Rated x and womabt73


if you would want to be part of a huge allience against these players contact me but be warned it wont be easy or quick we have many tribes already part of the allience including some very strong tribes
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Just for lolz, who is joining in on this "alliance" to take out wombat?

and why you wanna take him out so bad?
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well first he refused to stop attacking the allies of the tribe he was in so a few members asked that he be kicked next i left the tribe he then told me that he was going going my whole tribe
List of allies
arsenic rose


Wow that alliance wasn't as big as the one that tried to take me out of K32
-RT-, MNGRL, ~SB~, TDA and that other one i forgot but they all sucked. Thanks goes to a player in ART and NUBS for the support though ;)


we have afew allies that i dont want to mention aswell


19 C1 3.437.737 3.994.343 158 25.281
53 C2 492.097 554.600 127 4.367
62-RP-333.843 333.843 12 27.820

Bolded is the average points per player of this "GRAND ALL POWERFUL" alliance...Average points per player in the entire alliance is approximately 14k; not much power there....


i'm sorry is this building up to a huge April fool, if not then please put art down for all of rated x's K44 villas and coordinate with us ingame - you could set up a hidden shared forum for the council members to talk in

I've just had word that Domino will help take out wombat - looking good guys


no april fools here wombat only just joined art and we already have a shared forum


This sounds fun message me in game ill claim 20 of Xs villages :)


19 C1 3.437.737 3.994.343 158 25.281
53 C2 492.097 554.600 127 4.367
62-RP-333.843 333.843 12 27.820

Bolded is the average points per player of this "GRAND ALL POWERFUL" alliance...Average points per player in the entire alliance is approximately 14k; not much power there....

you base how good a tribe is by looing at points? such a noob
just because points are low does not mean that troops are also low. yes if there are more points there may be more troops but those alliance are not point whores like many tibes i could mention


First off, you have 900 points, you can't even noble yet.
Second, you can't possibly have enough troops to take down somebody with 300 vills worth of troops like Rated X has.
Thirdly, the OD scores of the tribes are more pathetic than their point ranks.

Next time before you go around calling someone a noob, you might want to have a second village.

3167 medion123 C2 912
Nice, you're a pro I can see.

Tribal ODA's of this "unbeatable alliance"
33 Creat1ve 4,29 Mio.
Creat1ve has 158 members, thus being 27k ODA per player, yeah real frightening.
86 Creat2ve 404.467
Creat2ve has 101 members, thus being 4k ODA per player, makes me shiver.
73 Rise of the Phoenix 628.170
Rise of the Phoenix has 9 members, thus being 70k, much better than the other tribes, but still pathetic.


They have me also...

my ODA is pretty bad but it adds a bit more to the allience.
91 JB4-Slayer 7,82 Mio.

they got a better (not good) chance with me helping.

as i said before TheEclipse message me in game and i will help out...
slry could be fun


Yeah, cause you'll attack your tribemates, right.

of course i would attack my tribe LOL

we have been fighting it out for a wile :)

Side 1:
Players: JB4-Slayer

Side 2:
Tribes: Art

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 44
Side 2: 15
Difference: 29


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 417,024
Side 2: 139,706
Difference: 277,318



on w16 iwas holding off attacks from member of plight and when they were still strong GUNs i 3 villages while some of them had over 50, so obbviously i can hold off attacks like that.
try to learn facts first, if i hadn't been able to hold off those attacks i did before then i would not be supporting this idea.
oh im not close enough to be attacking anyway i will more likely be support

ive also noticed the bigger players never seem to think before they speak. is that a thing that comes naturally?


on w16 iwas holding off attacks from member of plight and when they were still strong GUNs i 3 villages while some of them had over 50, so obbviously i can hold off attacks like that.
try to learn facts first, if i hadn't been able to hold off those attacks i did before then i would not be supporting this idea.
oh im not close enough to be attacking anyway i will more likely be support

ive also noticed the bigger players never seem to think before they speak. is that a thing that comes naturally?

You might be able to stack your villages.

OD Defense Rank: 1888.
(119,020 score)

But can you attack.

OD Attack Rank: 3434.
(187 score)


and the same with world 16

OD Attack Rank: 560.
(73,094 score)
OD Defense Rank: 392.
(745,788 score)

And your ennoblements. In world16 show that you've nobled a grand total of 2 villages from an enemy, whereas you lost 14 villages to Plight. Oh well you probably think you aren't a noob, coz most of them say "we aren't pointwhores". The only reason RAted x and wombat73 wouldn't attack is because your village is to crap to noble lool.


And medion, I highly doubt that the players attacking you on W16 were anywhere near skillful at all.