For those of you who do not know, I play on the Power account, and I am going to provide my point of view on exactly how i saw things... Only thing that can shed some light on the situation is the truth. Can't we all agree?
One thing I want to refute for the sake of argument... I will start with that.
James you left on Tuesday... It has not been a few weeks. Think this is important in showing simply how dire the situation was, and who would receive the responsibility for the downfall.
Anyone requesting evidence of this it will be shown in a spoiler at the end of the post detailing my talk with James at the beginning of the week.
Moving forward...
I joined UV August 8th, and was in UV until it's collapse the 1st of October... We saw a fair portion of things occur throughout that period of time. I could clearly see issues starting to form as people were becoming inactive, and were sitting on their troops and were not doing anything of value within the tribe.
I wasn't accepted in the council group until the 2nd or 3rd of September, it was at that point that I really was able to see even behind the scenes just how bad things in UV were going. There was quite a bit of indecision and questionable decisions...
Guess the biggest mistakes were taking too damn long to make a decision on coordinating operations on the rim, we did a fair portion of the work in that respect... If we were quicker about doing this, it would have kept players more interested I think. Gave them something to do other than build their villages & easily take internals.
Neon Hitch operation was a big mistake as well, Cosmin kind of shed some light on his point of view to me, and it completely opened my eyes as to how far and low UV has fallen... James was bored and wanted to launch some nukes, and I can respect that. We lost our opportunity to move in K33... Screwed ourselves there.
The tribe had fallen a lot sooner than it appeared to the world really... As members of the tribe told me "James managed to piss everyone off..."
So when the need arose to send support and supply nukes for any aggressive action against AM, I had absolutely no response. No one cared, and I sent a circular imploring the tribe to buy into the system... It was too late.
Inactivity was the demise for UV... Questionable leadership led it to that position.
At particular time (Last Week Sunday), Cosmin and I got into a massive argument... I really didn't like Cosmin at all until that argument, several times just wanted to dismiss him to piss him of. It's funny seeing him go off on a tangent sometimes, but he has a point more often than not. I would happily put my neck on the line for Cosmin now, great guy. Anyways that conversation with Cosmin really opened my eyes. I saw just how bad UV was at that exact moment, and I wanted no part of it. I did not desire to take the blame for UV's downfall, I was given a tribe that had failed and was given the task of repairing it. Right around the same time, that the power of AM was preparing and prepping an assault against UV.
I proceeded the following day to tell James that I was stepping down as his co duke... I wasn't getting through to the tribe, and maybe someone else would? James swore 64 times, and then told me how he needed to quit playing because of his exams. Very convenient time no? Anyways...
I went to Cosmin and we spoke...
[9/28/2016 3:48:43 PM] Ben (Power): What's your honest opinion on what'll happen moving forward
[9/28/2016 3:48:51 PM] Ben (Power): Between 2 of us
[9/28/2016 3:49:08 PM] Cosmin: if we don't get players on james and sky, we will get rekt. slowly
[9/28/2016 3:49:11 PM] Cosmin: but we will.
[9/28/2016 3:49:50 PM] Ben (Power): More likely quickly
I went on to tell Cosmin how I wanted to join AM... That night I was bothered with the way things were going, and the position I had been placed in. I had a few people I trusted and liked in the tribe. I went to a few really close tribal wars friends, and asked them for advice. I really did... I had no idea what I wanted to do. I woke up the following morning, and decided that I would save the few players who had tried to do what they could to keep the tribe afloat with me.
I petitioned for King Marc to join the tribe... Mainly because they were the biggest account in the tribe. Only real reason...
I petitioned for Cosmin, Lord Voldemort, Shots4Harambe, Ragnar The Destroyer and Waterloo... The ones who sent all there support, the ones who i could count on.
Some were rejected...
From that point forward it took us about 2 days to reach terms with AM... And here we are folks.
I made the decision... I really don't know what to say.
Obviously I can't agree with or accept the way things ended but this is largely the truth for what its worth. Don't get me wrong though I have a lot respect for James despite the mistakes he made, which by the way are on me just as much as him because I was a co-duke for a lot of this, people seem to forget that sometimes and I don't think its fair we pile the blame onto him when he had a whole council who could have done more to fix the problems or prevent them entirely. The leadership failed, not the players, and all of us that were apart of it have to take the responsibility no matter how small our part in it may have been.
None blames those from UV who wanted to win for some people winning is more important than the people who you play with, that's a decision that is for you to make.
When AM rejected members who you felt you could count on you hung them out to dry looking after your self regardless of what they had done for you this world, you made your self and your account prio #1, you cant blame any old UV for resenting you for that.
Well said Varika.
At the end of the day the end result is all that matters and you can throw up this reason and that reason for it, still doesn't change the fact that you sold us out, your mates, your comrades, people who fought by your side, sent you support, chatted with you on skype, stuck up for you etc etc.