Rate The Player Above



Points: 9/10 - top 10
Position: 10/10 - the best village spread in w78 together with Ltssb
Tribe: 9/10 - rank 1, althought I'm not a big fan
Reputation: 1.337/10 - because Mason ...
Profile: 9/10 love the COA , if you could just remove Mason from profile it would be 10/10 :D

IGN: Kripto666

Points: 7/10 - 1 in the k... great for the rim, far from the top
Position: 6/10 -nice spread, room to grow but hazmat are close
Tribe: 2/10 - you being half the tribe, cant see how i can rank it higher
Reputation: ----... dont know you but hey, i dont know anyone =]
Profile: 6/10 meh...

IGN: 4r7hur

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
IGN: 4r7hur

Points: 5/10 - You're half the size of rank 1 so you get half the points :)
Position: 3/10 -nice spread but I don't see you expanding fast due to area.
Tribe: 1/10 - I'm unconvinced by your tribe personally. Seems way to huggy.
Reputation: ----... Never heard of you.
Profile: 3/10 - dull




Points: 10/10 - Rank 1 growth rankings, very well done. Cant do much other than giving 10/10
Position: 8/10 - Good positional cluster with a strong connection between the villages, dangerous position against Fate, lets see what you can do with it.
Tribe: 6/10 - Doesnt convince me in terms of OD and members. People come and go. Tribe has rank 13 with a rank 23 OD, rank 20 ODA, which is somewhat better.
Reputation -/10 - Im not the one to judge on this, Im never really busy on the external forums and I only joined on world 74 on .net.
Profile: 7/10 - Looks fine to me, and Im the one judging :p. Missing some swords and stuff (wouldve gotten you 10/10)

Overall: 8/10 - You are good at what youre doing. Think we can expect a lot from this account. Not really tested on the defensive side, but that will come.

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Points: 3/10, slow growth for an early join date
Position: 4/10 - Good spread for farming, weak for defending etc.. Could be denser
Tribe: 3/10 - Probably will end up getting rimmed sooner or later.. Too slow growth and size.
Reputation -/10 - Never heard of, although im not very active on the externals
Profile: 7/10 -Not too bad, could do with some personal touches maybe..?

Overall: 17/50 - Your account has potential possibly, need to stay active and farm more (cliché)




Points: 3/10, slow growth for an early join date
Position: 4/10 - Good spread for farming, weak for defending etc.. Could be denser
Tribe: 3/10 - Probably will end up getting rimmed sooner or later.. Too slow growth and size.
Reputation -/10 - Never heard of, although im not very active on the externals
Profile: 7/10 -Not too bad, could do with some personal touches maybe..?

Overall: 17/50 - Your account has potential possibly, need to stay active and farm more (cliché)



Points: 8/10, top 25 and one of the handful of players who deserve it. One internal (against yourself) and plenty of room for expansion
Position: 9/10, Plenty of room for expansion as stated above, may need to move into another top tribe whilst expanding, but no worries there. Only reason its a 9 as you have a few issolated villages
Tribe: 10/10, Much love for crash, one of the only tribes around that I can see possibly making it to endgame
Reputation: 7/10 heard a bit about you, not too much
Profile: 10/10 yeeeeahhh fox :D




Points:10/10 top 5
Position:9/10 very good village spread.
Tribe:7/10 don't really know anything about DKS looks like a promising tribe.
Rep:8/0 heard good players are on that acc,don't know any of you personally though.
Profile: 8/10 looks good.



points 7/10 top 50
position 7/10 not a whole lot of room to grow unless you start fighting TSU
tribe 6/10 a whole tribe dedicated to destroy TSU but so far havent destroyed them ??
Rep 8/10 you got some rep connected to ya
profile 8/10 funny video :p

Average 7.2

IGN: Viscida Vocatus


points 9/10 - Top 10, could be better considering you had an early start advantage, + 20% internals. Early growth stats counteract that though

position 7/10 - good expansion options, obvious front line positioning issues in heavy combat (hence -5 caps)
tribe 9/10 - Potential for growth around the rim with good ground ownership (even if a little bit huggy at the moment with recruitment)
Rep 9/10 - heard nothing bad although I wouldn't have paid attention anyway :p
profile 10/10 - style, OD

IGN: Whytrytodie?



Points 8/10 ~ Big player who managed to get a steady place in the top 15, but the lead the top 10 has is significant
position 7/10 ~ Loads of tribe-mates around you allows you to maintain your wide spread without to much risk of losing villages for now. However to get your hands on big villages you will have to clash with one of the big tribes in the near future.
profile 6/10 ~ was way more amusing when you still were supporting your own fan club :p
reputation 10/10 ~ Within your area the blue dots like you and the brown dots hate your guts, doesn't gets much better than that.
tribe 9/10 ~ Crash! is a real solid tribe no real comments here
farming 8/10 ~ You have all the level 4 achievements, but at this stage they are only for decorating your profile. So in a desperate attempt to rate your farming I looked at whether or not you could keep your hq que running in your villages (based on the assumption you have both construction and troop manager set up) and the growth rate of you low point villages. This combined with your stretched out spread gave me the feeling that your farming is slightly above average for a guy with your points

Total 48/60 points

IGN: 4r7hur



Points 9/10: Looks solid, top 25, but there are much bigger players around him. He's slacking in his personal area.
Position 9/10: Looks great for a CRASH war :D
Profile 6/10: Could use some work
Reputation 7/10: haven't heard anything about him, but OD looks abysmal for his points.
Tribe 9/10: solid tribe, i did it.
Farming 6/10: has the level 4 achievement, but if farming was done better you would be top 15.
Total Points: 46/60




Points: 1/5, but I guess 4/5 if I count the area you are in(rim)

OD: 1/5, but I'd say 4/5 for your points. Lots of oda.
Position(Area): 3/5, rim is good or bad, though you started really late. :p
Profile: 5/5 #punns4Life
Reputation: -/- meh
Tribe: 1/5 small rim tribe.
Farming: 4/5 I guess its gonna take a while to get the gold yet.

Total: 15/30 or 21/30



Nothing else interesting on the externals since the mass spam so...:

points 7/10 - Could have had a faster growth rate for your join date, So many internals (about 1/3) didnt bother counting all.

position 8/10 - Very spread out, good for farming. Decent access to the rim so target options.
tribe 8/10 - respect, see above...
Rep 9/10 - Nothing good, nothing bad
profile 4/10 - empty

IGN - Whytrytodie?

Spoons are deadly


Points - 9/10, top 15 but give me 12th place back please? :p
Position - 9/10 Nice spread in the corner of your tribe. Plenty of opportunity to stretch out
Tribe - 7/10 Good solid tribe with a nice growth. Yet to see you in some sort of war though. Will be interesting to see you in your first test.
Rep - 6/10 I didn't know you until you mailed me but given you 6 because of how friendly you are ^-^
Profile - 4/10 Not quite sure what the CoA is supposed to be but it hurts my brain >.<

Ign - Not A Famous Guy
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Not A Famous Guy

Points - 8/10 Good enough, I guess.
Position - 7/10 Hell if I know how good your area is for farming, I'll say 7.
Tribe - 7/10 Not Hazmat so you must suck (nod)
Rep - 0/10 Spoons aren't even the most dangerous of cutlery.
Profile - 3/10 For no Dallow on your profile you lose points

IGN Whoever you want to rate. Tudadar if you can't think of anyone yourself.

#dallowforlooteroftheday #spikebulletsfarms #farmzilladudegotbullied #danisameanie #robruinedchristmas #heptadecagon


In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Tudadar's rating: Lim of n--->0+ of ∞/n

Rate me: Destiny.
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Points - 10/10 barb points are best points.
Position - 10/10 barb village are best village.
Tribe - 10/10 no tribe is best tribe.
Rep - 10/10 all world are tudador world
Profile - 0/10 Not enough derps


Points - 10/10 top marks.
Position - 10/10 good cluster, good spread
Tribe - 3/10 Tribe is new, name doesn't excite me. Sidd is a spy.
Rep - 8/10 he killed RICK.
Profile - 0/10 no derps, no points.

IGN. The Second Coming.


Points: ZERO
ODA: ZERO, YOU SUCK :icon_rolleyes:
ODD: Zero :icon_eek:
Position: 0/10 You don't have any :lol:
Profile/COA: 4/10 Come on.. it's bad when I rate your external siggy :)
Reputation: Don't know, so I won't rate :)
Tribe: Rimmed/USuck
Other: Grab and account in future and you could get a decent rating :icon_cry:

Total: 0/10 - Probably the nubiest of nubs to make an appearance on this world :icon_razz:

In-game name: Player not found.


Points: Ill give you a 1 for actually having points
ODA: You hit a spike? 0/10
ODD: Wow you defended a barb attack..... 0/10
Position: 3/10 I mean you know most of the rim is going to barb out so youll have room to expand at least
Profile/COA: 5/10 and interesting read
Reputation: 1/10? you speak English?
Tribe: 1/10 Gonna get rolled
Other: 5/10 cuz I wanna

Total: 15/70

ign: Stormbringer2012


Points: Ill give you a 1 for actually having points

ODA: You hit a spike? 0/10
ODD: Wow you defended a barb attack..... 0/10
Position: 3/10 I mean you know most of the rim is going to barb out so youll have room to expand at least
Profile/COA: 5/10 and interesting read
Reputation: 1/10? you speak English?
Tribe: 1/10 Gonna get rolled
Other: 5/10 cuz I wanna

Total: 15/70

ign: Stormbringer2012

Points: 6/10 - 100k account is something players are lucky to get :)
ODA: 4/10
ODD: 8/10 - Fantastic amount for a 100k account, proven good defender as I remember you on W51/58.
Position: I won't say because I don't know if you are surrounded by allies or enemies.
Profile/COA: 1/10 Previous histories for me are the past, the present proves what kind of player you are now :icon_wink:
Reputation: 5/10 for me remembering you on W51/58.
Tribe: 6/10 Very good sparring tribe :)
Other: N/A

Total: 30/60.

Player not found.
