Smart! vs Vodka

Deleted User - 4669627

all that being said, forgive the triple post mods, you know every person in w94 does...

based on the relative sizes of the tribes, even od hurts Vodka, to almost exactly the same level as their growth advantage helps them :|
in that regard, Smart! and Vodka are virtually neck and neck, but current advantage in this regard slightly to Vodka based solely off this, but a much more complex math

in addition to the above element, because of Vodka's size, NN would be more likely to work with them vs. Smart! than vice versa
however, because of their size, it could end in Vodka recruiting 21+ Smart! and becoming the biggest threat to NN domination
at current numbers, Vodka + Smart! are 53, Smart! has at least 6 inactives, Vodka has 2, meaning a complete merge costs them 5 active accounts
that potential tribe is very nearly the size of NN

imho, Smart! has the shit end of the stick atm, W94 should end as NN vs a full roster of Vodka courtesy of Smart!
but this is no spoiler to the Top Tribes review, by all means stay tuned ;)

whether i am a prophet remains to be seen, but i certainly see signs...

sobieski smart vodka billboard.jpg


Vodka Ace

Not sure if we really want any Smart! members joining us...
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