Well, this is sad
My RL has got VERY hairy recently, totally messing my life up (chances are its messed up my college place --- to americans, high school) and im having to push tw out of my life until it is fully sorted.
Ive been without internet for like a month now, just checking in every so often (im at an internet cafe >.>) to see how things are going, and today ive found out, that i will be without internet for at least another 2 months. hence, im giving the account away, and quitting tw
However, i do intend to be back in the future. so, id like to say this is more of a cya later than a total goodbye. I just, wont be able to play anymore
I would say more, but, cause im at an internet cafe, my time on here is timed, and i only have another 3 monutes on here, so i cant do shoutouts like i would like to. Or explain how the hacking happened. or lots of other stuff.
Cya guys, hope to see you all soon
OH and btw, were gonna need a new map updater while im gone, message nickjer to become one, you have to do this english test thing thats pretty wierd and took me like 20 attempts, so, yeah.
The 'hacking' -
To cut a long story short, the guy was shanggudoy. He was an ex coplayer of mine, who just, sorta disappeared eventually. We were both ex N~S~N, and i had played with him since... well... pretty much the start of the world, so i trusted him. we both needed coplayers at the time (see my noble history for the time i let him on.) i nobled quite a few of his villages to effectively 'merge' accounts. Because of the original silentfrost wanting to come back eventually (he lost internet access and was my original epicly awesome coplayer who trolled these forums quite a bit) he requested i never changed the pass from what it was, or if i did, to message it to him. Me being lazy, i only ever changed it once, way before i let shang onto the account, hence, he still had access to the account. Then because of my rl issues, i wasnt on to do anything (i think it all happened while i would have been at school neway, so i dont think i could have done anything to stop it cause it happened so fast) so shang was free to go nuts without anyone stopping him. Im just glad it sorted out so quickly
well, well. where do i start.
Keena - bud, youve always been there when i needed you. When your active, your one of the best leaders around, and anyone that says they wouldnt lead under you when your active is a freakin idiot
Andy - to think weve been in the same tribes for... what, nearly a year now? like keena, even when you ent been active, youve always been there for me, and i appreciate it. ill miss ya
Jimmy - If you read this ill be surprised as you rarely ever come on here, but if you do, you really need to learn to chill a little more. you take everything to serious

your a great leader and a great guy to have a laugh with, but tw ent the same as the army

meh, who am i kidding, i wouldnt change you for nething
Rudy - ill always be stalking you

oh, and thanks for that def a while back when bibdiblahblahvhjfserrlface went mad and all my def was up at the frontlines.
Bobo - Hope you get more time on your hands so you can play properly again soon bud. i know tw will always be a huge part of your life, and nothings gonna stop you playing it O.O
AJ - you have to be the most annoying guy ive ever met. You really dont realise to what extent some people dispise you but have kept their mouths shut cause ur in [H], or are a freind of a friend. However, youve always been good to me, well, apart from the name, booby, and the constant annoyance on skype, and constant threats to nuke me back to the stone age whenever i pissed you off (its fun, everyone else should try it)... i could continue, but i wont. on a lighter note tho, you have always been there when i needed you (even if you did mock me before you helped me...)
Hazad - Seriously. I have never known anyone like him. I would follow him as a leader ANY day, the amount he does for the tribe hes in, and even tribes he ISNT in is astounding. im just p*ssed i didnt get to know you before you did that favour for us in DE-FI
Coys - Someone get him to read this and post. He needs to write a guide on how he kills anything he breathes on. seriously. I dont know how he freaking does it. He is a monster, and what scares me even more, is his brother, dampkring, aka wisright. he is just as dangerous as coys, just didnt take over the account until it was down to like 30 villages or something rediculous.
Rsviper - i can say having coplayed you on w43 for a while you are one of the kindest people i have ever met. you are like the less annoying version of AJ.
and my time is up. id write more, but i cant. cya everyone. ill try to get on when i can
and and PS again, i CANT go on skype. this internet cafe doesnt have it