Searching for an answer...


Before you read this, be warned that I am terribly stressed out to the maximum I can take. This was written in part because I need to vent my anger and frustrations, in part because I need to apologize to those I have been rude to in-game, but mostly because I simply can not understand what the mother and father said to me after my wife and I won our court case today.

So, a while back my wife Lindsay and I got temporary protective custody of our niece. She has been living with us for the past 3 months. She just turned 5 months old.

For the last month I have been involved in a heated and demoralizing custody battle over baby Ellie. It has been and off and on process drug through multiple court appearances and substantial legal and other costs. In this process, I have learned that the legal system does not care about a child's welfare except for two items:
1. They have to be fed regularly.
2. They have to have a place to live.

If you are the BIRTH PARENT:
Fed regularly does not mean they have to eat baby formula, baby food, or anything to help them grow. It can be as simple as a bottle only filled with water.

Place to live does not mean a steady home. No, it means you can crash at friends houses randomly. These locations do not have to be safe. You can living in the middle of the ghetto, in a house infested with fleas and roaches, with prostitutes and drug dealers living in the same house.

If you are the CUSTODIAN:
Being fed means they get the proper nutrition from specific baby formulas and foods, medical checkups, and all of their required shots and vaccinations within 1 week of the recommended time period. Oh yeah, since you are actually successful and make a decent salary, you no longer qualify for the child's government assistance. However, you medical plan does not cover non-dependents. Since it is temporary custody you can not claim the child as a dependent until they have lived with you a full year. So, all hospital check ups, shots, vaccines, and other medical needs are straight out of pocket expenses.

A steady place to live means you must provide them their own room, you must have a home study to ensure it is structurally sound, the atmosphere is conducive to raising a child, the child is properly protected from harm (i.e. outlet plugs, locked cupboard doors, etc), and the surrounding area is generally free of violent crime. Oh, and to prove this home study you have to pay somewhere between $4,000 and $8,000 depending upon certain factors. (We haven't received the final bill yet to know our total).

While my wife and I have had to jump through incredible hoops just to protect this child from her alcoholic, drug addicted, prostitute, homeless birth mother and a father who didn't care baby Ellie existed until he learned he could get additionally welfare from the government, they have had to prove nothing. After a month of this continuous court battle, I am utterly exhausted to a level I never once thought possible. But while this whole process has been going on... one question has continuously plagued my mind. It is something I can not fathom. It is something I can not comprehend. It is something that troubles me to the very core of my values and upbringing.

I have a very hard time understanding these things, but I learned them over the period of the custody battle:
How can a mother or a father look at a child as a source of income?
How can a parent only want to have custody so they can collect more government money?
How can two people with no jobs, drug addictions, history of mental problems, no place to live, still even think for a minute they can care for a child?
How can you not love your child?

What I can not understand, and what tears my heart to pieces is this:

How can you look me in the eye and tell me that you don't care if she lives now that you can't get custody back?


Merlin, Some people simply don't care about others aslong as they get their "hit". I know people like this, Always finding ways to make quick bucks here and there. Dumping their child at their parents house, going away for weeks on end and coming back like nothing has happened. Using their kid/s as a way to make money (Australia has a baby bonus) and single parents income. It is as though these people aren't human. They just don't care. The only worry to them is when they are going to get their next "hit".

I hope everything goes well for and little Ellie :)


Merlin, will not use your real name but I also know you know who I am here, I am sure.

I hope for Gods sake they keep that little girl in your custody. No need to apologize for posting what you did as you need to vent sometimes and we all have our avenues of doing so.

Might be tough but keep the faith. You have to for Ellie's sake.


hmm, that was quite honorable of you to look out for Ellie like that.. Its a good deed and im sure fate will be on your side while raising your new kid :)

Best of luck man :)

@BD: sorry for being an a-hole on the other thread. Like I said, I have a really bad time with "tatter tails" at my school :S


What you are doing is not only commendable, but one day this young child will be able to fathom the fact that somebody, if not her own mother and father, cared deeply for her. You are undoubtedly a self-less person to do so much for your niece. May God bless you and best of luck to you and your fight. It's going to be a long one, my "parents" who were actually my Aunt and Uncle went through the same thing with me almost 20 years ago when I was in the same near situation as your niece is now; it cost them nearly everything they had but I for one thank them everyday for their sacrifice. And one day, she will too.


hey Merlin, y'all know me : Not sure what some of the above post meant, i'm not too good with law and whatnot, but good luck with the baby, i know you'll do a great job :)


In all my various placements as a med student, Ive seen a whole heap of things.. many the kind of images that normally appear as pictures in those a-z of gross-out horror type injuries. None of them ever bothered me.

The ONLY case in 7 years of studying that truely affected me, and still does to this day, was a 6 week old baby. He had been admitted to hospital by social services.... He had bruises all over his body, the shape and size of an adult fist, he had finger tip bruising round his neck, and he had multiple brain haemorrhages from being repeatedly shaken. He was also underweight from neglect and semi-starvation. I emphasise the fact he was 6 weeks old.

There are some horrendous people out there. To his parents, he was a free house, and extra benefits from the governent. No doubt by now he has several brothers and sisters, and probably all of them are also in the care of social services by now for the exact same reasons.


Parents just dont have the maternal feelings(from nature not learned).
They are sick at mind and cant be alowed to get close to any kids if is noticed this kind of behaviour.


can i ask you one thing what country are you from?

and i feel your pain that sickens me as a parent to know that a child means money (i know somebody who is like this)
all i can say is they need help and lots of it, i would kill for my son, i would give all the money i have for him, his life is more important than mine i would give mine to protect it .

and take yours if you get in the way. can you please let me know your country but its important to me


Merlin, you are a hero for being a decent human being.

Some people you will deal with are certainly less than that. :|

I wish you, Lindsay and Ellie all the best.


Merlin, you are a hero for being a decent human being.

Some people you will deal with are certainly less than that. :|

I wish you, Lindsay and Ellie all the best.

Merlin, you are probably the person I respect most in TW, and the level of respect I have for you just keeps on going up and up and up. This world needs a hell of alot more people like you - don't ever let lazy, good-for-nothing layabouts get you down or get in the way of what you do. You truly are an honest, well-spoken and extremely kind & thoughtful person.

All the best to you, Lindsay and baby Ellie - I know with you and your wife looking after her she will turn out an extremely decent person, regardless of all the crap she has been dragged through by those unpleasant individuals who wanted to call her 'daughter'.

Good luck mate :)


Merlin... Don't ever give up on her. You are a hero in the purest sense of the word to fight this battle.

It pisses me off when the government through their policies create these situations, and unfortunately, you aren't the first, nor are you the last to fight this battle. They shouldn't put every barrier in your way, but should work to make it easier for you to provide the loving home the kid needs. Unfortunately, common sense is rare in the places where these policies are made.

We will all be here for you to vent to, for while we can't offer real help in person, we can offer you tons of moral support.


This sort of thing isn't just limited to America and happens all over, it's stupid that the system is the way it is but it doesn't suprise me when the parents who should care so dearly can only see self benefit from a child.

Glad to see you finally got custody over Ellie; we can all see the wonderful things you've already done for her and when she grows up she'll be so appreciative of them. She'll now never have to worry about growing up in a real family environment because you'll make sure it happens.

Wish you all the very best!

On a side note, make sure you get her into TW so she can co-play for you when needed :)


Merlin, you are a hero for being a decent human being.

Some people you will deal with are certainly less than that. :|

I wish you, Lindsay and Ellie all the best.

Yooo bro.. you know i could not find veter words for it..


The courts systems are overwhelmed, abusing power, undermanned, outdated and simply pathetic sometimes. I do wish people would listen with their hearts instead of going through the "by the book" motions. You, your wife and little Ellie will be in my thoughts.



im from england merlin and my heart goes out to you mate,i can remember when my beautiful daughter was born in 1989,there was this woman there at the same time saying that all her other children had been put in care homes,but there she was having another baby just to go into the care system,i wish you luck and gods grace in your fight for the child that would be truely happy with you and your wife,not a pound sign in the eyes of her so called birth parent


merlin there is no clear answers to the plight you are facing but as a person that has taken in another persons unwanted child you see the answer in there face when they start calling you mom and dad .. you see the answer in there eyes when they come home from school so proud of what they have done that day

for me my eldest child is not mine but is part of this family and will always be she refers to us as mom and dad even thou there is not alot of years difference between us and now she has a family of her own she will always be our big girl ..her parents didnt help to fund raising her they never ever paid one cent towards her upbringing but if i had to do it all again i would

what im trying to say is that the reward if you can get to keep this child is the fact that you can give this child a real thing they can never have without you and from what you say in this fourm it is love

for a child needs more then food and water and somewhere to live they need to feel wanted and loved and cared for so you keep on fighting for this child and you keep on being that person who cares because one day when you see her hug you and smile and say she loves you both ... that is the payment for knowing all this fight is worth it

regards to you and your wife


merlin, like nathan my respect for you grows everytime i hear of something like this. you may be stressed out now man, but the long term benefits, for you and Lindsey as well as Ellie will be so so so much more worth the effort spent.

this kind of story breaks my heart, but im also glad as its people like you who i look at and say to myself: God, i hope I'm 1/10th of this person when i grow up.

best of luck, and God bless you

edit: TW can be used as a kind of support group as well i guess :p


You know, I look back at everything and I just think how truly lucky my wife and I are to be in the position we were in. The court battle started on August 17th, and at that point, we had Ellie for 2 of the 4 months she had been alive.

We really hoped Kate (the mother) would get help. We tried putting her through rehab and getting her the help she needed, but you just can't help those who don't want the help. The constant fighting is just exhausting, especially when it involves family. You never want to drag someone's name through the mud, especially when it is family, but there was no real choice. I am glad that Lindsay's entire family (i.e. Kate the birth mothers family as well) stood behind us. They saw the problems and knew that child had no shot if she stayed with them. Heck, when we first took Ellie in, she weighed less than when she was born. Now, we have slowly brought her up to a normal weight for her age. She has really made up for the lost time, both in physical and mental conditions.

It still deeply troubles me what they said to me. I still can't understand how you can not care about your own flesh and blood. But, it also troubles me that we have such a hard time in such an obvious situation. During the last month I only focused on our case and our situation, but now that I look back, I can't help but think of the other children around the world who could be in better, much better conditions, but can't because of the costs to do so.

Thank you guys for your support and very much for letting me vent. With moving the recent move for the new job, being in a new office with people I don't know, and being so far away from my friends, I really have had no one to talk to or vent my frustrations. While my wife and I talked regularly, she had a much harder time as she had to turn against her own sister. Thus, I had to be the strong one and carry the weight for both of us. I think I did very well, minus the few flare ups, but when he said that to my face yesterday, it took every once of my being to not just beat him into a bloody pulp.

I felt like a brand new person today knowing the fight was over.
