Having read most of this thread I would totally agree with warmad21 this is getting close to a witch-hunt which does not make nice reading.
give this god BS a rest he is a player like us all starting to feel sorry for him with all the crap you lot are giving him. He has made many mess up's in this world but have we not all done that? why is he singled out you think he loves he odt why so would i did he brag yeah so would i was he the one to post his odt stats on the forum NO it was not.
No he's not a player like 'us' (who's us?) war. He belongs to a different kind. What mess have you made? Lots brag about OD. Not many drags others into their mess. If you feel sorry for him fine. I don't, I've seen too much of double faceless, self obsession, begging, and forum righteousness to do so.
Should Snap get all the crap he is?
Well for me no he is no where as bad as some in this world like andy jc why not call him a god as he is still deluded that Final never lost and that he was a great duke?
many have delusions and maybe Andy is one of those. Only Snapy called himself god. So it's him that call himself that, not us
Cinders great guy left cod for his own reasons just like snap left cod for his own reasons why does he not get crap?
(2 total different situations but same result being they left cod yes one wanting in to the tribe fighting its old tribe and one did not)
Now to that you will say because cinders never tried to join XXXX fair point made but that goes into the "LEFT FOR THERE OWN REASONS". cinders has his snape has his for being fed up of a "DEAD TRIBE". But can you blame Snape wanting to join the tribe he has been fighting for the last year or so? i for one do not XXXX are a great tribe cod is next to dead.
Yes Cinders never tried to join XXXX. Cinders didn't beg anyone, Cinders did it by himself, he didn't drag others as a shield and of course Cinders did not help his tribe collapse by leaving and getting others to do so too or made CoD the most unpopular tribe with bragging and silly ingame messages
The point is not blaming Snap fo wanting to join his great enemies, it's his slimy dealing, affecting others and going back on his extreme and silly tribal nationalism
Tbh your all like a bunch of lame ass school ground bully's and should be ashamed of yourself for being so. Yes in tw the PnP side always comes into with the banter but how far is to far well 90% of you have crossed that line and should hang your head in shame for it. now lots of the words i would like to say i can't so just think of what someone would say to a bully that was picking on a mate or family member.
I'm sorry but I have a different opinion. Attacking someone on the WF (is no different) than doing so ingame. Or is that 'just a game' and this isn't.Should all those in game bullies hang their head in shame too?
I for one love my little fights i have had with snape "WHY WOULD BE HE IS THE ONLY PLAYER IN THIS WORLD TO GIVE ME A CHALLENGE SO FAR" So i for one say well done snape and i hope you stick this out and go out the way you have been playing this world from the start with your head held high fighting all the way.
So again i say stop acting like little kids on a playground and show us everything that needs to be shown in game. like cinders is doing against mjared and owning his ass
I'm surprised that it makes you feel more mature being good with keybord and mouse buttons. Us kids would like to stick to a few word games as we never had a talent for milisec attacks
Personally I think there's only been a few players like Snappy in this world and he's the last of his kind, the fact that he outlasted those is due to lack, and/or intellingence ond/or activity....but most of all due to his chameleon ability.
I've seen Ywevis going Biserk and losing it, I've see Broly developing fixation that he's so Legendary he could stop the world by himself and A Ripfin who enjoyed being the 'unsusl' target.
Snap is cleverer than all of those. His 'niceness' has no limits and neither his begging.
I'm sorry that I find it impossible to shut up by such players and I'm sorry that you find it impossible to read about it. The solution is simple. Concentrate on your game without reading.
Or is it that Snap has enchanted you whith one of his 'victim' speeches. You won't be the 1st to feel sorry for him
Give it up your endless need to insult and try to get under snape skin is very old now see i am not like snape i don't give a damn what people think of me never have never will. But snape does do you think it is fair to try and run a player down none stop like you are?
Yes I do think it's very very fair. Do you think it's more fair to run a player down ingame by endless activity? What insult? Were you insulted in some way.
snape say's he is a god of w22 as a joke and you go of on one. How about Kingsam did he not say everyday he was a god of 22? herb same thing? among many others did they ever get the crap you give out to snap no they never.
I say it as a joke too. Joking is not his private privilege
I had a gong at Sam and Herb too and many other including tribesmates and allies. Noone spared. So Lets all joke together and those who can't the can refrain from reading and posting. How's that for fair.
Now you all keep bringing up the players that left with him how about you stop thinking and talking for these players and there reasons for leaving and ask them?
why don't you tells us?
Odds are they will say $CoD$ was a dead tribe we never got full support and we were just getting screwed over because they would not help in the war.
They can say whatever they like, but iI don't have to believe them and certainly I don't have to shut up like you seem to think.
Now go on try to tell me that would not be correct that the front liners were the only ones to do anything. sure support from the back inactives but they were sat by the front liners. So did the rest help none stop with nukes or fakes or did they just noble inactive's and barbs?
I see your Snap has convinced you. No I don't go along with this story, and I certainly don't clasify a players worthiness to be in a tribe or with me or with anyone according to how active they are. I've never been into Activity Pride or any other TW Success Pride. Snapy should have thought of those unworthy players when his was bragging about te CoD greatness and getting them into war with everyone. As I said not everybody can be a God
Tbh if i had stayed in cod i would not of stuck it out as long as they did with the poor state the tribe was. End of the day i cant stop you from being a bully and wanting to try and run him down but from the way the posts have gone since mine few think the same it is well over the top now.
No you can't. You can only complain of 'insults' while you are calling me/us a lame ass bully
MJ - I am not disagreeing with anything you said, we all have to suffer the consequences of our actions in this game whether they are right or wrong and it seems as if Snaperay and those that followed him are going to suffer theirs with the whole world now against them. However don't you feel you have made your point and made it crystal clear, so is it not time to back off otherwise you could run the risk of people feeling sorry for them making the outcome of your posts contradictory to their purpose?
And you have not been the only one to flame people in the history of W22. I naturally have not forgotten when it was BDeath on the receiving end of this kind of constant attack.
I would like to say though that I do not think I have "Bullied" Snape or anyone else at any time and if it has come across that way I will always apologize straight away.
I find myself agreeing with the Girls here.
I'm not bothering to argue anymore in this post, as the people who argue with me will never give in. I don't accept defeat, it just makes arguing for me a tad pointless when the person you argue with doesn't even pay enough respect to read their posts properly! Thus never being able to resolve our differences.
I will always hold true though, that I do not hate anyone on this game, I actually only Dislike one person.
Everyone else I can understand almost! hehe
I used to complain about the flaming, but now I more embrace it as part of the game.
I would like to say though that I do not think I have "Bullied" Snape or anyone else at any time and if it has come across that way I will always apologize straight away.
I have actually recently spoken to snape in game and told him this and that I understand his situation.
But what's done is done now and cannot be reversed
What happened to Lord of the Squares?
Original or current?
Is that a contradiction in terms?
I think everybody knows why
check other threads