Think i just joined Bio! after those wars when you were duke, loved every moment of Bio!/Dos x etc
This was definitely a fun world for me, best times were landing Jill's op on T I think it was probably going back a couple of years, nothing like drinking beers on the weekend and chatting to dos guys in the shared skype chat.Pretending John/yings account really were 3 Hot Korean girlsAlso playing with Fallo on our account for the bulk of the world, I hope you are well my dear if you do read this.Good luck to you all and well fought to everyone
Leading Bio! against Manic and 4Horse (was that the name?). Great tribe with great members, miss those guys.
That's the only thing you were good at haha. Glad to see you're still around man.
^ I miss giving this guy a hard time, too.
The thing that changed the game for ModWar was ME joining the darkcrusader99 account.
ModWar were then introduced to lewd, rude, and crude behaviour only rivalled by another fellow ModWarian (Ben) who sadly left the tribe!!
I've loved my time on Tribal Wars, and have some awesome memories, and even better friends.
This shall however, more than likely be the only world i play. No because i dont want to hook up with my friends online anymore, but simply cos at its best you need to spend hours on it, and at its worst you need to spend even longer!! I just cant do that. With 4 kids and a demanding (and expensive) mrs, plus my ailing health, this i think really will be FAREWELL Tribal Wars.
At least for now.
Still, those of you that keep asking me to co-play them or take an account in their tribe or world w/e, im flattered, really i am, but please, dont waste your breathe. If i want an account then believe me i'll ask.
So, unless my uber awesome co, the ORIGINAL darkcrusader99 asks me to again be part of something, well, AWESOME, or, someone simply makes me an offer i cant refuse then i will use this thread to be my bowing out thread.
Love to you all,
May all your kids have big dicks (including the girls)
Jay/darkcrusader formerly 3lite Mage