SCREW vs. NOOBS & co

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
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"Secondly he got rimmed because he followed a fabricated story from his duke and joined NOOBS. "

Do I have to whip out the screenshots again? Sausage literally handed us evidence condemning himself (and you). You deny it at every turn claiming the proof is invalid, yet if you were presented with the same evidence of a traitor in your midst (or probably far less!) you would have rimmed them too. I mean, you rimmed someone for farming instead of commiting nukes to an op so finding you had someone in your council who had spoken with another tribes duke in order to orchestrate the collapse of your own tribe would probably result in the same punishment.... And I dunno who this Steve guy is but sounds like you cleared out your own Co duke so bashing us for removing our disloyal former duke is a little hypocritical - again I don't have a clue who Steve is so I might be completely misunderstanding what you are saying in that regard.

"NGC was a blow in to the NOOBS tribe here. He is diminishing the effort and time of his comrades (like or not - I respect many of them)" NGC put more effort in than some of the people you praised as he is still here and didn't dump his sit and run off (he ran off eventually but only when the account was gutted): "Considering NOOBS have world winners in their ranks and a group of friends that have played together on another world" as he is still around now and managed to hold off one of your biggest accounts at the time (Wosh, despite being a quarter of wosh's size or something ridiculous) for weeks after Wosh emptied the entire account.

Patrick, at this point maybe its time to drop the SCREW propoganda machine and be frank? Or is that impossible. I know it is a huge part of SCREW's might and you use it very effectively but... Anyway, like or not - I respect you as a leader but everyone on W93 is a bit bored of it all now.

To quote @Mintyfresh ...TFW someone is triggered so hard :p


Is any TW world worth the time invested? Really? Not really. I get another win with my group of TW friends and made new ones along the way I would play with again and spend the same time to be victorious again. However this is my last world(for real this time) so thanks very much to NOOBS for sticking around, other tribes would have given up sooner(and not everyone has given up even yet).

If you no longer feel playing TW is worth the time you invest in it, then quitting the game is the correct move for you. It's different for every player, and only very little of it is related to whether you win or lose.

FWIW, I retired from TW 5 years ago when I was about to become a dad, we'd just won another world, and there were no real challenges left. I was right to quit...nothing I would've done then was as enjoyable as W93 has been now, despite being abandoned & betrayed, surrounded & forced to go turtle, and likely losing the darn world in the end ;)

Here's a pro tip: come back as a foot soldier. Being leadership sucks in end-game.


If you no longer feel playing TW is worth the time you invest in it, then quitting the game is the correct move for you. It's different for every player, and only very little of it is related to whether you win or lose.

You have misunderstood me or I wasnt clear. The time we invest would be much better spent :p

FWIW, I retired from TW 5 years ago when I was about to become a dad, we'd just won another world, and there were no real challenges left. I was right to quit...nothing I would've done then was as enjoyable as W93 has been now, despite being abandoned & betrayed, surrounded & forced to go turtle, and likely losing the darn world in the end ;)

Congratulations on all counts except the betrayal and likely to lose...:S

Here's a pro tip: come back as a foot soldier. Being leadership sucks in end-game.

I tried to do that in w74 - but I actually think I can do it better than everyone else so I end up taking over*my cockiness is truly sickening*. Ricky will continue to play the SOLO- account and I may co-play at leisure but I already promised him I will never Duke again. Thanks though!


Non-stop Poster
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Some of us still play the game for our friends here, rather than for the game itself (no matter how enjoyable it is at times). I was ready to quit after i played my heart out in w74 for over 2 years. But since the gang wanted to take up w93, i joined too, to help out as much as i can.
Like when you go out for a beer with your buddies, you do it for the fun, not the beer, unless you're an alcoholic looking for excuses :p


Some of us still play the game for our friends here, rather than for the game itself (no matter how enjoyable it is at times). I was ready to quit after i played my heart out in w74 for over 2 years. But since the gang wanted to take up w93, i joined too, to help out as much as i can.
Like when you go out for a beer with your buddies, you do it for the fun, not the beer, unless you're an alcoholic looking for excuses :p

Same stuff here. You play and invest so much time that until some point you just get tired of it.
I quit after w72 and here I am, back on w93 because a friend of mine wanted to have a go.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
Same stuff here. You play and invest so much time that until some point you just get tired of it.
I quit after w72 and here I am, back on w93 because a friend of mine wanted to have a go.

Didnt i rim you on 88 though? Pretty sure i recognise the name


He's not the original GenCom. He joined like 4-5 months into the world and took over.

This is true, I don't know what happened on w88 and wasn't around to play.
Came from w69/w71/w72.

Won w71 with some of Noobs' players :p.


Congratulations on all counts except the betrayal and likely to lose...:S

First time for everything, I guess :)

I tried to do that in w74 - but I actually think I can do it better than everyone else so I end up taking over*my cockiness is truly sickening*. Ricky will continue to play the SOLO- account and I may co-play at leisure but I already promised him I will never Duke again. Thanks though!

My pleasure. Hope you find the balance that works for you...though I'm half expecting your self-described cockiness to get in the way here as well ;)


So this world is ending, Was a fun ride. I have enjoyed both playing with ya'll in SCREW and watching the world after I was forcefully ejected (Lol). But in the end I am just here to congratulate Solo for the great work he has done, No grudges (Heh) as I actually researched the entire thing and that's an entire topic for another day. Anyhow I concluded that Solo- did the right thing yada yada. :p

All-in-all well done to everyone in this world, It has been a wild ride and all the best for future for all of you. And I have enjoyed playing with (almost) all of you guys at SCREW, Wish you all best of luck in the future.

Signing Off
