I'm just glad to see SIN on top. :icon_biggrin:
I'm just glad to see SIN on top. :icon_biggrin:
Seem's to be the general consensus that everyone I talk to agree's that sin is the better/superior tribe, obviously destiny dispute that by saying they only think 3-4 player's within sin are good players.
Seem's to be the general consensus that everyone I talk to agree's that sin is the better/superior tribe.
Hey Dave, I dare you to critique yourself. I'd be curious what that would look like.
Well that'll surely wake up the externals :lol:
cause no1 care what u think angelo ya lil kid
i own u at rock paper scissors lil BOY
I guess that's cool, if farming is your thing.
Highest AOTD would be a bit more impressive. Something that involves anything but holding a single keyboard key all day straight, is more impressive.
Seems to me you over-estimated yourself as well, you're nowhere to be found on the In A Day records :icon_confused:
tooooo funnniesss, i'm a terrible player I just get rank 1 every world I play from pure luck, god shines through my bottom and supports my every whim. and holding one key all day? how are you farming rofl, 5-10min every 2-3 hours is enough..... someone needs to l2p me thinks, and sending nukes at stacks is more achievement worthy? both are just as achievement worthy or just as not, makes no difference, both are repetitive tasks that require doing the exact samething more or less.
Bring back Jovis!