Rome 2009


There will be no Chelsea :icon_biggrin:

Barcelona Barcelona Oway Oway Oway (8)

Drogba = Disgrace


He run down the left
He runs down the right
Hist name his C.Ronaldo
And he F****** S****


Damn I am so happy...


He run down the left
He runs down the right
Hist name his C.Ronaldo
And he F****** S****


Damn I am so happy...

I turned out wrong narrowly, barcelona was not the force you you expected mind. As for C.Ronaldo and him being shit, it is not the wisest of comments. As quite obviously he is a very very good player.
helsea lost not because barca were better but because they fought 1-0 would do the job.


It was a sarcastic comment lol..

Barc where all over chelsea..look at the possesion %..barc deserved to win

Barc vs man u will be a good match, I'm still backing barc though :)


It was a sarcastic comment lol..

Barc where all over chelsea..look at the possesion %..barc deserved to win

Barc vs man u will be a good match, I'm still backing barc though :)

Finally Something we can both agree on :p


Barcelona vs Mofo United :icon_confused:

I see a Red card for Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney fights with Ronaldo, Fergie gets heart-attack, Henry score twice. Most importantly Barcelona will win! :icon_cool:


Man u will take this guys, Arsenal have been in decent form of recent and man u destroyed them.

Man u have no fletcher, who is overrated by fergie in my opinion. So they will use another (better) midfielder. Maybe Park ? who has been in good form. So this can only be good for Man u.

As i said before chelsea's style counter acts barca's and it does i stick by that. The ref had a awfull game and chelsea should of been through everyone even barca have admitted to this simple fact.

Man u also counter act their play, as they play counter attack football which ensures goals. Barca will attack and attack hard. Man u have the best counter attack side i know of right now so you figure it out. Man u will want this more i guarantee.
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Barca also had a good player (s?) off. Henry wasn't on.

I think it will be a good match, but i also believe that barc can pull it off :icon_wink:


Manchester may be tigers at EPL, as muscle power & acting also has got some role there.. That's why they are Number one in EPL now... Considering the neat & nice game, Liverpool deserves to be number one...

& in Champions League, manU's sure to become the runner-up, they are poor in playing against fast Spanish game, see their home defeat to Liverpool by 1-4 :icon_biggrin:

Go Barca go!!! :)


Time shall tell i guess, i am convinced fergies know how over Guardiola's Grace will win the day. Fergie already outwitted one great manager in jose and he will do it again.


Turns out my view was wrong ? who knew.

I was a shocker from Man U and ronaldo, showed who truly is the best player as Messi ran things.