The Evil Organization
Does anyone with more than two brain cells(or sombra) believe this? Horsing was dropped due to her being inactive and a debatable refugee. If she was considered stacked then create is in for a bad time against AA. Revo nobled barbs to form a frontline, he did not noble 50 fields deep. IL is doing the same thing in the south.
Let's stick to the truth. Creati looked to pile on the best tribe because IL is huggy and not a tier 1 threat. AA has better members and better leaders. Like Thom always says "if you want to know which tribe is the best in a world, look at which one is ganged up on." The jury is in, AA is guilty.
Thanks for the special mention Tommy boy
I don't really care what happened with Horsing . But it wouldn't surprise me if the account got kicked because it was getting owned . But like I said earlier.... I don't really care.
Hope you can find the help you need Truthy.
Love you