Rate the Player Above


Rating : TwoDeadly

Growth: 7/10 Dropped some ranks, but looking much better as a player since.
Location: 7/10 On the edge of the tribe, can be good and bad. I would give it better score if I had more faith in your tribe.
OD: 6/10 Nice spikes lately because of war, but still low.
Tribe: 2/10 Although tribes position has improved in the north, there are more problems on other side. Still consider them to be the worst top10 tribe.
Farming: 7/10 dropped since war started, but still has nice rank.

Rate: -Daemon-

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
No point rating an account that is rimmed that would be pure trash talk.

Instead I'll rate another Vodka member that was near him.

Oberjarl is Awesome

Activity/Growth 9/10 Started later than me and bigger than me. Though you seem to have taken a lot of internals and free villages this doesn't diminish you are keeping up solid pace.
Location 10/10 Massive rim area to grow on and a frontline big enough to allow you to participate but not too big that you're pure frontline.
ODA/ODD 6/10 Nothing special
Profile 2/10 Boring
Tribe 5/10 A few days ago this would be a 9/10 but Vodka have not impressed me.
Past Worlds (if any) 2/10 On w80 your account did nothing all world and other than that you haven't even made top 100 before

Sinful Angel


Sinful Angel

Activity/Growth 7/10: A respectable rank 43 for an account thats been here since world start almost.
Location 8/10: Your location will make or break you in the war with Vodka, if successful you are in the best position to grow if doesnt go well you may be screwed :p
ODA/ODD 7/10: top 25 ODA not too bad higher than actual rank so good.
Profile 6/10: Standard profile decent profile picture.
Tribe 8/10: Top condender to win world if Smart beat Vodka its between them and NN for the world no other condenders.
Past Worlds (if any) 7/10 some good worlds, seen you on w83.

Lord Eastwood

The Hound

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Lord Eastwood

Activity/Growth 8/10: was rank one, now has lost some ground
Location 6/10: pretty boxed in, can expand towards Vodka though
OD 10/10: very nice ODA, isn't rank1 OD because he wasn't attacked much
Profile 7/10: nothing special
Past worlds: 6/10 nothing special, didn't research much though/

Overall 8/10

The Hound


The Hound

Activity/Growth 7/10: Not the fastest growth but growth isn't all about points. Rank 5 Looter so obviously this man has troops
Location 8/10:In the middle of Smart! but is nobling on the front with -YES- right now, and moving north
OD 8/10: Pretty decent ODA. ODD is extremely low but I assume because of location and him not being an immediate target, this will change as he moves to the front. ODS decent as well.
Profile 3/10: Like non flavored oatmeal. At least put a quote on that bad boy.
Past worlds 6/10: Best world I see besides the current is en86. Hit rank 68. Nothing special outside of that, might have coplayed on other accounts.

Overall: 6.4 (it's only bc of the profile) but I'll add a point(and .6) because I love ya. So 8.

Rate: Curses



Activity/Growth 8.5/10: Started later then a lot of players, definitely one the most dominant accounts in it’s area. Given the fact the account’s ODD is also in the top 10 of the world, I find the growth pretty impressive.

Location 9/10: Lovely position. Good frontline position and has potential to benefit from it a lot in the war against Vodka. If successful at breaking through Vodka in the north, very nice rim position aswell. Might need to create a new cluster in the future to get involved on a new frontline.

OD 8/10: Good ODA, very good ODD. Has obviously been a target in the war vs Vodka and has defended almost if not flawlessly so far. Low ODS could be justified by the fact that the account is on the frontline itself and has been under such heavy siege. The troops are needed there.

Profile 7.5/10: I don’t know what a good profile should look like I really don’t care what’s on it ^^. Looks pretty okay to me

Tribe 8.5/10: One of the few dominant tribes in this world. World winning material for sure, let's see how well the tribe performs in the future. Big things are happening in this world and the tribe is facing a big challenge.

Past worlds 9/10: As the profile says, the account owners have won several worlds.

Overall: 8.5/10



Non-stop Poster
Reaction score

Activity/Growth 5/10: 26 villages at this period of the game is nothing to brag off, but I think one factor of this is him being a front account in Gasp! and in Smart! which made it harder to freegrow :)

Location 7/10: Has a front, but at the same time is a bit boxed in, but yet not enough to call it backline. But still has great growth potential

OD 5/10: 287k ODA and 573k total OD, it is okay but nothing special.

Profile 9/10: I have a horrible sense of humor which makes this profile all the better!

Tribe: 9/10: love these guys

Past Worlds: didnt find anything so wont score it.

Overall: 7/10

Sinful Angel



Activity/Growth 5/10: 26 villages at this period of the game is nothing to brag off, but I think one factor of this is him being a front account in Gasp! and in Smart! which made it harder to freegrow :)

Location 7/10: Has a front, but at the same time is a bit boxed in, but yet not enough to call it backline. But still has great growth potential

OD 5/10: 287k ODA and 573k total OD, it is okay but nothing special.

Profile 9/10: I have a horrible sense of humor which makes this profile all the better!

Tribe: 9/10: love these guys

Past Worlds: didnt find anything so wont score it.

Overall: 7/10

Sinful Angel

Rate: 10/10 Daddy AF


Vodka Ace


Activity/Growth: 7/10 You have a lot of smaller players and Inquisition + **P** right next to you good targets, you will inevitably eat them up.
Location: 6/10 I see potential for a big slippery cluster.

OD: 8/10 High rankings in every category, even ODS. Good job mate!

Profile: 8/10 I see whats going on here, hard work brings success, and you can never be overly-dressed!

Tribe: 10/10 Vodka, easily the best tribe in the world. Full of great players featuring great communication and the famed Ace from what ive heard.

Past worlds: 1/10 not much info there. Probably other accounts i dont know about and past co playing experiences.

Overall: 10/10 Perfect score for a member of the best tribe.

IGN: Lions Can Fly
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Lions can fly..

simply 1000/10 for every category since you play in Vodka with Sean. <3




Shocking account, not sure how Sean ended up as duke of Vodka, he must have somehow managed to win it in some drunken (only vodka involved) antics one night in the tribe chat.

Rate: Us




Shocking account, not sure how Sean ended up as duke of Vodka, he must have somehow managed to win it in some drunken (only vodka involved) antics one night in the tribe chat.

Rate: Us

Really I wonder how this noob found his way into Vodka :eek: he must have been drunk to apply to vokda and sean the man who is never sober was just like alright he cant be of any use to the tribe so lets recruit him.
Just another member of the Vodka party!