Iron Brigade's winter is coming. Prepare the swords and sharpen the spears. The long wait is over. The three winter are coming.
Heimdall, the watchman of the gods, will summon the heavenly host with a blast on his horn.
Then a final battle will ensue between order and chaos (Ragnarök), which the gods will lose, as is their fate. T
he gods, aware of this, will gather the finest warriors, the Einherjar, to fight on their side when the day comes, but in the end they will be powerless to prevent the world from descending into the chaos out of which it has once emerged; the gods and their world will be destroyed.
Chaos also be defeated, but a new, better world will emerge from the ashes of the old one. Odin will be swallowed by Fenrir.
Thor will kill Jörmungandr, but will drown in its venom. Loki will be the last to die, having taken a wound from Heimdall that, although was taken at the same time as Loki's wound on Heimdall, did not kill the god of chaos and fire in that instance.
The new world will be created and then we will live from the new world.
But for now, we cannot avoid the inevitable, so we must prepare for the Regnarok!