17/06/2010 1st noble
30/01/2012 today
592.8488 days
(2737 nobles - 403 self nobles) ÷ 592.8488 = 3.936923177 nobles per day
This is a totally false stat though, as szakferi is cleary not the 2nd fastest nobler in the world, because he is gaining coins faster than anyone apart from ahmed.
I prefer 38181.99174 points per day. Again though, this is a false stat as village builds effect this.
Real stat is 3.901472115 villages per day, because this doesn't factor in points or the fact that you are getting nobled faster than you can noble so are getting all your coins back.
30/01/2012 today
592.8488 days
(2737 nobles - 403 self nobles) ÷ 592.8488 = 3.936923177 nobles per day
This is a totally false stat though, as szakferi is cleary not the 2nd fastest nobler in the world, because he is gaining coins faster than anyone apart from ahmed.
I prefer 38181.99174 points per day. Again though, this is a false stat as village builds effect this.
Real stat is 3.901472115 villages per day, because this doesn't factor in points or the fact that you are getting nobled faster than you can noble so are getting all your coins back.