SCREW vs. NOOBS & co

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Lady Mihaela Targaryen

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I saw someone mentioning w89

Dst was not a mass recruit tribe

If you look at all those changes that ppl talk about it's actually ppl moving from crows and archer in dst or the other way around

The only mass recruit was when they took a bunch of wizard players

That world was lost by wizard,mainly because of bad leadership of karina

We lost this world ,because of many reasons like inactivity and indivualism ,but one of the main reasons I believe to be the original artista

The moment that he made rebel and was fighting against tribes that were already fighting screw,it was like a stab in the back

From that moment it started going down

Thanks to BGR leadership,we're still standing

There are good leaders on both sides ,and there are ppl with big ego's on both sides too

Kimkhan for example is a very good friend and he is making a good figure in the north,from the battle point of view

But he should have learned a bit more tact in relation with other ppl ,that is what should get anyone further in the game,not bragging about how many troops he defended against

Individualists are those who broughts us down

But the fight isn't over yet

I'll fight to the last spear
Nothing is completely lost yet


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fun fact, both WS and noobs players were supporting dst archer (handful players, not entire tribes haha)


AND we made plans with and trusted sejn and goldie, over luke)

Sejn and I trusted you too and we were so eager to merge into you guys because we absolutely hated being leaders, but you guys kept kicking the can down the road for one reason or another, recruiting people in the north and stuff, don't remember exactly, so we decided to go another route. And SOLO didn't kick any cans down the road on us. Didn't really work out in my favor though as I quickly grew tired of defending against NOOB's attacks and quit :p so kudos to you guys.

Lukes name gives me PTSD. He's just a drama troll. Hell, he threw a whole big apology thing at me one night for him secretly working with Billy back when we were warring WS only because Billy was threatening to expose him. I never bothered asking what he did. One quickly grows tired of conversing with Luke. Hope you don't remember him fondly enough to ever play with him in future worlds. I wouldn't wish that guy to play with my worst enemies.

Anyways all old news! Soz.

Congrats to SCREW for what looks like a sure win at this point. And congrats to NOOBS for putting up a hell of a fight.
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We didn't join the world to win as rimnoobs, we had plans (Jeff had plans with panda while i had a good relationship with Steve and Raoul duke, and granny in inc. AND we made plans with and trusted sejn and goldie, over luke).

Well we definitely messed up all your long term plans without realising eh? From Inc to for Steve and Raoul, they were never going to finish the world - I was always going to chuck Steve out sooner or later. At one point I would have been happy to share the remainder of the world with AVATAR but that blew up...

Even on 93, its top few screw bearing all the load, and others seem to join once or twice a month. This is where I have to say hats off to daddy solo, but honestly tell me, was this worth your time at all haha?

Is any TW world worth the time invested? Really? Not really. I get another win with my group of TW friends and made new ones along the way I would play with again and spend the same time to be victorious again. However this is my last world(for real this time) so thanks very much to NOOBS for sticking around, other tribes would have given up sooner(and not everyone has given up even yet).

Artista diminished NOOBS chances 10fold totally agree with that. When he made his own tribe and attacked our enemies - I smiled. I laughed more when he asked to join us numerous an occasion. A mercenary for hire that had no respect and would throw his own granny to the wolves if it would entertain him. Player cannot attack nor defend when its more than 2 nukes and a train - but apparently a player can support his tribe with defenses.


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"...kept butt licking the screw leadership and ultimately ended up joining them which is okay, but the not cool part was how they did that costing a lot of players and their tribes this world...."
Who are these guys? Just curious

The main reason Screw won, is because a group of w74 winners joined together to have another go. Solo-, phippsy, Lego (who brought GenCom), Jhon Byzan, myself, rasher, harper, ferys, dimitris (we just know this noob from w9, doesnt count that much), maltd, mmx2 and Erill. That's a dozen players who landed on k44 and eventually joined ghio's tribe who offered Patrick the co-duke position from the get-go. So eventually Solo- became the sole leader and as he did in w74, he made great decisions regarding diplomacy, war strategies, critical recruitments etc etc. A guy with his charisma and a solid council around him, especially phippsy and Lego, will always attract top players to join his tribe, like Voodoo, Nex, sage, no bully and others.
NOOBS only would have a chance if they brought something similar on the table. You can't compete with a group of people who've been through so many tough situations together and have more experienced, battle-tested players in our ranks that we met here on w93.
I can't judge or evaluate NOOBS because I havent really fought you guys, but Screw was already riding towards the win when i left and they are well on their way now too.
We got time, we'll close this one out eventually and the right way.


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Who are these guys? Just curious
If I put a few names here in public (well people already know them and what had happened in the past), the thing is I will have to type and type, and the read some aggressive posts (butthurt posts) and reply and then justify. There will be long history lesson posts. Tbh, I really don't want to use my time for that. And it doesn't even matter now haha

NOOBS only would have a chance if they brought something similar on the table. You can't compete with a group of people who've been through so many tough situations together and have more experienced, battle-tested players in our ranks that we met here on w93.

That is nice, but fyi my group is pretty much the same.

Unfortunately, we lost growth early game itself, as we weren't pp boosting (except iamtell) and there were many top rankers near us the early game, which we took out but it costed team effort, and at that stage it slowed us a lot, and we were not taken seriously by other tribes after that. Couldn't be helped as W|S were just being dumb to have us against them than to offer some sort of mutual growth deal, and they kept screwing us up till even after squad died(Charmander is the shittiest pokemon). RoyalE and we sided to work on them.

They did try to get us to merge into them later on because of luke's and billy's thingy, but that is when we were already winning and pushing them, and we really didn't want billy with us. Well, then we were screwed by birds, who harbored Ludi aka charmander. W|S had great players on our fronts and noobs in their core. We broke through the fronts and were 1 day away from eating ludi, when birds came in with his big picture (which at that time felt right to him, and ofc our size was not impressive so his decision made sense to him), but that blocked us altogether as ludi acc was all that was left between us and the upcoming feast and charmander swiftly ate through the remainder W|S (the nooby core) :/ while he was multi- ac** on the #1 account that time (i forgot the ign)

Next time we meet, birds shall be on side with us haha

Anyway, slow growth didn't bother us, since this group (the original one) was so cool, that we kept going on and on for the sake of others haha.
Some people quit, and others followed them. Some didn't and stuck around because of the others sticking around, yada yada...

As for artista's BS, I'd say Charmander screwed us way more than artista, but yeah, can't deny the mind-F*** we had to go through with that canadian billy. Canadians are supposed to be sweet people :(
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Most of the inactive Screw players aren't inactive. They just are flatlining there to get the win. They only show up when they are attacked and thats it. Its easy to go on TWstats and say this dude and this dude don't grow or have no ODA for months, but their accounts are logged every day in Screw. They are not vulnerable. Not the case in Noobs.
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Anyway, at all stages, we had a good council and I feel that none of the steps we made were wrong or inadequate. We always made the right choices depending on the situations, but we were destined to lose against the mighty screw. If you guys remember, we never licked anyone's ass since day 1, not our nature, always straight to the point. If someone can recall the anti-sassy trolling on the world chat, i welcomed the trolls and stated my position right, while the people who were not screw and were trying to be screw being committed to their own tribes at the time (Shame on those shits, creating a ruckus in their own tribes to join the popular club, you know who you are), kept butt licking the screw leadership and ultimately ended up joining them which is okay, but the not cool part was how they did that costing a lot of players and their tribes this world.

Oh shit.... ermmm... Oops:D
This is obviously pointed towards me and probably the RoyalE guys. Tbf in my defence and the guys from Avatar, being at a war for 3-4 months which we at the time had started to turn into our favour after Kirk finally allowed us to move aggressively and not just defend. Then suddenly we are going to ally our enemy and of to war with our Allies? All due to his own petty comments. Sorry but childish mistakes like that alone are why we wouldn't of been able to trust his leadership, sorry but true. What did you expect us to instead join a tribe we was at war with through early-mid game?

But yes, I did originally talk about/consider joining screw or setting up a end game strategy to join with Steve, however Patrick then became soul duke of Screw, I didn't even talk to him much back then, and didn't until becoming council or Avatar due to shared council chats.
As for creating a "ruckus", the only issue created that comes to mind was when I removed myself from Baron/Council at Avatar due to having issues being online and wouldn't have the time to be actively participating, and instead recommended London, Downzero or Bully to take my position. For some reason Avatar leadership took into personally that I had a real life and created it into an open flaming war on the tribal chat, of course my calm smooth comments, I won every time:cool:

Anyway, have fun collectinng flags, we will eat through these inactives and dead sits that aren't being checked. To those still playing, we will be here till the 100% Mark, let's get those flags;)

Nuclear Grade Calpol


Also I think the reason for Screw’s victory lies more in the weakness of their opponents than the skill of Screw’s players. However, those are two codependent factors so it’s hard to really know.



Also I think the reason for Screw’s victory lies more in the weakness of their opponents than the skill of Screw’s players. However, those are two codependent factors so it’s hard to really know.


How is that salty? Are you unable to take any observations/opinions that dont praise you at all lol

Considering NOOBS have world winners in their ranks and a group of friends that have played together on another world - NGC was a blow in to the NOOBS tribe here. He is diminishing the effort and time of his comrades (like or not - I respect many of them) Secondly he got rimmed because he followed a fabricated story from his duke and joined NOOBS. Hes a salty hoe.

You done now?


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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TFW someone gets triggered so hard they have to double post to explain they arent triggered :D


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"Secondly he got rimmed because he followed a fabricated story from his duke and joined NOOBS. "

Do I have to whip out the screenshots again? Sausage literally handed us evidence condemning himself (and you). You deny it at every turn claiming the proof is invalid, yet if you were presented with the same evidence of a traitor in your midst (or probably far less!) you would have rimmed them too. I mean, you rimmed someone for farming instead of commiting nukes to an op so finding you had someone in your council who had spoken with another tribes duke in order to orchestrate the collapse of your own tribe would probably result in the same punishment.... And I dunno who this Steve guy is but sounds like you cleared out your own Co duke so bashing us for removing our disloyal former duke is a little hypocritical - again I don't have a clue who Steve is so I might be completely misunderstanding what you are saying in that regard.

"NGC was a blow in to the NOOBS tribe here. He is diminishing the effort and time of his comrades (like or not - I respect many of them)" NGC put more effort in than some of the people you praised as he is still here and didn't dump his sit and run off (he ran off eventually but only when the account was gutted): "Considering NOOBS have world winners in their ranks and a group of friends that have played together on another world" as he is still around now and managed to hold off one of your biggest accounts at the time (Wosh, despite being a quarter of wosh's size or something ridiculous) for weeks after Wosh emptied the entire account.

Patrick, at this point maybe its time to drop the SCREW propoganda machine and be frank? Or is that impossible. I know it is a huge part of SCREW's might and you use it very effectively but... Anyway, like or not - I respect you as a leader but everyone on W93 is a bit bored of it all now.


I'm not sure about the rest of the above post, but I don't remember Nuclear Grade Calpol being a particular struggle to eat into asides from a few snipes. We were lazily attacking a lot of people at the time so it's a bit hazy. I'm pretty sure we got whatever we wanted off him within a few days, which is fair enough given the positioning. I don't know the bloke, but I don't think his effort against us, at least from my recollection, backs up your point so perhaps you have him or us confused with someone else.

At least on a personal level, our growth was stopped by an issue completely separate to Noobs.