Sign of the Times


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Hey y’all!

I’m Slient (Chris)!

I’m an older player (been around since W6); and after reviewing the most recent worlds and maps, I’ve come to realize how much the gameplay of TribalWars has change, and in fact, has even shaped our own world to an extent!

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I am definitely trying to keep up! Way back when in the lore of W46, the world fully expanded to the outermost Ks of K40/K50/K49/K59 and war was such a prevalent factor of the game! The world to years to complete and the winning tribe,TSL, which I had the opportunity to both play against, play for, and later in the world, cosplay an account on, won the world by winning war after war after war. PP was a factor, and players, while strategic, played the game more for the war aspect, rather than playing for just the win.

I’ve played in scattered worlds since, watching as both the number of players have dwindled as well as the length of the worlds. My goodness, W101 was already won!

Furthermore into the topic, which is more relevant to our current world. Most of the top players will openly admit to the excessive use of PP and a majority of the tribes we premade with several sister tribes, or mergers have transpired to avoid war. We haven’t even breached halfway into K43/K53/K46/K56 and the world is almost at an endgame format in terms of tribe domination in Ks!

What changed? Are people still enjoying the game as much now as they used to?

I’d love to see everyone’s feedback! Of course the goal of the game is to win, but where is the fun in the win it’s almost at a discount? And has the new style of play poorly affected player rates?

Happy Hunting!

Your friend, neighborhood Assassin


Older player here as well. Game is definitely in decline but it's been like that for a long time now. W105 only my first back in a few years since W73 and I must say I'm a bit shocked about the size of the world and the general acceptance of pp use. Didn't realise it was in since W46 I was thinking a lot later than that lol. But even later it was frowned upon whereas now everybody's at it. It's still possible to compete to a certain level without the use of pp. Obviously if you want to be going for top 5 early on your going to have to invest at some stage. Inno aren't going to scrap this as the game wouldn't be worth their while from a business perspective as not enough players to make it back from just premium, AM & LA. I don't know how the world settings have been last few worlds but I'd love to see a normal one soon without the pp use, but then you mightn't get as many players on it because it requires a lot more dedication.

In terms of world size I think any hopes of ever fighting in K0 again are well gone. Personally I'd love just one last massive world but in general I'd like to see worlds a bit bigger but not massive because as you probably know yourself there's only so much dedication you can give to a world as it just takes up too much of your time.

This world is seriously lacking in wars it seems people are too focused on barb nobling at the moment but maybe this will make for an enjoyable endgame for those still around then. That's what I'm hoping to see anyway.

Don't see the player rates improving anytime soon unless they merge a few servers maybe. I think this is mainly down to how high the skill level is nowadays. You could be absolutely shocking back in the old days and still manage to enjoy the game and have a decent size account. I'd imagine its fairly impossible to learn how to survive for new players unless they've somebody willing to teach them all about the game and maybe spare a lot of time scrolling through guides on the forums. Even at that they'd need to be very active or else be willing to take on a co-player.
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I think Aaron Murray makes some good points. Imo the most important difference in the game is simple. It all comes down to pp. You can pay to win. This was evident in W99 with ODIN if anyone is familiar. If you’re willing to pay and put in the time It’s just a matter of will.

I also think access to playing strategies is more prevalent. Back in the old days sniping, tagging, and trains was to a certain extent only a skill for the advanced. This put a large gap between a lot of players. Now it seems like these are simple and expected. There are more in game tools and more information going around to level the playing field. When I first played TW on W29 I don’t remember seeing forum tabs for strategies with links on how to do everything. Now I could join the worst tribe in this world and there will be a forum tab with links on advanced techniques and tactics.

There is also the integration of a mobile app. I used to have to be on my computer to see I have incomings or play at all. Now I can have notifications sent to my phone for all things TW. The use of a phone is much more convenient than that of a computer.

Lord -Fac-

While not quite as old school as some of you guys, I do still remember the time before PP, playing back on w30.

I will echo Mintyfresh's words on PP:

Q: Why are you writing this guide Minty, why do you want to propagate p2w?!?!?

A: The premium aspect of this game is not going to go away no matter how much people whine about it. Currently there is the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. This is my way of attempting to level the playing-field. If everyone can get 20k pp per world then the playing field is effectively levelled again and pp becomes just another resource.

The game has evolved, and I really do see PP as a resource. Its obviously powerful early but falls of significantly later in the game, and there is still room for extremely skilled players to dominate wars.

I would like it if Inno did more w100's/ the current HP (without premium). But I will continue to play this game between those worlds because I really do love it :) Welcome back.

Edit: this is the article I was referencing:

a.K.a elmoo

Non-stop Poster
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Is this topic for vets and old school only :p

(cody, you still suck)

Players now tend do win, as fast as possible, so they can show off with profiles and achievements. We cant understand it, our goal is to enjoy the server and the game itself, but this rapid growth cant allow us to

I remember, back then, when we had lc rush, we look at the world stats, to see how many lc's in percentage we have, calculating should we build hq to 22 to decrease time for smithy upgrade, first noble, first train, first nuke...

As pals above said, we need to adapt and enjoy as much as we can :/


Non-stop Poster
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The game has evolved, and I really do see PP as a resource. Its obviously powerful early but falls of significantly later in the game.
Sadly this is not true anymore with how many resource packages you can get from events, which are monthly, if not every other week now.

A clear example was the most recent event, it had no soft-cap and I cashed out 250% resource packs from like... 5.5k/6k pp (and yes, this PP was farmed on 105 and spent on 104. No money to Inno from me)

My favorite time on TW was when events were on holidays, so you got 5-6 a year maybe. And before you couldn't cash out endless flag boosters & resource packages, because back then you got a lead with PP but it wasn't the difference between Tudadar at 460villages, and a non-pp account at 100 villages.


Non-stop Poster
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Are you guys forgetting how it was about 10 years ago? A time before scripts, mass recruitment, AM and other useful tools.

You would have to spend countless hours just to build walls. It took ages to build villages from the ground and even more time to recruit units in all villages. Sure it would not take long before mass recruitment was added and such but inno always try to make things easier.

I have been around for too long. Been playing all metas, even that strange one where you could defend a village with just catapults and a paladin, and been on the top on most of the ones. My personal favorite time must have been around 2011, where LC rush was still a thing. However, I was still in school and pretty young by then, I had time to do the LC rush start. If you guys remember, back then if you missed 1 hour, you were out from being a top player. In the forums there would be schedules with account sitting and the whole tribe would help out with farms. And there would be enough farm for everyone since the maps were bigger. Those were good times I admit that I really miss those times.

I could never do that today, with a work and all. Luckily the meta have made the lc rush pretty weak. Sure on w105, without paladin it is still usable but with paladin and 0,5 unit speed no player with a decent skill level would ever start with lc rush. On the meta today you have to handle PP as an 4th resource. You choose what servers to play and what servers to just farm pp. Even on the server you play you gotta play it smart, calculate. Check the pp market all the time to see if you can sell resource at an decent price, maybe buy it back later. Maybe you can earn pp by build an building at 20% less cost and then sell the same amount of ress you just saved on the market, giving you "free" pp. On events, maybe go ahead and buy some ress packages just to sell the ress in the market and get yourself some free pp. Accept the pp as an 4th resource and handle it as such.

Sure there will always be players with heavy wallets that don´t need to play it smart, that can just buy and endless amount of pp all the time. I sure used a lot of PP on w105, but you guys would be surprised to know that only a fraction of the pp usage comes from buying it. I sold millions and millions of ress every day in 3 continents, transforming the ress to pp and then the pp to income etc.

I ragequited tw for a long period of time when they introduced the pp market (not pp exchange, the one before that where you could buy and sell from others). I found my way back and adapted to the new meta. It´s different but then again, I could never be on top with the older meta anyway, since I don´t have time to sit 24/7 at the comp anymore.

So basically what I´m saying is, adapt to the pp usage or quit playing. There is no need to put a lot of money into the game but I do believe you have to accept that pp is part of the game and start figuring out how to best farm pp on worlds that you are not interested on playing and also farm pp on worlds that you are currently playing. There is a very good link to what mintyfresh is saying about the topic above. I would recommend all to read that.


Most HP rounds are what you seek but they are fast. You won't be possibly playing for more than 3-4 months and you will need to commit at them 100% since their high speed is time demanding.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
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Are you guys forgetting how it was about 10 years ago? A time before scripts, mass recruitment, AM and other useful tools.

You would have to spend countless hours just to build walls. It took ages to build villages from the ground and even more time to recruit units in all villages. Sure it would not take long before mass recruitment was added and such but inno always try to make things easier.

I have been around for too long. Been playing all metas, even that strange one where you could defend a village with just catapults and a paladin, and been on the top on most of the ones. My personal favorite time must have been around 2011, where LC rush was still a thing. However, I was still in school and pretty young by then, I had time to do the LC rush start. If you guys remember, back then if you missed 1 hour, you were out from being a top player. In the forums there would be schedules with account sitting and the whole tribe would help out with farms. And there would be enough farm for everyone since the maps were bigger. Those were good times I admit that I really miss those times.

I could never do that today, with a work and all. Luckily the meta have made the lc rush pretty weak. Sure on w105, without paladin it is still usable but with paladin and 0,5 unit speed no player with a decent skill level would ever start with lc rush. On the meta today you have to handle PP as an 4th resource. You choose what servers to play and what servers to just farm pp. Even on the server you play you gotta play it smart, calculate. Check the pp market all the time to see if you can sell resource at an decent price, maybe buy it back later. Maybe you can earn pp by build an building at 20% less cost and then sell the same amount of ress you just saved on the market, giving you "free" pp. On events, maybe go ahead and buy some ress packages just to sell the ress in the market and get yourself some free pp. Accept the pp as an 4th resource and handle it as such.

Sure there will always be players with heavy wallets that don´t need to play it smart, that can just buy and endless amount of pp all the time. I sure used a lot of PP on w105, but you guys would be surprised to know that only a fraction of the pp usage comes from buying it. I sold millions and millions of ress every day in 3 continents, transforming the ress to pp and then the pp to income etc.

I ragequited tw for a long period of time when they introduced the pp market (not pp exchange, the one before that where you could buy and sell from others). I found my way back and adapted to the new meta. It´s different but then again, I could never be on top with the older meta anyway, since I don´t have time to sit 24/7 at the comp anymore.

So basically what I´m saying is, adapt to the pp usage or quit playing. There is no need to put a lot of money into the game but I do believe you have to accept that pp is part of the game and start figuring out how to best farm pp on worlds that you are not interested on playing and also farm pp on worlds that you are currently playing. There is a very good link to what mintyfresh is saying about the topic above. I would recommend all to read that.
Evolution of tw..nice read


Hey y’all!

I’m Slient (Chris)!

I’m an older player (been around since W6); and after reviewing the most recent worlds and maps, I’ve come to realize how much the gameplay of TribalWars has change, and in fact, has even shaped our own world to an extent!

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I am definitely trying to keep up! Way back when in the lore of W46, the world fully expanded to the outermost Ks of K40/K50/K49/K59 and war was such a prevalent factor of the game! The world to years to complete and the winning tribe,TSL, which I had the opportunity to both play against, play for, and later in the world, cosplay an account on, won the world by winning war after war after war. PP was a factor, and players, while strategic, played the game more for the war aspect, rather than playing for just the win.

I’ve played in scattered worlds since, watching as both the number of players have dwindled as well as the length of the worlds. My goodness, W101 was already won!

Furthermore into the topic, which is more relevant to our current world. Most of the top players will openly admit to the excessive use of PP and a majority of the tribes we premade with several sister tribes, or mergers have transpired to avoid war. We haven’t even breached halfway into K43/K53/K46/K56 and the world is almost at an endgame format in terms of tribe domination in Ks!

What changed? Are people still enjoying the game as much now as they used to?

I’d love to see everyone’s feedback! Of course the goal of the game is to win, but where is the fun in the win it’s almost at a discount? And has the new style of play poorly affected player rates?

Happy Hunting!

Your friend, neighborhood Assassin

Things are much different now. I myself have hard time to adjust at the moment. I decided to give it a shot after a while. I originally started on W26, Bah, i think ever earlier than that i just don't remember the full details Bit i remember that i learned a lot from my tribe T4H (The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse) There was no such thing as PP faring to get a huge head starts or Loot Assist. Currently i hit a panic mode when i see a guy growing to a 1k point villa in just a short while. It's a bit hard to adjust especially with the newer units like archers and mounted archers etc.