- Reaction score
- 701
- Author
- RedAlert
- Contributors
- N/A
- Quickbar Entry
- Public?
- Public

This script can only be run on this screen:
The idea behind this script is to make it easier for the player to scroll through reports. We all know the struggle when we have a lot of reports and have to clean the reports folder, we have to move up and down through reports, select them, then move to the very bottom of the page and click "Delete", etc.
Or even if we want to move reports from one folder to another, we select them then we scroll to the bottom of the page and then we can move reports from A to B.
The script does not do much, but it's IMO how the reports overview should look and function like.
Until this actions toolbar gets added at the top of the reports overview (if it gets added) this script can help with the pain to scroll up and down.

This is how the script looks like in practice:
Feel free to reply to this thread if you have any suggestions, need help, or found a bug in this script.
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