So it's time for 1984 as a tribe to say goodbye to world 50. It may come as a surprise to many and I thought I'd take the time to explain the reasoning behind it.
I've been running 1984 near enough the start. Back in the good old days the setup used to be Commando (Choccy and Horse) and SmeXy (Myself and Christy) running the show in all aspects of the tribe. Those times playing the tribe wasn't a chore, playing the game to rise through ranking was a great deal of fun. 1984 started as a temporary tribe. The tribe was created by Commando and we had three good friendly accounts playing in it dominating K32. We'd trash everything in our way, taking it upon our selfs to remove tribes just for the hell of it. Eventually we came to realize this was the most fun to be had in Tribal Wars. Friends were dragged from other worlds, while running into friends already here. 1984 decided to be a permanent thing, for the sole reason of having fun.
For a very long time 1984 has been the best place to be in tribal wars. None stop fun, in-game and on Skype pretty much for 2 years now. However we've reached this dreaded stage of waiting it out, dragging your feet to the final stretch to finish the world.
Back in the days of world 50 being fun the top 20 players was a good rock solid bunch of players. But after seeing some accounts reach high ranks you come to realize some things, activity has over taken the need of skill at this stage. I personally am a very completive soul in nearly every aspect in tribal wars (or anything with rankings in). I have no desire to play like I used to on tribal wars, no desire to farm daily, launch daily and so on. So I've come to the conclusion that I no longer wish to play this world if I'm not going to go all out and try to achieve my best. The world has lost all attractiveness to play. We had the opportunity to move into rank #2 when we peaked at rank 3 and didn't want to put effort in using the nobles. Even now SmeXy Hippo could move into rank 3 with a couple of million points clear of #4 but have no desire to do so.
Some of you may be wondering why 1984 must end if it is just my account that is going to be leaving. For the past year and a half 99% of all decisions for 1984 have been made up from me, all but two OPs have been planned by me, putting people in their place if anyone steps out of line. I have basically been running 1984 solo for most of the tribes life. It came to me that if I leave, 1984 finishes when tribe mates came to me and said if my account were ever to leave, 1984 is dead in the water. With Christys presence missing and me not leading things the tribe would fall off the bone.
Therefore I have asked one of our best friends on world 50 to do me a favor. Matt has agreed to accept any willing 1984 members into ODA as a final favor to myself and Christy and we can't thank him enough as well as ODA as a whole. I couldn't leave the world without the best guys in the game having a place to sleep at night. Best of luck to ODA, not that you'll need it.
I'd like to say the final thanks to everyone that has made the world fun for us. I'd love to name everyone but the obvious names would be Choccy, Horse, Alb, Rob, Patti, Wicked, Chris, Liz/Nic, Tom, Dave, Jackie, Rowely, Orsio, Matt... I could keep going on and on so I'll stop. Of course I'd like to thank my enemies too, without you guys we'd be bored to our wits end. And on that note, SmeXy Hippo won't be deleted any time soon and is being watched with 2k nukes ready build, be clever and don't wake a Hippo.
Goodbye Cruel World.
Much Love <3
Dan & Christy.
I've been running 1984 near enough the start. Back in the good old days the setup used to be Commando (Choccy and Horse) and SmeXy (Myself and Christy) running the show in all aspects of the tribe. Those times playing the tribe wasn't a chore, playing the game to rise through ranking was a great deal of fun. 1984 started as a temporary tribe. The tribe was created by Commando and we had three good friendly accounts playing in it dominating K32. We'd trash everything in our way, taking it upon our selfs to remove tribes just for the hell of it. Eventually we came to realize this was the most fun to be had in Tribal Wars. Friends were dragged from other worlds, while running into friends already here. 1984 decided to be a permanent thing, for the sole reason of having fun.
For a very long time 1984 has been the best place to be in tribal wars. None stop fun, in-game and on Skype pretty much for 2 years now. However we've reached this dreaded stage of waiting it out, dragging your feet to the final stretch to finish the world.
Back in the days of world 50 being fun the top 20 players was a good rock solid bunch of players. But after seeing some accounts reach high ranks you come to realize some things, activity has over taken the need of skill at this stage. I personally am a very completive soul in nearly every aspect in tribal wars (or anything with rankings in). I have no desire to play like I used to on tribal wars, no desire to farm daily, launch daily and so on. So I've come to the conclusion that I no longer wish to play this world if I'm not going to go all out and try to achieve my best. The world has lost all attractiveness to play. We had the opportunity to move into rank #2 when we peaked at rank 3 and didn't want to put effort in using the nobles. Even now SmeXy Hippo could move into rank 3 with a couple of million points clear of #4 but have no desire to do so.
Some of you may be wondering why 1984 must end if it is just my account that is going to be leaving. For the past year and a half 99% of all decisions for 1984 have been made up from me, all but two OPs have been planned by me, putting people in their place if anyone steps out of line. I have basically been running 1984 solo for most of the tribes life. It came to me that if I leave, 1984 finishes when tribe mates came to me and said if my account were ever to leave, 1984 is dead in the water. With Christys presence missing and me not leading things the tribe would fall off the bone.
Therefore I have asked one of our best friends on world 50 to do me a favor. Matt has agreed to accept any willing 1984 members into ODA as a final favor to myself and Christy and we can't thank him enough as well as ODA as a whole. I couldn't leave the world without the best guys in the game having a place to sleep at night. Best of luck to ODA, not that you'll need it.
I'd like to say the final thanks to everyone that has made the world fun for us. I'd love to name everyone but the obvious names would be Choccy, Horse, Alb, Rob, Patti, Wicked, Chris, Liz/Nic, Tom, Dave, Jackie, Rowely, Orsio, Matt... I could keep going on and on so I'll stop. Of course I'd like to thank my enemies too, without you guys we'd be bored to our wits end. And on that note, SmeXy Hippo won't be deleted any time soon and is being watched with 2k nukes ready build, be clever and don't wake a Hippo.

Goodbye Cruel World.
Much Love <3
Dan & Christy.
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