Rate the player above


Rate: Lord BERSERK

Activity/Growth: 7/10 - you are nobling actual players which is rare in todays age

Farming: 7/10 - you are farming well for your size, well done

Location: 5/10 - good location to eat but you are surrounded by different big tribes including your own which automatically makes it more competetive

ODA/ODD: 8/10 - i love aggresive players with oda

Profile: 6/10 not much to go on but I do like your coat of arms

Tribe: 6/10 have not seen or heard much about CN, you are leading the pack so keep it up!

Past Worlds: 6/10 - you were rank 1 and in rank 1 tribe on world 98 but appears you merged or got internalled.

Overall rating: 6/10

IGN: Shortfuse


Location: 5/10 - Has a bad location with PTV all around him

Tribe: 5/10 -Not really hard of any of your tribe members before but being near PTV wont be easy:)


You called it.


Cody, not sure which of my current/new co's did but it was not ME. So rate me would you ;)


Deleted User - 11456740

Rate: Shorfuse

Activity/Growth: 7/10 - nice nobling, 1 player from your own tribe, 1 from -L- (that was nice willage)

Farming: 10/10 - a mil in a day, nice. It was after the break, but still mil is a mil, nice farming.

Location: 8/10 - You made yourself a cluster, it would be hard to noble you, if you are active, a hard one for everyone! Nice

ODA/ODD: 8/10 - Nice ODA, and in the beggining of your first two nobled willages I saw you had a big ODA even back then, just keep it up, nice.

Profile: 6/10 low profile, but willage names are fire (in my opinion)

Tribe: 5/10 idk why dont you join -L- tribe, that would give you wings, didn't heard a lot about Echo, but ok, let see whats in the future for you guys.

Past Worlds: idk I don't have time to investigate that

Overall rating: 8/10

IGN: ludi petak 13.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Dancing Tiger

Activity/Growth: 10/10 - Rimmed, just the way we like players

Farming: 6/10 - 71k in a day after the attack break is average at best I'd guess if I had to.

Location: 10/10 - No place to be like the good old rim

OD: 10/10 - You killed some things on your way out

Profile: 5/10 - average, moved on

Tribe: none (6/10 for -L-) - was kicked? and noble by -L-

Rate: ludi petak 13 (not me)
PS. should get a 3/10 or something for "Tribe: 5/10 idk why dont you join -L- tribe" comment above, but I digress


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
ludi petak 13.

Activity/Growth: 9/10 - 22.839 points is pretty good at this stage

Farming: 8/10 - 220k in a day with almost 3k villages, solid.

Location: 8/10 - Pretty much in the middle of your tribe cluster, can expand both east and west.

OD: 8/10 - 35k, 25k attacking. Seems like you haven't gotten into too much trouble.

Profile: 3/10 - 3 points for the penguin=)

ign: superpolly


Saint Laurent

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Superpolly 20.

Activity/Growth: 8/10 - 32.213 points. Not bad at all. I imagine some pp has been spent like with all other top ranked players at least. Ranked 6th in the continent, so you can kick some ass probably.

Farming: 3/10 - 98k in a day with 7 villages and 32k points... not good at all. I hope you have a decent scav income at least...

Location: 6/10 - You kind of have to expand south or west and at some point you will either meet PTV or UI, so a tough time is coming for you mid game I guess. How will you handle it tho? :)

OD: 7/10 - 17.843 in OD. Almost everything is ODA. Its low, but that is not a bad thing at this point in my opinion.

Tribe: 5/10 In the Blood/Gang tribes. Probably PTV’s biggest competitor in K55. Havent really done anything yet. But Im sure that will change soon enough.

Profile: 4/10 - I personally hate nuts, but good try tho x)

ign: Saint Laurent

Undead Royalty

Saint Laurent
Activity/Growth: 10/10 Rank 2 player at 64.721 points very impressive
Farming: 9/10 372.777 in a day very nice, must have some excellent farms
Location: 10/10 Very Nice Cluster with plenty of food around
ODA/ODD: 10/10 Rank 6. in ODA you didn't just grow quickly you grew aggressively
Profile: 2/10 Profile picture and achievements simple, but I think this is style points
Tribe: 9/10 PTV! I see them as a contender for this world.
Past Worlds: Nothing much to see from the profile, on the forums V27 win and V33 so he's experienced for sure and has earned his spot ;)

ign: Undead Royalty


Undead Royalty

Activity/Growth: 7/10 - Rank 105 at 15K points. Maybe yet to use your Flag booster from the event methinks. Not bad growth considering your extremey competetive area. 4 villages with an average points of 3.9K, now this I am a fan of. Quality villages take time to build :)

Farming: 3/10 - Rank 622 for farming. This is quite disapointing given your size. I do however see that your location must serverely hinder our farming prospects given the amount of players around you.

Location: 7/10 - Farming aside I actually really like your position. Yes you are a core account, and yes you have a large number of your tribe around you. I see however, incredible scope to take on local boys CROSSBOW. Sitting at 100K as a tribe, they have a number of 4K+ villages in your area. Great scope for immediate growth if your tribe decide to OP them in the future. You are also close enough to your tribe to recieve support should these tribes retaliate.

ODA/ODD: 8/10 - This is your best rank at 41. Good to see you are agressive. Prehaphs this is not so great at this point in the game but hey-ho, killing things is fun, and certainly the part we all respect most! Kill more stuff <3

Profile: 7/10 - Personally not a big fan of elaborate profiles but I like that fact yours has fun rather than brags. Good to see the riddle section which brings a bit of fun to things :)

Tribe: 9/10 - Boasting rank 3 at 25 players is always a fantastic achievement for a tribe. Average player size of 20.416 brings Kick in as the second best tribe for largest accounts. A good spread in 2 K's. If players can hold their own and grow fast I fancy Kick to do good things in the world. Unsure of diplomacy with Death but sort of hopeing to see the worlds best mid game war from you two.

Past Worlds: 6/10 - From what I can see on TW Stats you've had a fairly average past. You played a 300K plus world which I credit you for :)

IGN: Stabby Stabby Spear
Last edited:


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Stabby Stabby Spear

Activity/Growth: 9/10
Rank 15, everything above top 25 should be considered good, but for a 10/10 I think you need to grow a bit more :)

Farming: 7/10
You should be able to farm a lot more with your villages, but since you just took most of them you will still get a seven.

Location: 7/10
There's a lot of good tribes really close to you such as UI and PTV!. Although you and your tribe has a good growing potential close to the rim I think your biggest task will be handling the front against both UI and PTV (if you guys doesn't have any diplomacy with each other that is).

ODA/ODD: 6/10
More ODA than ODD which means your most likely dominating your closest area, would be a higher rating if your points wasn't bigger than your ODA

Profile: 7/10
I like you profile picture since it really suits your name, but your text is kinda mehh.

Tribe: 5/10
Haven't played on .net besides on w100 on the all skill account, so can't really judge your tribe on more than it's growth and as it's now you guys are a bit behind.

Past Worlds (if any): ?
As I said I haven't really played on .net before and on your user file there isn't any past worlds :(

Rate: Backen


Rating Backen:

: 9/10 Rank 29. Had a slow start and seems to have taken advantage of that New Year's break as they've conquered 6 vills in the past 5 days with only one nobled barb.

Farming: 7/10 Best resources plundered was after NY break like most people at 217k and same for most vills plundered at 4k. Backen did only have 1 village then so now I expect more out of them.

Location: 7/10 Lots of good tribes in the area but you are closely located to your tribemates. You're also right next to Gang and near VIP. Great room for growth but is heavily dependent on tribal relations.

ODA/ODD: 6/10 62k ODA over 12 ODD. This will change soon due to your location. Slow to start as well but I guess we'll have to see how you respond with having more vills now. Great that you are mostly nobling players though (1 Blood and 2 VIP).

Profile: 6/10 Cute Panda. The DND conflicts with your current mood (says chill instead of angry). Unless the current mood is actually of the panda's. It could all be sarcastic but it's hard to tell with minimal text.

Tribe: 7/10 Death aka BobOnFire's squa is currently rank 2 with only 21 members. Pretty impressive but they are also surrounded by VIP, Blood, Gang, and Kick. Not sure what the diplomacy is here but I bet we'll all find out soon. You nobled from Blood and VIP, is there more than what meets the eye? Only time will tell.

Past Worlds (if any): Don't see any on TW Stats. Anyone can feel free to educate me though.

IGN: We Never Sleep


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
We Never Sleep

Activity/Growth: 9/10
rank 10 is good and with 14 villages you seem to be able to stick around for a while at the top.

Farming: 9/10 S
trong farmer, good thing!

Location: 11/10
Far away from me and alot of barbarians around you, god bless.

ODA/ODD: 3/10
Who cares about oda and odd at this point of time wait for big wars, some oda atm so you have attacked other villages then barbs...

Profile: 6/10
Sleep is indeed for the weak.

Tribe: 9/10
Rank 1 atm, looking strong. Dont know alot of the players but seems to be good.

Past Worlds (if any)
Dont know you but you seem to be good on stats.

Rate: Dream*

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
We Never Sleep

Activity/Growth: 9/10
rank 10 is good and with 14 villages you seem to be able to stick around for a while at the top.

Farming: 9/10 S
trong farmer, good thing!

Location: 11/10
Far away from me and alot of barbarians around you, god bless.

ODA/ODD: 3/10
Who cares about oda and odd at this point of time wait for big wars, some oda atm so you have attacked other villages then barbs...

Profile: 6/10
Sleep is indeed for the weak.

Tribe: 9/10
Rank 1 atm, looking strong. Dont know alot of the players but seems to be good.

Past Worlds (if any)
Dont know you but you seem to be good on stats.

Rate: Dream*
Past world: 9/10-- fought till the end in a lost cause in w98


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score

Activity/Growth: 6/10
rank 209 is decent, 4 villages which one of them is fairly good developed

Farming: 1/10 60 villages in a day, 24k max a day :s hope you scavenge a lot like i do=)

Location: 6/10
Fairly safe in the middle of the Death cluster. Not much room to grow in my opinion, unless you go for KicK players

ODA/ODD: 7/10
Low, although not really needed at this point

Profile: 1/10

Tribe: 8/10
Looking promising, i recognise some norwegian players there=)

Rate: superpolly



Activity/Growth: 10/10
top 20, its petty to give anything else.

Farming: 7/10 100k max, seems low for an account that size. 2k village plunders villages in a day though, decent. I assume scavenging is the main earner.

Location: 6/10 will run out of expansion space in the near future due to tribal diplomacy, its crowded up there. Would be front line in a PTV war though, if blood/gang/scav win or sever ties with each other diplomatically it would open things up. Don't think the account will get steamrolled though, I'm sure polly will be around a while.

ODA/ODD: 8/10
25 for oda, rank overall is top 30. Can't say whether this is good or bad without knowing what the nukes have been killing but it's broadly where I'd expect it to be.

Profile: 6/10
low effort but I like nuts.

Tribe: 5/10
Whether fair or not I'm lumping blood/gang/scar family together. Not saying there aren't great players there but in my experience they will be bogged down by the players that should have been food. There's around 100 players between the 3 tribes, can anyone honestly say that there are 100 players worth having in any continent? I have seen set ups like this fail a lot more often than they've succeeded. It's a safe bet that there will be a war between this family and my tribe PTV! sooner or later for k dominance, whoever the victor I can't see the tribes existing in the current format at the end of it. Nice spread but I think the likes of polly will be throwing money at old rope when it comes to supporting some tribe mates.

Rate: Xillah.