Their IGN: TheGW
Points: 28227 #1 10/10
ODA: 3215 #163 5/10 (Way below your rank)
ODD: 278 #982 2/10
Position: Centered, lots of tribemates around you. 5/10
Profile: 5/10. Good achives, unoriginal PP and description.
Reputation: 8/10. Good w102 achieves, probably played under other nick's previously.
Tribe: ANTI. 7.5/10. Decent position, a bit centered. Too many members for my taste, but overall decent growth and no lame "family"
Other: Rank 1 player, but we'll see how it goes after early-game. Obviously not been cheaping out on the PP. No big nobles, so really hard to tell offensive skills.
My IGN: Same as forum, previous IGN's are secret