Hahaha what a loser
Rumour has it Artista went through all ur defenses and took all his targets 100% success

now thats a fact
Rumour has it, after 3 major Ops on Artista (2 failed 100%, while all 3 Ops were timed durin my exams and when i was sick, while we stayed away from mlpblue when she was pregnant, 100% unfair and u had spy on my account and im still handing it to u) he went from first in k36---> to second in k36, while at the same time he went from 4rth in k45---> to first in k45 while the hater Voodoo is not even third in any continents
Rumour has it voodoo came inside Artistas cluster in k36 via inactive Zuyan, while Artista is in Voodoo's cluster via conquering active players, and will grow more inside Voodoo cluster, yet wont touch the turtle
Rumour has it Artista90 has a lvl 15 watchtower inside Voodoo cluster via conquering mucus, ty very much friend, and there is nothing a turtle or his friends can do about it, massacre will happen soon there
Rumour has it yes tnbro purchased Pp on the account but spent it all upgrading headquarters to lvl 25 therefore kicked
Rumour has it ur just crying because you cant stop me.
Rumour has by the time im done with u, your keyboard will break via Voodoo tears
Rumour has it screw are having serious second thoughts about recruiting u