Rim wars!


That would be a good move, whilst your still weak send your trains on a week long round trip to not got any villages and prevent you from farming as effectively.


That would be a good move, whilst your still weak send your trains on a week long round trip to not got any villages and prevent you from farming as effectively.

Mate, I've played for 2 months, and I'm not weak anymore. Honestly, I couldn't care less if a noble train travels a week to noble someone that insulted the Commonwealth on the external forums. That'll teach 'em a lesson.


You've only played the game for 2 months ? Well your doing fairly well then, but i suggest you wind your neck in if your intent on taking this game so seriously because it will just end in tears for you the way your going... Who are you in game ? Pretty sure i know anyway...


You've only played the game for 2 months ? Well your doing fairly well then, but i suggest you wind your neck in if your intent on taking this game so seriously because it will just end in tears for you the way your going... Who are you in game ? Pretty sure i know anyway...
2 months in this world, not on this game. Name: Awesomedunce


Ahh ok, i must apologize also then, i was convinced you were a different player as your language was identical in style and wording to someone else. That must be a part of your training scheme then i guess...


Mate, I've played for 2 months, and I'm not weak anymore. Honestly, I couldn't care less if a noble train travels a week to noble someone that insulted the Commonwealth on the external forums. That'll teach 'em a lesson.

The commonwealth is terrible and everything worst family in the world. Now will you send that noble train at me. You can send 100 for all I care at me. Try to get one from each commonwealth player please. I so need the odd.


The commonwealth is terrible and everything worst family in the world. Now will you send that noble train at me. You can send 100 for all I care at me. Try to get one from each commonwealth player please. I so need the odd.

So, after everything I've done for you, you don't want to be my fwend? ;_;


Wait tell me did you change those name of those tribes if you did we can be friends.


My name is Peter Sherman

I live at 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney Australia.

Come at me bro!

wow thats funny, because My name is also Peter Sherman

I live at 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney Australia.

Come at me bro!


Honey, stop it!

My name is Sheila Sherman, and Peter is my husband.

We live at 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney Australia.

Come at us, bro!


lol petr sherman master trol 2013

treshaship trold hard 420 wallaby way blazit


If spam dissappears, you dissapear! :p
people loves you, thats why they keep on spamming


Well back to the war bit.

I bit off more than I could chew, was a good run but I'm afraid after RSA2 rims me I won't be restarting to come back at you due to RL issues.

I'm still going to stick around until you get me though :icon_wink: