I think the war is over after 1 hour. that was quickest war ever. Bee..
I think the war is over after 1 hour. that was quickest war ever. Bee..
Merge, Merge, Merge and Betray, Betray, Betray every world it's the same thing , I assume it's okay for some players to do it according to the trolls , but when others do it , they don't hear the end of it like myself , so I like to know when the TW community is going to play a real world , one we can actually have fun instead of screwing each other over all the time ?
Merge, Merge, Merge and Betray, Betray, Betray every world it's the same thing , I assume it's okay for some players to do it according to the trolls , but when others do it , they don't hear the end of it like myself , so I like to know when the TW community is going to play a real world , one we can actually have fun instead of screwing each other over all the time ?
Says the barb nobler who didnt even bother defending and was busy nobling barbs while he was being OP'ed. And then lie to your allies and take advantage of them (bravo)
Dont bring up NAM , you have no idea who NAM are . Possibly one of the most active and skilled group of players from NO-Hauls community.
And when i say NAM i dont only mean w83 , i mean w77 too.
Don't cry