Skype calling some Ninja Turtles!


Everyone is a hypocrite, we all call each other out on doing things we know we too have done a thousand times before. That is the difference between a mud throwing post and and intellectual one. Those posted by people like noodles or dread are substantiated with fact, and almost always evidence. Whether the poster chooses to twist the back story to it and tell white lies or not is their choice. Velibor for example takes a partial piece of information and twists the other part to his benefit. Alot of others do too, but if you get caught out it makes you look bad.

Externals are just who's is bigger and who can most believably lie for the most part.
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They are at war, but Skype are at war with Turtle. Yet they claim that they are going for the lipes of V.P. and C2. Turtle are at war with Captcha, but as the stats show, they are going for Skype. So they are being very hypocritical in going for the 'easy pickings'....

lol... look at the nobling stats there mate... the skype villages being taken are almost completely from Ninja and turtle that are located in the north... has nothing to do with easy picking and more to do with geography...


Although I have not researched it, would I not be right in assuming that the V.P. and C2 villages are in different continents to Turtle/Ninja, and therefor that is also about Geography, rather than going for easy pickings....


The 2 topics I do not look at, are the rating of the players, and the updating maps. After taking a look at that, I couldn't find V.P. (looked for about 10 seconds as I am watching Breaking Bad). but C2 are to the North...


C2 was part of the war...just because stats favor skype instead of turtle i don't see why they should not be considered a part of the war. All of the whinning turtle is doing over 4 conquers addition is quiet sad considering they themselves say that 4 conquers are irrelevant and then take the time to write 2 page worth essay over the 4 conquers. Dan C2 was a part of the war vs Skype therefore stats shouldn't be excluded and those conquers were done during the war period...i don't see what a bright mind would consider stats between beginning of war and end of it nonimportant...turtle themselves added V.P. and C2 to the war...Turtle even posted them joint on forums a couple of weeks back when it added to the stats on their that the stats turned around and Skype rimmed V.P. and had an edge on C2 turtle is claiming stats shouldn't be included. If you invited 2 tribes to fight on your end in your own war ingame I do not see why they should be removed in a post on externals...again...hypocracy which is easely see through.
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we never invited them both tribes came to us after you threatened them Vel... nice try... and no one picked out C2 alone... they were merely lumped into the same comments as VP... which just merged into your family... your taking the dead weight out of tribe you merged with thats not a war... despite you wanting it to be, ROFL....


we never invited them both tribes came to us after you threatened them Vel... nice try... and no one picked out C2 alone... they were merely lumped into the same comments as VP... which just merged into your family... your taking the dead weight out of tribe you merged with thats not a war... despite you wanting it to be, ROFL....

Last time i checked tribes coudn't add themselves to another war...then again in turtle everything must be possible...talking about going for the dead weight your last 3 major ops were on players which are inactive but i refuse to kick because they were a part of skype and will be until they're internalled...ETB 2012- Leeh76- ArseyXD ...these accounts make up 100 out of the 127 conquers against skype this month...and we both know they're dead accounts. You just don't want it publicized because you're

127-27 WHOOOHOOO Unstoppable

If you invited tribes to join your war vs Skype as a coalition instead of a 1 vs 1 confrontation then don't whine about people lumping you together on externals.
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+3 other players who wouldn't be added because their accounts no longer exist...We keep our internals with us so that we can keep track of our own kick them to hide stats...


So you're telling me you'd keep a useless account in Skype rather than ditch the dead weight? All you have to do is look at conquer history on TW stats and include "no tribe." But here I'll entertain you.

Bonedancer gave us a sit, we were moving to internal, then he came back on dropped the sit and we never heard from him again. Why should we keep someone like that in the tribe?

Tim was over halfway internalled when kicked. If we kicked to save the stats, why would we wait that long?

I'm Not Fazed - long periods of inactivity. Although he was a beast when active we can't just keep an inactive account in the tribe.

nava12 - seriously? Go to TW stats and look at the growth curve before we internalled him. Inactive account. Why should we keep accounts that go consistently yellow in the tribe?

davidbrooke I stated before. You just don't care about facts so you included him in.

143 only? LOL, JUST LOL

How is this player an internal when NO ONE from Turtle or Ninja took a village from him?

You didn't do your research at all did you Veil?

C2 was part of the war...just because stats favor skype instead of turtle i don't see why they should not be considered a part of the war. All of the whinning turtle is doing over 4 conquers addition is quiet sad considering they themselves say that 4 conquers are irrelevant and then take the time to write 2 page worth essay over the 4 conquers. Dan C2 was a part of the war vs Skype therefore stats shouldn't be excluded and those conquers were done during the war period.

No whining, just questioning your reasoning behind adding them when they are no longer at war. I guess since it's super important to include them in because you had a lead on them, and you'll do anything to get a better lead in the stats. Right Veil?

now that the stats turned around and Skype rimmed V.P. and had an edge on C2 turtle is claiming stats shouldn't be included.

Quote me on when I said that regarding the V.P. stats. That's right, I didn't.

Go on and keep eating V.P. Include them in the stats. Keep on being asleep thinking you're winning the war. There's only 83 villages left, you better hurry and take them so you can ATTEMPT to match the villages we are taking off of you.

Once those 83 villages are gone Veil what are you going to do? There is nothing you can do. We will continue eating you while you will continue to have little gains against us. You are delaying the inevitable and are doomed.


you yourself post VP forum mate... they came to us and asked to join the war...

and the second one clear shows that we joined C2's war not the other way around. Lmao Arsey was not inactive we caused him to quit.. then you sat him then supposablely found a player for the account then he left as well.. nice try though seeing as thats the only op Ninja has really done thus far everything else is just local player taking shots at your membership unless your referring to the Nuking OP against salute. Im not critizing you for hitting inactive players in VP while warring that would be a bit hypocritical im criticizing that they were ever really apart of a war with Turtle. and if you use that logic you should be adding... Respect and honor into those stats as well should you not?


C2 was part of the war...just because stats favor skype instead of turtle i don't see why they should not be considered a part of the war. All of the whinning turtle is doing over 4 conquers addition is quiet sad considering they themselves say that 4 conquers are irrelevant and then take the time to write 2 page worth essay over the 4 conquers. Dan C2 was a part of the war vs Skype therefore stats shouldn't be excluded and those conquers were done during the war period...i don't see what a bright mind would consider stats between beginning of war and end of it nonimportant...turtle themselves added V.P. and C2 to the war...Turtle even posted them joint on forums a couple of weeks back when it added to the stats on their that the stats turned around and Skype rimmed V.P. and had an edge on C2 turtle is claiming stats shouldn't be included. If you invited 2 tribes to fight on your end in your own war ingame I do not see why they should be removed in a post on externals...again...hypocracy which is easely see through.

You mean you recruited the majority of V.P, and if you had such an edge on C2 why did you agree to an NAP, i wouldn't agree to an NAP if i had the upper hand. So either you're a dumb leader or that is a lie. More conquers sure, but could you afford to fight us and turtle? no.

The point of removing c2 is because we are a non-participant as of present. We are not in the war so we can't be included in anyone's war stats, until we join a side again atleast. Then use it as you will.


As far as I am aware, from what we can see from those 2 screenshots, respect and honor are not involved in the official stats of the war. That's what Vel is basing it on, and so if they are not on that list, then no they should not be listed, although I know it's a point you like to keep stressing.


honor has merged into respect... there pretty much dead... and Respect has been doing vels bidding ever since the fall of there leadership and since sealrhit went inactive... loki is there current duke and is working directly with vel... i have seen there skype convo's...


I have seen Skype convo's with Trent and the leader of Cruel. Does that mean they should be added into every one of the wars stats? (won't make a difference, it's just unnecessary). It doesn't matter if they are close, if they are not involved in the war, then they should not be added. If you want to look at their stats, make a new forum and post them there.


you have never seen a skype chat of trent asking xmen to attack a tribe... and him saying yes then them plaining launch and landing times im quite positive of that, lol...

as well Respect was already at war with Turtle... slight difference...

Asylum Escapee

Its supereasy to tell as long as accounts aren't deleted (which is what they're shooting for) which case it becomes impossible to tell...On the other hand keeping accounts in the tribe until the internalling process is done doesn't change anything stats are visible and the only detriment is the lack of 1 extra recruitment spot which we don't mind...turtle does....if you looked closer I also excluded 2 members which are questionable in their eyes as not to upset their reputation just in case they cared (nofarms and alessandro)

(ps what they don't make up for in internals (426+3 unid'd + nofarms+alessandro) they do in barbs...Turtle alone = 285 barb conquers in last month...Ninja 131 = 416 which is actually a pretty good improvement because in the month beforehand it was above 550)

...another small correction...

If they were 4.75x bigger than us they'd be 102 mill not 70mill

Turtle has grown from some 58?-70 mill over the last month (800-900 internal and barbs)

Skype from 11-21... ( 400-500 internal and barbs)

If you subtract the growth in barbs and internals...tell me my friend...which of the 2 tribes seem to be more inclined towards the easy pickings?

The problem with my math comes from me not noticing that your academy is now suddenly a full tribe instead of a tiny handful of players. Seems you recruited V.P.

Another thing, your post makes no sense. Internals have no effect on the growth of a tribe. They are not 'easy pickings', as they were in the tribe originally. They can be a useful stat, but to ask what percentage of a tribes growth comes from internals makes no sense.

So It makes no sense to compare the amount of internals and barbs to a tribe's growth, I suppose you could look at barb nobling alone, yet even that is situational.

75% of your account's conquers are barbs and internals, so I guess you don't lead by example, now do you?

The first part of your post i'll ignore as you seem to be just repeating what I said for the most part, except for the bit about accounts being deleted, which also makes no sense seeing as you have zero control over when a dead account gets booted.
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honor has merged into respect... there pretty much dead... and Respect has been doing vels bidding ever since the fall of there leadership and since sealrhit went inactive... loki is there current duke and is working directly with vel... i have seen there skype convo's...

Actually respect don't even have a duke. Birds is but he has disappeared off the face of the earth and won't appoint a new duke.

Lokigod is a baron and is inactive, has been for over three days (in the forums for over a week) and therefor not working with anyone.
*ROLAND* is the only member actually trying to get some activity and direction going in that tribe. He is also a baron.


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If anyone wants to talk about meatshields just look at xXDEADBONESXx.

I mean seriously V.P. could have had a chance against Skype IF things had been better planned out.

xXDEADBONESXx is a pure meat shield. Skype needs a distraction while they continue to eat V.P. Remember, we didn't go to V.P. They came to us. I don't know nor do I care how xXDEADBONESXx was recruited into Skype. The point is this player was recruited for the sole purpose of being eaten by us. There's very little damage he can do in our own turf.

Your strategy of recruiting him isn't really a strategy at all. The people who are in that area of the core, aside from me, haven't even made a move on Skype. You've essentially just screwed yourself over in the stats. We're not stupid enough to withdraw support from the frontline, and we will make a quick meal out of Bones.

You only succeeded in delaying my plans for eating more skype villages at the frontline. The rest of the players going after Skype villages will continue to eat as normal.
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SKYPE - The Serbian Empire today at 05:38
Why don't you snipe any of the trains? - Problem solved...if they try sending anymore nobles to finish off the villages this will violate their own rules.

Guys there is a lot of stuff going on behind sealed gates which we can not release to general public for obvious reasons. However, Iam willing to bow my head down and take all the bullshit they throw at us to give our tribe a better chance of survival.

If we were to keep fighting C2 we would win its not a matter of if, its a matter of when. By the time we'd get done with C2 turtle would have gained ground on us elsewhere....

Turtle want this...they want us fighting C2 so that their players suffer no damage at all...We need to do the exact everything we can to keep the ceasefire there at least until Chip and Morrison are gone...once those 2 players are out of the way C2 will lose their bargaining power or what they can do and what they can't...they will either do as we say or be banged from both sides by skype and Respect without turtle being able to interfear.

Iam not asking you throw away your pride, instead iam asking you to save your energy to fight anotherday.

Trust in me just like I trust in you guys and we will endure whatever they can throw at us. You guys have suffered turtle's wrath for many months now and despite all odds, YOU"RE STILL HERE!

You've proven that you are worthy of survivin this conflict and have stayed allied to Skype troughout all this time knowing that there is something stronger out there than sheer numbers. You have not only shown this to me, but you have shown this to the whole world.

Respect deserves more than just a chance to hold a stalemate with enemies on multiple fronts...Trust in me just like I trust in you...You guys are winners, you have what it takes to become legends, all you need is an even playing field. That is something I may be able to provide.

If i findout that C2 is definetly going to betray the newly formed NAP and side with turtle I WILL WITHOUT HESITATION launch every single nuke in all of SKYPE on their ass. However, until then please be patient and bear this burden with me.

Veilbor is already planning on betraying C2. Yet if they even THINK about betraying him he will throw every single nuke at them.