Why aren't these updating?
Why aren't these updating?
Map is just wrong now, my dominance is 40% at least there now.
Well spotted Andy!!!!
and what can we do to fix that so we can all see what a pointwhore you are? Back to the good old AC days hey?
Keep chasing those ranks, it's good fun isn't it?
Hell yeah I am a massive pointwhore now.
But then again every village I take from anything other than barb is technically a war capture since I have no official diplomacy.
And yeah very good, better than sending thousands of fakes a day and defending thousands of incomings.
you always were andy
"better than sending thousands of fakes a day and defending thousands of incomings" - the essence of -3- . In case anyone still wondering why you've been campaigning for them with such dedication. When Great minds meet....
Right come on, admit it, who has sent a super nuke and obliterated the centre of W22?
Yes of course it is.
Me the guy who hasn't been in -3- for over 2 years now..
In fact I was in MJ way more recently.
(Your not exactly hoovering enemies up yourself atm lol)
How do you know?Me the guy who hasn't been in -3- for over 2 years now.
In fact I was in MJ way more recently.
(Your not exactly hoovering enemies up yourself atm lol)
How do you know?
I never claimed to be hovering or bashing enemies here. However, unlike the majority of your high majesties I never stayed out of trouble, not then and not now either. Unlike your quest for K domination my barbing brought me all the way across the world in search of good fishing ground.
Yes you the guy who has been advocating the -3- noobiness and cowardice for the last 5 months or so. I didn't even know you ever were part of them, but does not surprise me
Well you're not in MJ anymore, I thought you came to fight CoD, but you didn't seem to have the guts.
I have over 150 villages on the old COD frontline, and I've also got over 100 COD villages. No need to barb whore for frontline when I can noble enemies instead to build frontline clusters. - Is that what you're doing?
I've already got my k domination now and I'm in a position to actually hold off attacks from a tribe who own a nearby k not tagging onto another tribes size and moving across the world with them.