I'd like to clarify a few things. AM offered us a NAP under the condition we give up all of our k44 villages. We saw what they did to NAM in w83 so we did not trust this offer. AM started NAPing all the tribes around us. They had a NAP with Valar, Wipe and NUTZ and began nobling barbs on our borders. It was clear to both sides for a while that something was going to happen. Both of us had one area to expand once we cleaned up our own zones. Also AM struck at us originally with the nobling of Ironhulk who fed them villages (we have reports of his troops in their villages as support to empty).
Krieger offered us to merge months back. When I was duking I refused this offer because I wanted the best for all my players and was doing my all to look after my team. We had a team strong enough to go up against AM and who knows what would happen? All I cared about was giving it a good fight and having some fun.
I quit a few weeks back due to my upcoming end of year exams and set Cosmin as duke along with Power. It seems that after I left they decided they will accept Kriegers offer to merge. One thing I do not understand; how the hell is it fun to merge and hug your way to the top? Destroying everyones enjoyment of the game by recruiting their tribemates then nobling them for free. Regardless of how low that is I just can't comprehend how it is fun to not even fight a war. I was keen for this war as people in AM can confirm.
It is disappointing that AM stoops to such tactics to try gain a points advantage over the world. Tactics like that are what are making this game so damn boring. I guess I'll say my farewells to the players of this world, if my account is here when I finish school I will return otherwise I guess that's how the game goes.
Vanelmo, Melawankao, Bigjdaddy and Ragnar you have all been great teammates. Skyhawk3 you always stepped up when needed. Thank you so much for everything, you guys are what made this world worth it.
Graham, my first co ever. Glad to have you here and glad that to the end you would have stayed true if you weren't co playing players who decided to leave the moment you merged across.
The players that went across, you were all good players and I believe if the leadership had said to stick around you would have gone with that. Zach and your group on Harambe you were great despite everyone calling you a noob you were fantastic and a team player.
Power, thanks for stepping up as duke to try and help. I don't agree with what you did but I understand where you came from and I respect the effort you put in to try keep people going.
My co player Stian, you just play to fight and when it comes to war you always step it up. Thanks for the ride.
I guess congratulations are in order to AM for merging in the top points players of UV. We were offered this deal many times and asked to join many times but I guess different people find different things fun.
We never came just to win, we wanted to give a good fight and have some fun doing it. Merge tactics only make this game more boring and moves like this make even more people quit. One by one people get sick of spending months with a team only to be betrayed and decide they've had enough with the game.
[19/08/2016 11:57:18 PM] 13. Krieger: if i was on your place if i plan to win this world i would not count much on UV
[19/08/2016 11:57:31 PM] James: Hmm
[19/08/2016 11:57:35 PM] 13. Krieger: people recruited on rim are generally bad
[19/08/2016 11:57:36 PM] James: Loyalty to tribe is important to me
[19/08/2016 11:57:41 PM] James: I think you'd agree
[19/08/2016 11:57:47 PM] James: Loyalty to tribe is the most important thing
[19/08/2016 11:58:35 PM] 13. Krieger: yeah but if you dont have many followers i would not count much to that tribe
[19/08/2016 11:59:04 PM] James: Ah well
[19/08/2016 11:59:06 PM] 13. Krieger: several times i disbanded my tribe to merge my friends that coutn contribute to other stronger tribe
[19/08/2016 11:59:25 PM] James: So what are you saying
[19/08/2016 11:59:55 PM] 13. Krieger: i say if you want to progress you shoudl consider all the options
[24/08/2016 12:17:37 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Btw, are u sure u guys dont want to join us
[24/08/2016 12:17:40 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: ?
[24/08/2016 12:17:55 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Seems is the only other way to get it done with
[24/08/2016 12:18:08 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Since u dont want to give those villas
[24/08/2016 12:18:13 AM] James: Oh believe me it'd be great to be able to chill
[24/08/2016 12:18:19 AM] James: And be in AM, own the rim
[24/08/2016 12:18:23 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Yes
[24/08/2016 12:18:29 AM] James: my account would be fed AF that is true no denying
[24/08/2016 12:18:30 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Why we cant do this?
[24/08/2016 12:18:39 AM] James: Because my god damn sense of loyalty haha
[24/08/2016 12:18:42 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: I cant get another way
[24/08/2016 12:18:48 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Not only u
[24/08/2016 12:18:54 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Get few of your mates
[24/08/2016 12:18:56 AM] James: Who
[24/08/2016 12:18:58 AM] James: How many
[24/08/2016 12:19:00 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: That worth
[24/08/2016 12:19:03 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: Let me see
[24/08/2016 12:19:07 AM] James: How many can you take
[24/08/2016 12:19:14 AM] Multiple Wargasms - Arabela: How much he would take
[24/08/2016 12:20:10 AM] James: but my thought is
[24/08/2016 12:20:16 AM] James: if im willing to ditch UV, why would you trust me
[24/08/2016 12:20:25 AM] James: Why would I be worth sh*t
[24/08/2016 12:20:30 AM] James: if I left my tribe for you guys
[9/09/2016 9:21:47 PM] Cosmin: that b*tch keeps asking me to join AM
[9/09/2016 9:22:01 PM] Cosmin: me and most of the top players from here.
[9/09/2016 9:22:22 PM] Graham Grahams - Will: Hehe
[9/09/2016 9:22:33 PM] Graham Grahams - Will: They don't want to fight us
[9/09/2016 9:22:50 PM] Cosmin: I will ask her for support.
[9/09/2016 9:24:53 PM] James - Vlad/Sinful Angel: ara asked you to join again?
[9/09/2016 9:25:01 PM] Cosmin: every day
Sorry that I typed out so much; this is the first time I've checked TW in a few weeks because my co player informed me what happened. Have fun all