They originally stated that he was a spy, when this was pretty much disproved they suddenly started saying he wasn't contributing and therefore deserved to be nobled out.
No, I was the only one, I believe, who said the latter of your post. He was accused of potentially spying, he did nothing to refute those claims...there you go.
I just said he should have been rimmed anyway. His villages would be of more use to an active player than what he did with them, which was nothing.
Alexhol said:
Why are you rejecting experienced players that want to join your tribe? LSHRV needs the new players, so that you can focus on C2, and not inactives like you have been for the past year im guessing.
What experienced players? You or him? No offense, but he didn't do much of anything and you did even less than that. Types like you are just better suited to coach...not in the sense of you have vast experience and knowledge to share, but in the sense of you should maybe stick to the forums and not so much playing. Pretty much just like you did before.
Haza you were in his tribe, sort of. Its well known that you sit accounts in LSHRV
omg...are you serious? You are being a huge whiner as of late dude. That doesn't seem like you.
I asked him to sit one account while we internalled it (ttoommoo). How does that constitute sitting in plural? :icon_rolleyes: I asked him to because alot of us were taking ttoommoo's vills and we needed an outside source to sit. Big whoop.
You don't have to answer by the way, I'm sure one of your two noob recruits made up some story about it, not knowing what they are talking about as usual.
adamjrose2 said:
What MK said was that we don't have spies. He never said we would ignore information passed along to us.
MichielK said:
Thanks for the offer, but we decline. Please do not mail us any inside information on LSHRV, and please realise that we will not use any information that does get sent.
As far as C² is concerned, this is a war between C² and LSHRV. We want to fight it without spying, outside information or external interference (even if it benefits us). That's the best way to ensure everyone gets as much entertainment out of it as possible. We want to be proud of our accomplishments, not have them handed to us by if we need information, we'll get it the hard way