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Hiro Nakumura

So here is an attempt I guess to get to know the different players here on the world- First of all since when have worlds become this tiny in size, anyway thats besides the point... Basically what I want to ask all the forum readers today is how do you think this world will turn out, and how long will it last? At the end we can then link it to see how accurate the predictions were.

Hopefully, it will be an extremely competitive world with many wars

Lady Mihaela Targaryen

Non-stop Poster
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The winning tribe will have to own 60 % of all the runes in each k of the world ,so that means the winning tribe will need to have total dominance or at least 90%

That being said I think 3 to 4-yrs

The other worlds are finishing in a year mostly but this one will need a much bigger dominance


The winning tribe will have to own 60 % of all the runes in each k of the world ,so that means the winning tribe will need to have total dominance or at least 90%

That being said I think 3 to 4-yrs

The other worlds are finishing in a year mostly but this one will need a much bigger dominance

It took us (STD) 15 months to own 100% of W 87.

Hiro Nakumura

Well its only like 8ks max which need full dominance so could be finished in around a year