Rate the player above!

  • Thread starter king gustav II Adolf
  • Start date


Note: Started 8 days late.

Points: 7/10
Guesses at Main Buildings:
HQ - 19
Rax -13
Stable - 7
Farm - 18? (3569 pop) ~ 3000 troops at most (at the most around 600 lc)
Looks like continual building which is good.
Would have continued with your HQ to 20, instead of going back to small buildings (this shows your not farming as much as you could be), get that stable level higher to start getting more lc.
At this stage in the game for you I would have expected a higher stable level and higher HQ, agreed you started late so you are doing well but you are also getting more res from farms.

ODA : 7/10

2.710 is more than a few mistake which means you are actively hitting people but don't have cats yet (guess smithy is 11). I normally don't like to see high ODA unless you need to do it (i.e. lots of people farming or not many barbs).

Area : 5/10

Not great because there are not that many immediate good noble targets, Mash333 would probably be a decent option. Ok number of farms, but nothing like other areas. Also a bit later in the game, Clueless is going to be a bit of a worry if he moves south and I guess there are a few other risky players around.

Profile : Don't care

Rep : Playing under an fake name or from another server so no idea.

Tribe : Too early to talk about tribes



Points: 7/10 -- Rank 70 is not bad, you probably going to noble soon.
ODA: 6/10 -- Not that bad, but it's not that impressive.
Area: 8/10 -- lot of villages you can noble and the farming area isn't bad.
Profile: /
Rep: Have no idea :)
Tribe: 1/10 -- that's because you're playing alone.



DOLUS BONUS Points: 9/10 --Top 20 nice work
ODA: 9/10 -- Top 20 again Area:6 /10 -- lot of villages you can noble or farm
Profile: / -- the name on your profile....he's in our w69 crew
Rep: There are to many people to remember on tw...maybe were played together
Tribe: 6/10 -- Looks like your part of some family tribe .....lolz
The Black Reaper
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The Black Reaper

Points: towards the current rim, time will tell... 7/10
ODA: 2... no comment... too early yet
Area: 7/10, one of the few with a circle around your map view vill in that area
Profile: 2/10... not much there
Rep: 2/10... not much on twstats for this account
Tribe: 3/10... smacks of a mass recruiter... time will tell if there is enough experience to raise the tribe to a new level.

Frostgat here...


Gorth Kirgar


Points: 8/10...Pretty impressive for such a late start
ODA: 6/10...Not spectacular, but you probably got all that was possible
Area: 8/10...Already made a few nice farms and some pretty noble targets in your CZ
Profile: 1/10...
Rep: 9/10...Impressive former worlds. Would've given 10 if I had known you myself.
Tribe: 5/10...Alone is probably even better than being stuck in noob tribes there.

Gorth Kirgar

Epic Pandas

Gorth Kirgar

Points: 7/10... Not bad, top 200
ODA: 8/10... Not bad at all
Area: 8/10... Lots of barbs and a few decent noble targets
Profile: 1/10... Meh
Rep: 4/10... Not a lot on twstats that's decent but you may have played on a different account
Tribe: 1/10... It has an academy

Epic Pandas


Epic Pandas

Points: 4/10... Should have more by now
ODA: 1/10... Pretty much non-existent
Area: 5/10... Not too bad, however nothing good in your church zone.
Profile: 2/10... Nothing spectacular
Rep: 1/10... a few previous worlds on the acc but nothing big, alt. account?
Tribe: 9/10 pretty damn good

Rate: Clueless.



Points: 7/10 - you may be ranked one and you do have nice points, but internalling Lebron and "backstabbing" oxy..
ODA: 8/10 - all good! Keep it up ;)
Area: 9/10 - youve got a great area! Lots to farm and also decent noble targets. Now you just gotta get villages closer together since its a church world.
Profile: 5/10 - The pic is alright... No offence, but the gaming channel aint that good. The only good part: first to 10k ;)
Rep: -/- I don't really care about previous worlds..
Tribe: 9/10 - Not rank 1 tribe, but second best. ;)

Rate: Delling

/yo momma



Points: 10/10
Area 5/10
ODA: 10/10
Profile: 10/10
REP: 10/10 German pro.
Tribe: 10/10 - Best in the world for now and ever.

Next please judge: Iam? ;D


Points: 9/10 - not bad but could of done with nobling something higher.
Area 6/10 - not bad i guess but you let too many people grow.
ODA: 8/10 - again not bad means you didn't loose much clearing and nobling.
Profile: 3/10 - too plain maybe put something funny on it?
REP: 8/10 - seen you around quite a few times.
Tribe: 9/10 - not a bad tribe from the looks of it but don't know it well enough to make any real comments.




Points: 6/10 - Towards the rim, some bigger players around, but perhaps they are point whores and you're the local troop whore?
Area 6/10 - Need to see who you set up for farming...
ODA: 6/10 - Not bad, also some ODD... hope that was your militia and you were not cleared.
Profile: 6/10 - I'm a sucker for simple.
REP: 2/10 - If you've got another profile to check... this one does not have many worlds to consider.
Tribe: 7/10 - Monkeys With Guns, who doesn't like that. Makes me want to get a pet monkey... but, also glad I don't own a gun.



Points: 7/10 -just below top150, not bad.
Area 3/10 - there aren't alot of farms and there are several players who presumably are capable of farming it efficiently.
ODA: 6/10 - Not bad, but could use a bit more..
Profile: 5/10 - Very minimalistic, doesn't mean anything to me.. although first thought is to hope that you're hiding your awards..
REP: 8/10 - Seems experienced, done well in a couple of worlds
Tribe: 1/10 - very small, but extremely loyal :)


Rate: Otun


Points: 8/10 - pretty decent
Area 3/10 - some farms but could be better... some decent noble targets though
ODA: 8/10 - pretty good
Profile: 5/10 - the usual stuff
REP: 8/10 - sorry never heard of you
Tribe: 7/10 - good

ign: lowbudget

GOG the Deceiver

Points: 9/10 - Food
Area 7/10 - Food
ODA: 8/10 - Food
Profile: 0/10 - GOG will smash your face
REP: 1/10 - GOG will noble you last
Tribe: 9/10 - GOG Cares not


Points: 9/10 - Good points and good rank and also good noblefile
Area: 3/10 - got like 2 or 3 noble worthy players. really sucky farming area: see north
ODA: 8/10 - decent. Not particularly good, but not bad ;)
Profile: 9/10 - nice idea
REP: -/- - i don't care ;)
Tribe: 9/10 - ranke 2 tribe doesn't get 10/10 because they aren't rank 1. Otherwise everything is perfect!

Total: 38/50 = 0.76

Rate next: Delling.

/yo momma



Points: 9 out of 10

You are currently rank 31 in the world.

ODA: 5 out of 10

You are in the top 35 with a dismal ODA.

Position: 10 out of 10

Right in the core.

Profile: 10 out of 10

Just the way I like it, not messy.

Reputation: 5 out of 10

Sorry, but I don't know you.

Tribe: 10 out of 10

Your tribe is currently number one in the world.

Other: --- out of ---

Not Applicable

Scored by: -Dark Assasin-


Points: 9.5/10 - Almost in the top 20 ;)
Area 8/10 - i might consider farming your area for a while :p
ODA: 10/10 - Looks like you have been working for those conquers top stuff.
Profile: 2/10 - not alot on your profile but to be fair not many people do profiles anymore.
Start Date 4/10 - pretty much when the world opened.
REP: 9/10 - seen you around alot.
Tribe: 9/10 - not a bad tribe from the looks of it but don't know it well enough to make any real comments.

51.5 / 70



Points: 4/10 - GROW :p

Area 6/10 - Average area, a few threats however

ODA: 7/10 - Good for your size

Profile: 7/10 - Average, needs pictures

Reputation: 8/10 - Hai Dere

Tribe: 7/10 - Love the picture, no the the academy.



Tribe: 10/10

Farmed (only during the early stages of the world): 10/10
First person to get perfect rating?

Who should be reviewed next (w70 ign): nMe.


Points: 10/10
ODA: 8/10
Area: 7/10
Profile: 6/10
Reputation : 8/10
Tribe : 8/10
Other: Done very well considering I didn't see you cheat by spawning barbs. Hope you go back to no.1

IGN : FinalRetribution