Script Approval Process

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Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Dear players,

As stated in the game rules, all scripts need to be approved by the Tribal Wars team before use. Any script not listed on the approved scripts forum should be regarded as either unapproved or previously approved as a private script. If you possess such a script, we strongly advise you to submit it for evaluation before using it to determine if can be used without breaking our rules.

Script Rules

  1. All userscripts (greasemonkey/tampermonkey/…) or tools (such as extensions/browser addons) with similar behaviour are forbidden.
  2. Scripts can only perform one action per click with the exception of renaming commands, villages or report titles.
  3. Scripts may not interact with the Farm Assistant without specific approval from the Tribal Wars team.
  4. A script may not automatically send information or react to an event on your account.
  5. A script may not focus or click the Attack, Support or Send button on the rally point / attack confirmation page.
  6. Scripts can not send an attack on your behalf and may not be used to send troops automatically or with fewer clicks than usual.
  7. A script may not interact with the Premium Exchange.
Some things to take into account...
  1. Scripts that request data from the public information pages (eg. villages.txt) need to make sure the data is requested at most once per hour. You can use a local database or localStorage for this purpose
    • if you fetch them through a server, we advise you use the .gz version (villages.txt.gz).
      This will save you and us some bandwidth!
  2. Scripts that only fill in a form (without submitting the form/data) will be approved by default and do not require the script to be submitted for approval.
  3. All scripts need to respect the action limitation. Frontend re-namer scripts are permitted to execute changes at intervals of 160 milliseconds, allowing for more than 5 actions per second. This exception applies exclusively to these types of scripts, and no other script should exceed the rate of 5 actions per second.
  4. Scripts that rename villages or commands need to use the quick-edit label functionality. It is forbidden to do this through AJAX or similar technologies.
  5. Obfuscated scripts are not allowed.
  6. Scripts interacting with the Farm Assistant need to make sure the script does not keep farming when the keypress is not released (exception to that being currently already approved scripts at the time of this writing).
  7. Cloned and re-hosted scripts are not to be considered as implicitly approved because they are clones of approved scripts. Cloned and re-hosted scripts become their own entity, they are un-approved scripts.
  8. Scripts are not allowed to send to external servers identifying values such as player ID, player name, tribe ID, tribe name in any way, shape or form, with or without encryption.
  9. Scripts that adhere to all the rules may still be disapproved if the team considers them to have too big of an impact on gameplay. Do not try to appeal this once the decision is made.
  10. We encourage you to read this article, by @RedAlert , that can help you on your way to writing great scripts!

Revoking approval
To accommodate potential future updates, we reserve the right to revoke approval for any script if deemed necessary. In such cases, players will be provided with a one-month notice via forum announcements, in-game messages, and relevant Discord channels. Additionally, the forum post indicating the script's approval will be updated to clearly reflect its revocation.

Script Approval Procedure

In order to submit a script for approval, submit your script in this subforum. Make sure to fill in the requested, mandatory, fields appropriately.

Please make sure to check your ongoing threads regularly; It is possible that the moderator will ask you to clarify parts of your code or ask you to make a change before it is approved. Not responding in a timely manner will lead to your script being rejected.

  1. Submit your script, including the mandatory fields, here
    • Threads created in this section are only visible to the staff approving scripts (not the entire Tribal Wars Team) and the thread creator
  2. A script moderator or Community Manager will review your script and approve/reject it
    • Please make sure to check back on your thread regularly! More information can be requested!
  3. Once your script has been approved, it will be moved to the approved section.
  4. We encourage users to comment their code as much as possible. This makes reading your code easier and the entire process faster.
  5. If your script fails evaluation, the script thread will remain accessible for an additional week, allowing time for addressing any issues that led to the initial "rejected" status. However, this extension may not be granted if you are not the script's author, as you might lack the authority to modify the script's code, given that you do not own it.

If your script fails to receive approval, we acknowledge that you may not agree with the team's decision. Nevertheless, it is imperative that you adhere to team instructions at all times. It is not always possible to approve every script, and the rationale behind these decisions may not always be disclosed.

We aim at reviewing scripts within 10 days after you creating the approval request. Please do not recreate or bump topics if you do not receive a reply fast. Please rest assured that all approval requests are looked at.

To make the evaluation process smoother for both parties, please ensure that the script submitted for evaluation is testable and free of any critical issues that could render it inoperative. Such issues prolong evaluation times. Additionally, testing unapproved scripts on live worlds is prohibited. Instead, you may test such scripts on servers such as:

Please ensure that the description fields are adequately filled out by providing details such as how to execute the script, where it should be executed, and its functionality. Additionally, including screenshots or demo videos demonstrating the script running is recommended. This information is crucial not only for us as moderators but also, and perhaps more importantly, for the players who may utilize the script if it receives approval.

Script is not yours?
It is possible you want to use a script that you have not created. In this case, please make sure your script was not already approved in the past and take a look at the approved scripts forum.

If it is not, we encourage you to reach out to the script author to have his/her script approved according to the process. If you do not know who the author is, or the author does not want to go through this effort, you can request approval following the usual process. Please do give credit to the author (if you know) or fill in 'Unknown' as the author.

Your script will still be approved if it adheres to the rules, but we encourage script authors to submit their scripts as soon as they are created so that they themselves can take full credit for them and can also have a place to post updates and edit opening posts.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Updating your script

Dear players,

Please note that we have slightly adjusted the procedure regarding script updates.
As it became quite hard for us to keep track of updates happening to previously approved scripts, we have now created a separate section to submit them:

Please bear in mind that a script update can only be initiated by the script author for the purpose of updating their own scripts and obtaining re-approval for their use. Script updates should not be used to clone an already approved script in order to implement minor alterations and adjustments, as this would inevitably lead to an unmanageable number of scripts.

Please be aware that all updates and/or alterations to an approved script also need to be approved as even slight changes may make a script illegal! The exception to this are changes to script logic (eg. dividing by 10 instead of 100, using axes instead of swords, etc). All changes to interactions with the game need to be re-approved.

Use the above section to submit any changes you have made before pushing your script to the live version. Stick to one thread per script where you post all the updates, the script moderator will review the changes and post an approval comment once that is done. You can re-use the same thread, in new comments, for further approval requests.

Our moderator will apply a prefix 'approved' to the respective thread to make it is easy for us to filter out approved updates. This prefix remains after you submit a new update - you need to wait for the abovementioned approval comment before your script truly is approved. The thread prefix is not an indicator.

You will be required to submit a link to the previously approved script, which is located in either Public Approved scripts or, for the time being, possibly in Private Approved Scripts.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,
Your Scripts Approval team
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