He died.
Riot and Revolt need to be family!!!!
Thought it needed saying for a 5th time :icon_rolleyes:
Anyone else finding these maps tougher to read now that the external layout has been updated?
Anyone else finding these maps tougher to read now that the external layout has been updated?
Yes, they're a bit smaller now that there's not as much room for them to expand into. Bit of a pain, really.
Pfft. Complainer. Like we've been told: the maps "aren't a big deal."
Updater needs to mark Noodle and Impact as family.
The more you deny the more you hurt Noodle's feelings.
So much rage I apologise for my frequent n00bness ;(Look noobs, just set the skin to vB4 default in the lower left corner, and the maps can be viewed regularly.
All these people moaning about problems that are easily fixed... get a clue.