much so watch out for the 700 point guy).
Profile: 7/10 but you could plunder more for the award. No friends award :O !! Why you no friendly? :'(
Reputation:3/10 (on TW stats, it seems you've only played on W70. You might have played on another account, that I don't know :S )
Tribe: 10/10 #1 baby!

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): Studstudent


Points: 7/10 - I don't put to much stock in points, but yours look good for your area.
ODA: 5/10 - Pretty low, but, at early stages that's usually not a bad thing.
Position: 5/10 - Some good potential farms, and noble targets. Looks like a lot of active people in your area though.
Profile: 8/10 - Because I like athletes in that sport also.
Reputation: 2/10 - Never heard of you, but, I don't look at forums to often.. N' not much info on TWStats.
Tribe: 9/10 - Lot of experienced players, good general map location - nice n spread out.
Other: - I know I suck at this, no idea what's going on around your K.

Who should be reviewed next: (w70 ign): Smokn


Points: 3/10 - Don't see the growth.
ODA: 5/10 - Pretty low.
Position: 4/10 - Have many tribemates in your area.
Profile: 4/10 - Sorry but I didn't like it.
Reputation: 3/10 - Never heard of you.
Tribe: 3/10 - No player I have ever known in my tw history.
Other: - If you out grow others in your area and join a better tribe you can survive this world easily.

Who should be reviewed next: (w70 ign): Aubreyshero


points 7/10 -good growth
ODA 3/10 -sucks :/
position 8/10 -no problem for future nobling :D
profile 7/10 -like the girl though ;D
reputation 2/10 - never heard of him :/
TRIBE 7/10 - among the good tribes ;)

who should be revieved next : (w70 ign): young assassin


Points 5/10 - Average to what I would expect
ODA 7/10 - Good enough for this stage of the game
Position - 3/10 I feel bad for you not so many farms nearby
Profile -2/10 - Sorry dude don't like it
Rep - 5/10 - Based on not knowing you sorry
tribe - 6/10 - Look ok but very close together at points

IGN: King Boom II


I'd like to take part in this thread, but I'm way too unexperienced to be handing out ratings.
If someone would be kind enough to rate me, I'd appreciate some feedback and outsider insight on how I'm doing.

I expect to score REALLY low, but bare in mind, I'm a newbie!

I've spent a little time on W68 to learn the game, but I joined way too late to get anywhere. I've started fresh on W70 hopefully to get somewhere where I can be happy with my progress and improvement before the unevidable noble comes along. :p In total, I've played for about a month.

So yeah, low scores aren't a problem.. just go easy on the newbie lol!


IGN: Baxillian
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Points 4/10 - Good for this stage but not competing.
ODA 6/10 - Good enough for this stage of the game
Position - 3/10 Do you even get to farm?
Profile -6/10 - good compared to others out there I kinda liked it.
Rep - 1/10 - You are a newbie
Tribe - 3/10 - No comments
IGN: Aubreyshero



Points 6/10 - Not bad, could be a bit higher.
ODA 1/10 - You don't have any ODA :p
Position - 8/10 nice position, good farm area and you have villages you can noble.
Profile -7/10 Good profile, just show all the awards :p
Rep - 8/10 -heard good stuff about you.
Tribe - no comments.

Next : Dolus Bonus



Points 6/10 - Not bad, could be a bit higher.
ODA 1/10 - You don't have any ODA :p
Position - 8/10 nice position, good farm area and you have villages you can noble.
Profile -7/10 Good profile, just show all the awards :p
Rep - 8/10 -heard good stuff about you.
Tribe - no comments.

Next : Dolus Bonus

Points: 8/10 Catching up to me pal.

ODA: 5/10 Not so bad

Area: 9/10 Really good farming area, lots of viable noble targets.

Profile: 5/10 Lame, but good awards.

Rep: 1/10 Who are you?

Tribe: Idk, havnt payed much attention to tribes yet.

IGN: Exothermic


Points: 8/10 Catching up to me pal.

ODA: 5/10 Not so bad

Area: 9/10 Really good farming area, lots of viable noble targets.

Profile: 5/10 Lame, but good awards.

Rep: 1/10 Who are you?

Tribe: Idk, havnt payed much attention to tribes yet.

IGN: Exothermic

Points: 9/10 Nice, waiting for those 5k booster

ODA: 7/10 Acceptable for tribeles

Area: 9/10 Good farming area, lots of noble targets.

Profile: 4/10 Unattractive, no pic :(

Rep: I just joined few minutes ago, sorry.

Tribe: 0/10 What a lonely man T_T

IGN: SunanGunungJati