Settings, Rules & Reminders


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Forum rules can be found here:
You obey them.

Game rules can be found here:
You obey them too.

Also, anyone thinking it'd be fun to spam the section into pieces because the world isn't released/nothing fun happens in the world will be sent, with alot of violence, into the otherlife.

Anyone thinking the language/insults rules don't apply to them will be clothed up in purple fluffy teletubby suits and deported to an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean without internet access!

That's like... All. Just behave, aight?


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Speed: 1.0
Unit speed: 1.0
Flags: Yes
Hauls: Yes
Paladin: With skills
Watchtower: No
Archers: No
Church enabled: No
Noble system: Gold coins
Morale: Points & unlimited time based
Bonus villages: Yes
Barbarian villages: Grow to 2000 points
Tech system: Simple
Beginner protection: 4 days
Tribe limit: 60
Other info: Players can choose their starting direction. There will be an attack and support gap of 100ms.

The world has a dominance based winning condition. Once a tribe reaches 70% dominance, the world will automatically close to registrations and the endgame phase will begin. At this point, restarts will be disabled. The leading tribe must hold their dominance for 14 days, after which victory is assured. After a further 7 days automatic peace will come into effect and the world will end shortly after. Only one tribe can win the world. An allied win is not possible.

Deleted User - 11252347

Well I gotta say ya done did good Mr. Jirki on the no WTs

But wow that's a quick finish :confused:

Messenger of Peace

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Game speed 1
Unit speed 1
Ability to demolish buildings Active
Morale Active (time-based)
Milliseconds Active
Fake limit Inactive
Research System Simplified research
Church Inactive
Achievements Active
Growing barbarian villages Active up to 2000 points
Bonus villages Enhanced bonus villages
Time frame for cancelling attacks 10 minutes
Time frame for cancelling trades 5 minutes
Night bonus Inactive
Protection for beginners 4 days
Max attack ratio (attacker:defender) 20:1 for the first 60 days
Flags Active
Hauls Active
Archers Inactive
Scout system The scout can report troops, buildings, resources and foreign units
Paladin Active, skills can be learned.
Militia Active
Purchased using Gold coins
Max nobleman travel distance 200 fields
Loyalty decrease per nobleman attack 20-35
Loyalty increase per hour 1
Tribe member limit 60
Account sitting Active
Account sitting restrictions Restricted sitter access after an account has been sat 30 days within the last 60 days.
Free trading Active, time restriction based on the start of the individual player
Ability to select starting direction Active
Victory requirements After 360 days, one tribe must hold at least 70% of the player villages for 14 days
Start date Nov 16,2017 10:00


Also, anyone thinking it'd be fun to spam the section into pieces because the world isn't released/nothing fun happens in the world will be sent, with alot of violence, into the otherlife.

That's like... All. Just behave, aight?

Just a few questions.

1. Spam as in? Making a lets count backwards from 1million thread or, anything light and comedic that is off topic?

2. Does this include epeen measuring between different players?

3. Does this include entertainment and bragging about one's skill?

4. How do I view forum notifications on my phone?

5. Does this include, for instance, clicking refresh a million times to be ready to answer posts immediately as they are posted?


Forum rules can be found here:
You obey them.

Game rules can be found here:
You obey them too.

Also, anyone thinking it'd be fun to spam the section into pieces because the world isn't released/nothing fun happens in the world will be sent, with alot of violence, into the otherlife.

Anyone thinking the language/insults rules don't apply to them will be clothed up in purple fluffy teletubby suits and deported to an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean without internet access!

That's like... All. Just behave, aight?
Jkiri getting hit by the inevitable gif war


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Just a few questions.

1. Spam as in? Making a lets count backwards from 1million thread or, anything light and comedic that is off topic?

2. Does this include epeen measuring between different players?

3. Does this include entertainment and bragging about one's skill?

4. How do I view forum notifications on my phone?

5. Does this include, for instance, clicking refresh a million times to be ready to answer posts immediately as they are posted?

1) Spam is spam. Useless content that contributes nothing or aims solely to disrupt stuff. If you want to make a count backwards thread, a "last person to post wins" or anything similar in the General Discussion subforum, feel free to do so.
2) Not if it's in-game related, or forum-related. If you want to bicker about who got the biggest car or the fanciest waifu, do that in the General Discussion subforum instead.
3) Uh, no. That's "Propaganda right there". Go ahead (but keep it within the rules).
4) I dunno, guess it depends on the phone etc.
5) Nope, go ahead if you want.