yes its time for another LordKylar fueled Debate about [spoil]SENDING SUPPORT[/spoil]
right ok now there are multiple ways to send support
3 ways i know of but what iw ant to know is which one is typically the best way to do it
now dont get me wrong i use 1 of the methords i just want to know what peoples general opinions on this matter is because there are many who prefer different methords
so i want to know who thinks which is the best way and WHY?
method Number 1
Send All In 1 Go!!!
this method is where you send all defensive units from a village to another in 1 go
such as spears swords and HC (and for those who like the cats then those to)
so you send it all in one go so that the whole support arrives at a village in 1 go and is far more effective than method number 2 if you want to make a suitable defensive stand
this method is slow and if you send from multiple villages then get it to all arrive in 1 go not in different hours as that is rather silly
method Number 2
Send In Parts!!!
Ok this method i dont generally use unless i need some support somewhere and fast
this is where from a village you send each unit in 1 go
so send spears then swords then HC then cats if you use them for Def
this is so that the you can get some support at least at the village quicker that if it were all sent in one go
this is great for you log on and find an attack heading at you and swords just arent quick enough
but it does mean that it will lack a suitable sort of force to be able to defend effectively UNLESS other support from other villages sent seperately as well arrives at same time
this does have it drawbacks as sending it can result in you losing a whole unit leaving the village who owns those troops less effective if attacked afterwards
method Number 3
The Humble Pally!!!!
now we all no about The Humble Pally being able to save the day (sometimes)
he has saved me more times than i can remember
this way relates to Method number 1 as this little unit by himself has the power god and can make the fat ass swords and cats move almost at the speed of light except much slower at 6.33 minutes per field
this is a great way to get a whole village defence to another in the fastest possible time
great to make a good stand in that village
there is one major downside to this though
and that is there is only 1 Humble Pally
and he cant be everywhere at once so he shud be placed in a village that shud in a position that is on the midlines so that you can send from the midline to the frontline in a fast time
but as you know this is effective for the 1 time village saving
but is very ineffective at doing multiple saving in 1 day unless you have him in the middle of a cluster to get him where he needs to be all the time
so there you go people all sides of my debate
now i want to know who thinks which method above is the best way or if i have missed a method then please add it with its benefits and downsides people
right ok now there are multiple ways to send support
3 ways i know of but what iw ant to know is which one is typically the best way to do it
now dont get me wrong i use 1 of the methords i just want to know what peoples general opinions on this matter is because there are many who prefer different methords
so i want to know who thinks which is the best way and WHY?
method Number 1
Send All In 1 Go!!!
this method is where you send all defensive units from a village to another in 1 go
such as spears swords and HC (and for those who like the cats then those to)
so you send it all in one go so that the whole support arrives at a village in 1 go and is far more effective than method number 2 if you want to make a suitable defensive stand
this method is slow and if you send from multiple villages then get it to all arrive in 1 go not in different hours as that is rather silly
method Number 2
Send In Parts!!!
Ok this method i dont generally use unless i need some support somewhere and fast
this is where from a village you send each unit in 1 go
so send spears then swords then HC then cats if you use them for Def
this is so that the you can get some support at least at the village quicker that if it were all sent in one go
this is great for you log on and find an attack heading at you and swords just arent quick enough
but it does mean that it will lack a suitable sort of force to be able to defend effectively UNLESS other support from other villages sent seperately as well arrives at same time
this does have it drawbacks as sending it can result in you losing a whole unit leaving the village who owns those troops less effective if attacked afterwards
method Number 3
The Humble Pally!!!!
now we all no about The Humble Pally being able to save the day (sometimes)
he has saved me more times than i can remember
this way relates to Method number 1 as this little unit by himself has the power god and can make the fat ass swords and cats move almost at the speed of light except much slower at 6.33 minutes per field
this is a great way to get a whole village defence to another in the fastest possible time
great to make a good stand in that village
there is one major downside to this though
and that is there is only 1 Humble Pally
and he cant be everywhere at once so he shud be placed in a village that shud in a position that is on the midlines so that you can send from the midline to the frontline in a fast time
but as you know this is effective for the 1 time village saving
but is very ineffective at doing multiple saving in 1 day unless you have him in the middle of a cluster to get him where he needs to be all the time
so there you go people all sides of my debate
now i want to know who thinks which method above is the best way or if i have missed a method then please add it with its benefits and downsides people